The Seoul ICM 2014 proudly supports 1,000 mathematicians from underprivileged countries to partake in the Congress under the theme “Dreams and Hopes for Late Starters“.
The Organizing Committee for Seoul ICM 2014 urges donations for the development of mathematics and expansion of educational opportunities.
The Seoul ICM 2014 is committed to offering a platform where disadvantaged but talented academics and students could reward themselves by absorbing new knowledge and build international networks with one another.
Your engagement and commitment shall become a pivotal step in broadening the scope of international mathematical education and academic exchange for greater good.
1. Amount of Donation
2. Methods of Contribution
3. Benefit for donors
Start at Fifty Dollars More Than Fifty Dollars
Credit Card Bank Transfer
Commemorative Stamp or Souvenirs
Will be Given Acknowledgement on Donor Page
(if agreed)
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The Korea Science and Technology Center 710 New Bldg., 635-4 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-703, Republic of Korea