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◎ Satellite Conferences in Korea
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Imaging, Multi-scale and high contrast PDEs |
Aug. 7- Aug. 9 |
(Daejeon, Korea) |
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Code KaAC
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Habib Ammari (Ecole Normale Superieure), Yves Capdeboscq (Oxford), Hyeonbae Kang (Inha Univ.), Imbo Sim (NIMS)
The mathematical analysis of PDE modelling materials, or tissues, pre- senting multiple scales has been a very active area of research. The study of the correspond-ing imaging, or reconstruction, problem is a more recent one. If the material parameters of the PDE present high contrast ratio, then the solution to the PDE becomes particularly challenging to analyze, or compute. On the other hand, imaging in highly heterogeneous media poses significant challenges to the mathematical community.
The focus of this conference is on recent progresses towards a complete understanding of the direct problem with high contrast or high frequencies, and unified approaches to the inverse and imaging problems for both small and large contrast or frequencies. Of particular importance in imaging are shape representation techniques and regularization approaches. Special attention will be devoted to new models and problems coming from physics leading to innovative imaging and signal processing methods. This is the fourth one of the series of workshops. The first one was held in Seoul (2005), the second in Paris (2008), and the third in Oxford (2011). This workshop will be a satellite conference of ICM 2014 in Seoul.
Invited speakers (confirmed) :
Gang Bao (Zhejang Univ.), Thomas Boulier (ENS), Giulio Ciraolo (Palermo), Josselin Garnier (Paris Diderot-Paris 7), David Gerard-Varet (Paris Diderot-Paris 7), Laure Giovangigli (ENS), Chang-ok Lee (KAIST), Hyundae Lee (Inha), Yanyan Li (Rutgers), Mikyoung Lim (KAIST), Robert Lipton (Louisiana), Graeme Milton (Utah), Jean-Michel Morel (ENS de Cachan), Jin-Keun Seo (Yonsei), Laurent Seppecher (ENS), Mickael Tanter (ESPCI), Irene Waldspursger (ENS), Jong Chul Ye (KAIST), KiHuyn Yun (HUFS)
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7th International Conference on Stochastic Analysis and its Applications 2014 |
Aug. 6 - Aug. 11 |
Seoul National University
(Seoul) |
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Code KiKT
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Kyeonhun Kim (Korea Univ.), Panki Kim (Seoul National Univ.), Gerald Trutnau (Seoul National Univ.)
The purpose of this series of conference is to bring to the participants an opportunity to communicate their recent research in Stochastic analysis and its applications, Markov processes, including jump type processes and measure-valued processes, Dirichlet forms and Analysis on fractals and percolation clusters, among others. The main topics of the conference will be (but not limited to) Stochastic analysis and its applications, Markov processes, Dirichlet forms, Analysis on fractals and percolation clusters, and Random walk in random media and on random graphs. These areas are strongly related to each other and have been very active in recent years. They occupy a central place in modern probability theory and analysis. The primary goal of the conference is to bring researchers in areas listed above, from all over the world, to survey the fields, exchange ideas and to foster future collaborations. Another important goal is to expose young researchers and Ph.D students to the most recent developments in active areas of probability theory.
Invited speakers :
40 min talks:
Viorel Barbu (Romanian Academy, Iasi, Romania),
Marek Biskup (UCLA, USA),
Ivan Corwin (Clay Mathematics Institute, Columbia Univ. and Institute Henri Poincare, USA),
Tadeusz Kulczycki (Wroclaw, Univ. of Technology, Poland),
Russell Lyons (Indiana Univ., USA),
Zhi-Ming Ma (Institute of Applied Mathematics, CAS, China),
Carlo Marinelli (Univ. College London, UK),
Carl Muller (Univ. of Rochester, USA),
Hirofumi Osada (Kyushu Univ., Japan),
Shige Peng (Shandong Univ., China),
Kavita Ramanan (Brown Univ., USA),
Timo Seppalainen (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA),
Renming Song (Univ. of Illinois, USA),
Horng-Tzer Yau (Harvard Univ., USA),
Tusheng Zhang (Univ. of Manchester, United Kingdom),
Kyeonghun Kim (Korea Univ., Korea),
Takashi Kumagai (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan)
25 min talks:
Hiroaki Aikawa (Hokkaido University, Japan), Sebastian Andres (University of Bonn, Germany), Lucian Beznea (IMAR, Romania), Tzuu-Shuh Chiang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), David Croydon (University of Warwick, United Kingdom), Benjamin Gess (Technical University Berlin, Germany), FuZhou Gong (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Tomasz Grzywny (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland), UnCig Ji (Chungbuk National University, Korea), Daehong Kim (Kumamoto University, Japan), Ildoo Kim (Korea University, Korea), Kunwoo Kim (University of Utah, USA), Victoria Knopova (Kyiv University, Ukraine), Seiichiro Kusuoka (Tohoku University, Japan), Kazumasa Kuwada (Ochanomizu University, Japan), Kazuhiro Kuwae (Kumamoto University, Japan), Mateusz Kwasnicki (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland), Wei Liu (University of Xuzhou, China), Jacek Malecki (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland), Ante Mimica (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Youssef Ouknine (Cadi Ayyad University,Morocco), Yanxia Ren (Peking University, China), Francesco Russo (ENSTA ParisTech, France), Shuenn-Jyi Sheu, (National Central University, Taiwan), Daisuke Shiraishi (Kyoto University, Japan), Yuichi Shiozawa (Okayama University, Japan), Shang-Yuan Shiu (National Central University, Taiwan), Jason Swanson (University of Central Florida, USA), Anna Talarczyk (University of Warsaw, Poland), Toshihiro Uemura (Kansai University, Japan), Zoran Vondracek (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Jian Wang (Fujian Normal University, China), Xicheng Zhang (Wuhan University, China), Dong Zhao (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Xiangchan Zhu (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
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Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Topology of Torus Actions and Applications to Geometry and Combinatorics |
Aug. 7- Aug. 11 |
Daejeon Convention Center
(Daejeon) |
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Code DSuh
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Suyoung Choi (Ajou Univ.), JongHae Keum (KIAS), Tomoo Matsumura (KAIST), Seonjeong Park (NIMS), Dong Youp Suh (KAIST)
The main topic of the conference is the interplay of topology, geometry, and combinatorics of manifolds, orbifolds, and algebraic varieties with torus actions. Toric manifolds, symplectic toric manifolds, and quasitoric manifolds show important examples of correspondence of topological and geometric objects of torus actions with combinatorial objects moment polytopes or fans. Moreover, equivariant cohomology theory and homotopy theory play important roles in the study of such topics. The rank of the acting torus on is half of the dimension of the geometric object in the above topics, but in this conference we focus on torus actions arbitrary rank on geometric object and correspondence of such object with combinatorial objects. We also cover geometric objects without torus actions, on which can associate structures of combinatorial objects such as Okoukov bodies. We therefore encourage people in the field of algebaric topology, transformation group theory, toric geometry, symplectic geometry, and combinatorics to participate in the conference.
Scientific Committee:
Anthony Bahri (Rider Univ., U.S.A.), Victor Buchstaber (Moscow State Univ. and Russian Academy of Science, Russia), Megumi Harada (McMaster Univ., Canada), Zhi Lu (Fudan Univ., China), Mikiya Masuda (Osaka City Univ., Japan), Taras Panov (Moscow State Univ., Russia), Nigel Ray (Univ. of Manchester, U.K.), Dong You Suh (KAIST. Korea)
Local Organizing Committee:
Suyoung Choi (Ajou Univ.), JongHae Keum (KIAS), Tomoo Matsumura (KAIST), Seonjeong Park (NIMS), Dong Youp Suh (KAIST)
Invited Speakers:
Martin Bendersky (CUNY, USA), Suyoung Choi (Ajou Univ., Korea), Alastair Darby (Univ. of Manchester, UK), Matthias Franz (Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada), Alexander Gaifullin (Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russia), Samuel Gitler (Cinvesta Mexico, and IAS, USA), Jelena Grbic (Univ. of Southhampton, U.K.), Tara Holm (Cornell Univ., U.S.A), Hiroaki Ishida (RIMS, Japan), Kiumars Kaveh (Univ. of Pittsburgh, U.S.A.), Valentina Kiritchenko (Higher School of Economics, Russia), Amalendu Krishna (Tata Institute, India), Mainak Poddar (Los Andes Univ., Columbia), Alexandru Suciu (Northeastern Univ., USA), Tatsuru Takakura (Chuo Univ. Japan), Svetlana Terzic (Univ. of Montenegro, Montenegro), Stephen Theriault (Univ. of Southhampton, U.K.), Li Yu (Nanjng Univ. China)
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International Conference on Quantum Probability and Related Topics |
Aug. 22- Aug. 26 |
Chungbuk National University
(Cheongju) |
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Code UnJi
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Un-Cig Ji (Chungbuk National Univ.)
This conference is a satellite conference of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2014 combining two series of international:
• 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Quantum Probability and infinite Dimensional Analysis (QP 35)
• 9th Jikji-Workshop on Infinite Dimensional Analysis and Quantum Probability
This conference will covers recent developments in Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis, with applications to Mathematical Physics,
Quantum Information Theory and other related fields. Main topics will include quantum Markov processes and semigroups quantum stochastic calculus, white noise theory, quantum information theory, free probability, independences, Hilbert modules non-commutative-geometry, product systems, interacting Fock spaces, infinite dimensional Lie algebras, infinite dimensional analysis, quantum field theory and other topics.
Scientific Committee:
Luigi Accardi (Università di Rome Tot Vergata, Italy), Marek Bozejko (Wroclaw Univ., Poland), Uwe Franz (Université de Franche-Comte, France), Takeyuki Hida (Meijo Univ., Japan), Robin Hudson (Loughborough Univ., UK), Un Cig Ji (Chungbuk National Univ., Korea), Yuh-Jia Lee (National Univ. of Kaohsiung, Taiwan), Nobuaki Obata (Tohoku Univ., Japan), Rolando Rebolledo (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile), Michael Schürmann (Unversität Greifwald, Germany), kalyan B. Sinha (J.N. Center for Advanced Scientific Research, India)
Local Organizing Committee:
Abdessatar Barhoumi (Sousse Univ., Tunisia), Jaeseong Heo (Hanyang Univ., Korea), Hun Hee Lee (Seoul National Univ., Korea), Hyun Jae Yoo (Hankyong National Univ., Korea)
Plenary/Invited Speakers(Confirmed):
Luigi Accardi (Universita di Rome Tot Vergata, Italy),
Marek Bozejko (Wroclaw Univ., Poland),
Franco Fagnola (Politecnico di Milano, Italy),
Uwe Franz (Universite de Franche-Comte, France),
Takeyuki Hida (Meijo Univ., Japan),
Robin Hudson (Loughborough Univ., UK),
Un Cig Ji (Chungbuk National Univ., Korea),
Yuh-Jia Lee (National Univ. of Kaohsiung, Taiwan),
Nobuaki Obata (Tohoku Univ., Japan),
Rolando Rebolledo (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile),
Michael Schurmann (Universitat Greifwald, Germany),
Roland Speicher (Universität des Saarlandes, Germany),
Kalyan B. Sinha (J.N. Center for Advanced Scientific Research, India),
Dan-Virgil Voiculescu (Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA)
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Classification Theory |
Aug. 6 - Aug. 9 |
(Daejeon) |
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Code BKim
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Byunghan Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
Classification theory is one of major themes in model theory supplying uniform points of views for understanding algebraic or analytic mathematical structures in the same class. As model theory is a branch of mathematical logic, logical points of views to the structures are newly provided in addition to their own mathematical natures. The most intensively studied class of structures is stable structures such as modules, differential fields; and such study is called `stability theory’. As is well-known stability theory has strong applicational impacts towards geometry and number theory. The conference mainly focuses on the recent developments of classification theory. Classically important classes such as stable, simple, or o-mimimal structures will be the themes. Additional topics of the conference includes (but not limited to): NIP, NTP1, NTP2, and rosy structures; new techniques such as dp-rank, VC-density, Keisler measure, and homology group computation; and their applications.
Organizing Committee:
Byunghan Kim(Yonsei University, Korea),
Anand Pillay (University of Notre Dame, USA),
Zoe Chatzidakis(University of Paris VII, France),
Frank O. Wagner (University of Lyon, France),
Thomas Scanlon (University of California, Berkeley, USA),
Alf Onshuus (University of the Andes, Colombia)
Invited Speakers:
Thomas Scanlon, University of Caifornia, Berkeley, USA
Will Boney, University of Illinois-Chicago, USA
Zoe Chatzidakis, CNRS - Universite Paris Diderot, France
Artem Chernikov, IMJ - Paris 7, France
Jan Dobrowolski, Uniwersytet Wroclawski, Poland
James Freitag, University of California, Berkeley, USA
John Goodrick, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Asa Hirvonen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Koichiro Ikeda, Hosei University, Japan
Adi Jarden, Ariel University, Israel
Hunter Johnson, John Jay College, CUNY, USA
Byunghan Kim, Yonsei University, Korea
SunYoung Kim, Yonsei University, Korea
Alexei Kolesnikov, Towson University, USA
Krzysztof Krupinski, Uniwersytet Wroclawski, Poland
Junguk Lee, Yonsei University, Korea
Amador Martin-Pizarro, CNRS Universite de Lyon, France
Itay Kaplan, Hebrew University, Israel
Alf Onshuus, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Anand Pillay, University of Notre Dame, USA
Tomasz Rzepecki, Uniwersytet Wrocawski, Poland
Yevgeniy Vasilyev, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Ziv Shami, Ariel University, Israel
Dmitry Sustretov, Hebrew University, Israel
Predrag Tanovic, Mathematical Institute SANU and Faculty of Mathematics,
Belgrade, Serbia
Akito Tsuboi, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Sebastien Vasey, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Frank Wagner, Universit Lyon 1, France
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Operator Algebras and Applications |
Aug. 8 - Aug. 12 |
(Jecheon) |
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Code SKye
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Seung-Hyeok Kye (Seoul National Univ.)
This satellite conference will focus on the theory of operator algebras including von Neumann algebras, C*-algebras, operator spaces/systems, and operator theory. The topics also include various related subjects; abstract harmonic analysis, free probability, noncommutative geometry, mathematical physics, etc.
Plenary Speakers:
Carl Cowen (West Lafayette), Joachim Cuntz (Münster), Raul Curto (Iowa City), George Elliott (Toronto), Uffe Haagerup (København), Adrian Ioana (San Diego), Vaughan Jones (Vanderbilt), Marius Junge (Urbana), Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (Tokyo), Huaxin Lin (Eugene), Narutaka Ozawa (Kyoto), Gilles Pisier (Paris, Texas A&M), Mikael Rørdam (København), Zhong-Jin Ruan (Urbana), Yasuhiko Sato (Kyoto), Roland Speicher (Saarbrücken), Jan Stochel (Kraków), Andrew Toms (West Lafayette), Stefaan Vaes (Leuven), Dan Voiculescu (Berkeley), Wilhelm Winter (Münster), Guoliang Yu (Texas A&M)
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Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Algebraic and Complex Geometry |
Aug. 6 - Aug. 10 |
Daejeon Convention Center
(Daejeon) |
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Code K4LP
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) JongHae Keum (Chair, KIAS), Young-Hoon Kiem (Seoul National University), Seonja Kim (Chungwoon University), Sijong Kwak (KAIST), Yongnam Lee (KAIST), Jihun Park (IBS & POSTECH)
Scientific Committee:
Arnaud Beauville (Université Nice, France), Fabrizio Catanese (Universität Bayreuth & KIAS, Germany), David Eisenbud (MSRI, USA), Yujiro Kawamata (University of Tokyo, Japan), JongHae Keum (KIAS, Korea), János Kollár (Princeton University, USA), Robert Lazarsfeld (Stony Brook University, USA), Jun Li (Stanford University, USA), Eduard Looijenga (MSC Tsinghua University Beijing & Universiteit Utrecht), Miles Reid (University of Warwick & KIAS)
4 Sessions with contact person:
Session 1) Computational Geometry and Projective Geometry (Sijong Kwak)
Session 2) Surfaces and Curves (Seonja Kim, Yongnam Lee)
Session 3) Higher dimensional Varieties (Jihun Park)
Session 4) Moduli (Young-Hoon Kiem)
Invited Speakers:
Thomas Scanlon (University of Caifornia, Berkeley, USA)
Will Boney (University of Illinois-Chicago, USA)
Zoe Chatzidakis (CNRS - Universite Paris Diderot, France)
Artem Chernikov (IMJ - Paris 7, France)
Jan Dobrowolski (Uniwersytet Wroclawski, Poland)
James Freitag (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
John Goodrick (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
Asa Hirvonen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Koichiro Ikeda (Hosei University, Japan)
Adi Jarden (Ariel University, Israel)
Hunter Johnson (John Jay College, CUNY, USA)
Byunghan Kim (Yonsei University, Korea)
SunYoung Kim (Yonsei University, Korea)
Alexei Kolesnikov (Towson University, USA)
Krzysztof Krupinski (Uniwersytet Wroclawski, Poland)
Junguk Lee (Yonsei University, Korea)
Amador Martin-Pizarro (CNRS Universite de Lyon, France)
Itay Kaplan (Hebrew University, Israel)
Alf Onshuus (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)
Anand Pillay (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Tomasz Rzepecki (Uniwersytet Wrocawski, Poland)
Yevgeniy Vasilyev (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
Ziv Shami (Ariel University, Israel)
Dmitry Sustretov (Hebrew University, Israel)
Predrag Tanovic (Mathematical Institute SANU and Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Serbia)
Akito Tsuboi (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Sebastien Vasey (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Frank Wagner (Universit Lyon 1, France)
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ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Integral Quadratic Forms and Related Topics |
Aug. 7 - Aug. 11 |
Hotel Hyundai
(Gyeongju) |
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Code MKim
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Wai Kiu Chan (Wesleyan Univ.), Myung-Hwan Kim (Seoul National Univ.), Byeong-Kweon Oh (Seoul National Univ.), Rudolf Scharlau (Technische Univrsität Dortmund), Rainer Schulze-Pillot (Universität des Saarlandes)
The focus of this conference will be the arithmetic theory of quadratic forms and lattices, although related areas are also welcome. The modern theory of quadratic forms has connections with a broad spectrum of mathematical areas including number theory, geometry, and combinatorics. This conference will bring people up-to-date on research and open problems in representation theory of integral quadratic forms and structure theory of lattices.
Invited Speakers:
Byung Moon Kim (Gangneung-Wonju National)
Poosung Park(Kyungnam)
Ji-Young Kim (Seoul National)
Fei Xu (Capital Normal)
Takao Watanabe (Osaka)
Manabu Murata
Dasheng Wei (München)
Rainer Dietmann (London)
Marcus Kirschmer (Aachen)
Siegfried Böcherer (Mannheim)
Achill Schuermann (Rostock)
Stefan Kühnlein (Karlsruhe)
Juan Cervino (Heidelberg)
Peter Zeiner (Bielefeld)
Guillermo Mantilla-Soler (Lausanne)
David Lorch (Aachen)
Marc Zimmermann (Dortmund)
Maria Ines Icaza (Talca)
Andrew Earnest (Southern Illinois)
Lenny Fukshansky (Claremont McKenna)
Benjamin Linowitz (Michigan)
Sungmun Cho (Toronto)
Luis Arenas-Carmona (Chile)
Emilio Lauret (Cordoba)
John Voight (Dartmouth)
Alexander Berkovich (Florida)
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ILAS (International Linear Algebra Society) 2014 |
Aug. 6 - Aug. 9 |
Sungkyunkwan University
(Seoul) |
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Code HwLe
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Suk-Geun Hwang (Kyungpook National Univ.), Sang-Gu Lee (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Code MKim
Approval Status CA
Organizer(s) Wai Kiu Chan (Wesleyan Univ.), Myung-Hwan Kim (Seoul National Univ.), Byeong-Kweon Oh (Seoul National Univ.), Rudolf Scharlau (Technische Univrsität Dortmund), Rainer Schulze-Pillot (Universität des Saarlandes)
The International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) Conference is held every one or two years from the first meeting in 1989 at Provo, Utah, USA. The conference has provided a broad view of the state of the art in both theoretical, applied linear algebra through invited lectures, minisymposia, and contributed talks. We expect that more than 200 internationally renound math professors from all over the world will attend this ILAS2014 Conference. This conference will be structured around a number of themes for solidarity in Linear Algebra. Each of those themes will be combined with a mini-symposium. Themes selected will include Linear Algebra, Numerical Linear Algebra, Total Positivity, Approximation Algorithms, Matrix Polynomials, Quantum Computation, Matrices and Graph Theory, Random Matrix, Symbolic Matrix Algorithms, Matrices and Orthogonal Polynomials, Multilinear Algebra and Tensor Decompositions, Eigenvalue Problems, Structured Matrix, etc. There will also be some special lectures such as LAMA Lecture, ILAS Education Lecture, Hans Schneider prize speaker, LAA Lecture, SIAM Lecture, and Keynote Banquet Speaker.
Plenary Speakers:
Ravindra Bapat (Indian Statistical Institute, India), Peter Benner (Chemnitz Univ. of Technology, Germany), Dario Bini (Unive. of Pisa, Italy), Ljiljana Cvetkovic (Univ. of Novi Sad, Servia), Shaun Fallat (Univ. of Regina, Canada), Andreas Frommer (Univ. of Wuppertal, Germany) *sponsored speaker: Stephane Gaubert (École Polytechnique, France) , Chi-Kwong Li (College of William and Mary, USA), Yongdo Lim (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea), Panos Psarrakos (National Technical Univ. of Athens , Greece), Vladimir Sergeichuk (Institute of Mathematics NSA, Ukraine), Bernd Sturmfels (Univ. of California-Berkeley, USA), Tin-Yau Tam (Auburn Univ., USA)
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ICM 2014 satellite Conference International Workshop on Computational Mathematics
-Advances in Computational PDEs |
Aug. 9 -Aug. 12 |
Yonsei University
(Seoul) |
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Code CaGP
Approval Status FA
Organizing Committee Carsten Carstensen (Humboldt Univ. of Berlin, Germany), Max Gunzburger (Florida State Univ., USA), Eun-Jae Park (Yonsei Univ., Korea)
Local Organizing Committee Eunjung Lee (Yonsei University, Korea), Hyung-Chun Lee (Ajou University, Korea), Jeehyun Lee (Yonsei University, Korea)
As a CSE conference series, we are organizing International Workshop on Computational Mathematics - Advances in Computational PDEs during August 9-12, 2014. The workshop aims to provide a platform to disseminate recent developments in finite element methods and related methods for various PDEs, enable in-depth technical discussions on a wide variety of major computational efforts in science and engineering, and foster the interdisciplinary culture required to meet recent challenges in CSE. Further, it is planned to provide a good exposure for students and young researchers and encourage them to pursue their research career in these areas.
Invited Speakers:
Todd Arbogast (Austin, USA),
Sue Brenner (Louisiana State University, USA),
Xiao-Chuan Cai (Boulder, USA),
Carsten Carstensen (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany),
Zhiming Chen (Beijing, China),
Eric Chung (Hong Kong),
Qiang Du (Penn state, USA) ,
Alexandre Ern (Paris, France),
Max Gunzburger (Florida State University-Tallahassee, USA)*,
Xiaoming He (Missouri, USA) ,
Lili Ju (South Carolina, USA),
Young-Ju Lee (Rutgers, USA),
Ivan Yotov (University of Pittsburgh, USA),
Amiya Pani (IIT-Bombay, India),
Shuyu Sun (KAUST, Saudi Arabia),
Mary Wheeler (Austin, USA)
*to be confirmed
11 |
Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Geometric Group Theory & Geometric Structures |
Aug. 7 - Aug. 12 |
(Daejeon) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizing Committee Suhyoung Choi (KAIST), Inkang Kim (KIAS), Sang-hyun Kim (KAIST), Kihyoung Ko (KAIST), Thomas Koberda (Yale Univ.), Seonhee Lim (Seoul National Univ.)
This conference will cover various topics in the interplays between geometric group theory and geometric structures. The topics in geometric structures will include discrete subgroups of Lie groups, hyperbolic geometry, Teichmüller theory and representation varieties. In geometric group theory, the topics will include bounded cohomology, automorphisms of free and surface groups and the structures of hyperbolic and CAT(0) groups.
Plenary Speakers:
*Yves Benoist (Université Paris-Sud), Mladen Bestvina (Univ. of Utah), Michelle Bucher-Karlsson (Université de Genève), Marc Burger (ETH), Ruth Charney (Brandeis), Daryl Cooper (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara), Patrick Foulon (Université de Strasbourg), Koji Fujiwara (Kyoto Univ.), *William Goldman (Univ. of Maryland), Ursula Hamenstädt (Universität Bonn), Alessandra Iozzi (ETH), Jeremy Kahn (Brown), Vladimir Markovic (Caltech), Shahar Mozes (Hebrew), *Dennis Osin (Vanderbilt), *Joan Porti (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), *Alan Reid (Univ. of Texas at Austin), Mark Sapir (Vanderbilt), Karen Vogtmann (Cornell), *Anna Wienhard (Princeton), *Dani Wise (McGill)
* to be confirmed.
12 |
ICWM 2014 (International Congress of Women Mathematicians) |
Aug. 12, Aug. 14 |
Ewha Womans University(12th), COEX(14th) |
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Code SNoh
Approval Status FA
Local organizing Committee Sunsook Noh (Chair), Sejeong Bang, YoungJu Choie, Hyung Ju Hwang, Bo-Hae Im, Moonja Jeong, Jeongwook Kim, Kiwon Kim, Rae Young Kim, Seong-A Kim, Ohnam Kwon, Seiran Kwon, Eungung Lee, Yoonjin Lee
ICWM2014( will take place in Seoul at August 12 and 14, 2014 right before the ICM2014. The purpose of ICWM2014 is to provide a chance to meet women mathematicians from all over the world and to hear about their researches. It is hoped to contribute to the development and diffusion of technology in mathematics and expand the base of women in mathematics.
Invited Speakers:
Laura DeMarco (Univ. of Illinois, USA),
Isabel Dotti (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina),
Jaya Iyer (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, C.I.T. Campus, India),
Motoko Kotani (Tohoku University, Japan),
Hee Oh (Yale University, USA),
Gabriella Tarantello (Univ. Rome, Italy),
Donna Testerman (EPFL-SB-MATHGEOM-GR-TES, Switzerland)
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Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference: 9th Pacific Rim Conference on Complex Geometry |
Jul. 27-Aug.1 |
Ritz-Plaza Hotel (Gunsan) |
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Code Hwan
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Jun-Muk Hwang (KIAS)
Invited Speakers:
Zbigniew Blocky (Jagiellonian Univ.)
Junyan Cao (KIAS)
Young-Jun Choi (KIAS)
Jean-Pierre Demailly (Grenoble)
Philippe Eyssidieux (Grenoble)
Vincent Guedj (Toulouse)*to be confirmed
Henri Guenancia (Univ. Jussieu)
Kota Hattori (Univ. Tokyo)
Hisashi Kasuya (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Kyounghee Kim (Florida State Univ.)
Yuji Odaka (Kyoto Univ.)
Sean Paul (Univ. Wisconsin)
Justin Sawon (Univ. North Carolina)
Nessim Sibony (Orsay)
Valentino Tosatti (Columbia Univ.)
Kazushi Ueda (Osaka Univ.)
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Representation Theory and Related Topics |
Aug. 6 - Aug. 9 |
(Daegu) |
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Code Kang
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Seok-Jin Kang (Seoul National Univ.)
Representation theory is a fast growing subject in mathematics providing a way of studying algebraic structures of various groups and algebras. Especially, late in the 20th century, representations of Lie algebras and Lie groups have revealed many beautiful connections with other areas of mathematics such as number theory, combinatorics, algebraic geometry as well as mathematical physics, and now form an important field of mathematics. This conference will bring together leading international experts working on various aspects of this theme.
Organizing Committee:
Seok-Jin Kang (Seoul National Univ.),
Jae-Hoon Kwon (Sungkyunkwan Univ.),
Ji Hye Jung (Seoul National Univ.),
Kyu-Hwan Lee (Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs),
Kailash C. Misra (North Carolina State Univ.),
Young-Tak Oh (Sogang Univ.),
Euiyong Park (Univ. of Seoul)
Invited Speakers:
Susumu Ariki (Osaka University),
Arkady Berenstein(University of Oregon),
Vyjayanthi Chari (University of California, Riverside),
Shun-Jen Cheng (Academia Sinica),
Vyacheslav Futorny (University of São Paulo),
Naihuan Jing (North Carolina State University),
Masaki Kashiwara (Kyoto University, RIMS and Seoul National University),
Sungsoon Kim (Amiens and Paris 7 University),
Aaron Lauda (University of Southern California),
Bernard Leclerc (Université de Caen),
Kailash C. Misra (North Carolina State University),
Tetsuji Miwa (Kyoto University),
Satoshi Naito (Tokyo Institute of Technology),
Hiraku Nakajima (Kyoto University, RIMS),
Daniel Nakano (University of Georgia),
Toshiki Nakashima (Sophia University),
Masato Okado (Osaka City University),
Brian Parshall (University of Virginia),
Arun Ram (University of Melbourne),
Daisuke Sagaki (University of Tsukuba),
Yoshihisa Saito (University of Tokyo),
Alistair Savage (University of Ottawa),
Anne Schilling (University of California),
Leonard Scott (University of Virginia ),
Toshiyuki Tanisaki (Osaka City University),
Peter Tingley (Loyola University),
Monica Vazirani (University of California, Davis)*,
R. Venkatesh (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences),
Weiqiang Wang (University of Virginia)
(* to be confirmed)
15 |
ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Algebraic Coding Theory |
Aug. 11 -Aug. 12 |
Ewha Womans University
(Seoul) |
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Code KiLe
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Jon-Lark Kim (Sogang Univ.), Yoonjin Lee (Ewha Womans Univ.)
The ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Algebraic Coding Theory will focus on a variety of current research topics in coding theory. Coding theory has wide connections with many mathematical areas including Group Theory, Combinatorics, Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, and Quantum information Theory. The theory and practice of Coding theory provide effective security and reliability for data communication, processing and storage. The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers and international experts in this area and motivate their possible collaborations.
Invited Speakers:
Steven Dougherty*(Univ. of Scranton, USA),
Cary Huffman (Loyola Univ. Chicago, USA),
Jenny Key*(Clemson Univ., USA),
Hongwei Liu*(Central China Normal Univ., China),
Akihiro Munemasa*(Tohoku Univ., Japan),
Ling San *(Nanyang Technological Univ. Singapore),
Patrick Sole*(CNRS, France),
Chaoping Xing*(Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore),
Dae San Kim (Sogang Univ., Korea),
Hyun Kwang Kim (POSTECH, Korea),
Young Ho Park (Kwangwon National Univ., Korea)
16 |
Homological mirror symmetry and symplectic topology |
Aug. 4 - Aug. 8 |
IBS Center for Geometry & Physics
(Pohang) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Cheol-Hyun Cho (Seoul National Univ.), K. Fukaya (Kyoto Univ. & Simons Center) Ludmil Katzarkov (Univ. of Miami & Universität Wien) Yong-Geun Oh (Univ. of Wisconsin)
Invited Speakers:
Mohammed Abouzaid (Columbia Univ. & Simons Center for Geometry and Physics), Denis Auroux (Univ. of California-Berkeley), Kwokwai Chan (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong (CUHK)), Octav Cornea (Pavillon André-Aisenstadt, Montréal), Tobias Dyckerhoff (Yale Univ.), Mark Gross (Univ. of California-San Diego), Kentaro Hori* (Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe), Gabriel Kerr (Univ. of Miami ), Maxim Kontsevich* (IHES), Siu-Cheong Lau (Harvard Univ.), Dmitry Orlov* (Steklov Mathematical Institute), Yongbin Ruan (Univ. of Michigan), Paul Seidel (MIT), Bernd Siebert (Universität Hamburg), Yan Soibelman (Kansas State Univ.), Kazushi Ueda (Osaka Univ.), Christopher Woodward (Rutgers Univ.), Eric Zaslow (Northwestern Univ.)
* to be confirmed.
17 |
ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on
Extremal and Structural Graph Theory |
Aug. 5 - Aug. 9 |
The-K Gyeongju Hotel(Gyeongju) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Jeong Han Kim (Yonsei Univ.), Seog-Jin Kim (Konkuk Univ.), Young Soo Kwon (Yeungnam Univ.), Sang-il Oum (KAIST)
Plenary Speakers:
Alexandr V. Kostochka (UIUC) , László Lovász (Eötvös Loránd University) , Bojan Mohar (SFU / University of Ljubljana) , Benny Sudakov (ETH / UCLA)
Invited Speakers:
Béla Bollobás (University of Memphis),David Conlon (Oxford), Zdenek Dvorák (Charles University), Jacob Fox (MIT), Hamed Hatami (McGill University), Penny Haxell (University of Waterloo), Mihyun Kang (Technische Universität Graz), Kenichi Kawarabayashi* (National Institute of Informatics), Daniel Král’ (University of Warwick), Choongbum Lee (MIT), Po-Shen Loh (Carnegie Mellon University), Kenta Ozeki (National Institute of Informatics), Jaroslav Nešetřil (Charles University), Sergey Norin (McGill University), Balazs Szegedy (University of Toronto), Gábor Tardos (Simon Fraser University / Alfréd Rényi Institute), Prasad Tetali (Georgia Tech), Van Vu (Yale), Paul Wollan (University of Rome), David R. Wood (Monash University), Douglas B. West (UIUC / Zhejiang Normal University), Xuding Zhu (Zhejiang Normal University)
(* to be confirmed)
18 |
ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on
Dynamical Systems and Related Topics |
Aug. 8 - Aug. 12 |
Chungnam National University
(Daejeon) |
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Code KLee
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Keonhee Lee (Chungnam National Univ.)
The ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Dynamical Systems and Related Topics will take place at Chungnam National University in Daejeon, Korea right before the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2014). It will cover all topics related to dynamical systems but mainly focus on the qualitative study (topological and ergodic) of differentiable dynamical systems.
Scientific Committee :
Sylvain Crovisier (Univ. Paris-Sud 11, France)
John Franks (Northwestern Univ., USA)
Shuhei Hayashi (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
Peter E. Kloeden (Goethe Univ., Germany)
Matthew Nicol (Univ. of Houston, USA)
Jacob Palis (IMPA, Brazil)
Kyewon Koh Park (Ajou Univ., Korea)
Yakov Pesin (Penn State Univ., USA)
Marcelo Viana (IMPA, Brazil)
Lan Wen (Peking Univ., China)
Yingfei Yi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Organizing Committee :
Tarun Das (Univ. of Delhi, India)
Sung Sook Kim (Pai Chai Univ., Korea)
Namjip Koo (Chungnam National Univ., Korea)
Keonhee Lee (Chungnam National Univ., Korea)
Manseob Lee (Mokwon Univ., Korea)
Sergei Pilyugin (St. Petersburg Univ., Russia)
Kazuhiro Sakai (Utznomiya Univ., Japan)
Wenxiang Sun (Peking Univ., China)
Le Huy Tien (Vietnam National Univ., Vietnam)
Invited Speakers:
Flavio Abdenur (PUC-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Alexander Arbieto (Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Marie-Claude Arnud (Universit'e d'Avignon, France), Yongluo Cao (Suzhou Univ., China), Sylvain Crovisier (Univ. Paris-Sud 11, France), Tarun Das (The MS Univ. of Baroda, India), Lorenzo J. Diaz (PUC-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), John Franks (Northwestern Univ., USA), Shaobo Gan (Peking Univ., China), Shuhei Hayashi (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan), Yunping Jiang (City Univ. of New York, USA), Peter E. Kloeden (Goethe Univ., Germany), Hiorshi Kokubu (Kyoto Univ., Japan), C. A. Morales (Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Matthew Nicol (Univ. of Houston, USA), Piotr Oprocha (AGH Univ. of Sci & Tech, Poland), Maria J. Pacifico (Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Jacob Palis (IMPA, Brazil), Kyewon Koh Park (Ajou Univ., Korea), Yakov Pesin (Penn State Univ., USA), Sergei Pilyugin (St. Petersburg Univ., Russia), Mark Pollicott (Univ. of Warwick, UK), Kazuhiro Sakai (Utznomiya Univ., Japan), Naoya Sumi (Kumamoto Univ., Japan), Wenxiang Sun (Peking Univ., China), Hiroki Takahasi (Keio Univ., Japan), Sergey Tikhomirov (Max Planck Institute, Germany), Masato Tsujii (Kyushu Univ., Japan), Paulo Varandas (Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Marcelo Viana (IMPA, Brazil), Lan Wen (Peking Univ., China), Xiangdong Ye (Univ. of Sci & Tech of China), Yingfei Yi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
19 |
ICM 2014 Satellite Conference
in Harmonic Analysis |
Aug. 4 - Aug. 8 |
Chosun University
(Gwangju) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Sunggeum Hong (Chosun Univ.), Sanghyuk Lee (Seoul National Univ.), Andreas Seeger (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), Ana Vargas (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
The conference aims to bring together the worldwide experts in the field of harmonic analysis and related topics for the dissemination of the most recent developments, fostering collaborations, and discussions on future directions. The conference will encompass broad areas of harmonic analysis including applications to PDEs and geometric measure theory.
Invited speakers :
Jong-Guk Bak (POSTECH, Korea), Neal Bez (Univ. of Birmingham, UK), Michael Christ (Univ. of Berkeley, USA), Michael Cowling, (Univ. of New South Wales, Australia), Burak Erdogan (Univ. of Illinois, Turkey), Gustavo Garrigos (Univ. of Murcia, Spain), Allen Greenleaf (Univ. of Rochester, USA), Philip Gressman (Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA), Alex Iosevich (Univ. of Rochester, USA), Nets Katz (Caltech, USA), Carlos Kenig (Univ. of Chicago, USA), Joonil Kim (Yonsei Univ., Korea), Jose Maria Martell (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Spain), Pertti Mattila (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland), Detlef Müller (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany), Richard Oberlin (Florida State Univ., USA), Carlos Perez (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), Malabika Pramanik (Univ. of British Columbia, Canada), Keith Rogers (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, UK), Christopher Sogge (Johns Hopkins Univ., USA), Betsy Stovall (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Brian Street (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Alexander Volberg (Univ. of Michigan State University, Russia)
20 |
Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Variational Methods for Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs |
Aug. 4 - Aug. 8 |
(Korea) |
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Code Byeo
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Jaeyoung Byeon (KAIST)
The aim of the meeting is to bring together researchers in the field of nonlinear variational problems in particular in nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations to report recent progress and discuss further challenging problems in the field. Nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations have experienced rapid growth in the last two years. As a satellite meeting to ICM 2014 we would like provide an opportunity to both experts and young researchers in the field to discuss their results and to start new collaborations.
Scientific Committee :
Antonio Ambrosetti (SISSA, Italy), Haim Brezis (Rutgers Univ., USA), Kung-Ching Chang (Beijing Univ., China), Edward N. Dancer (Univ. of Sydney, Australia), Djairo G. de Figueiredo (Univ. of Campinas, Brazil), Paul H. Rabinowitz (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Organizing Committee :
Jaeyoung Byeon (KAIST), Kazunaka Tanaka (Waseda Univ.), Zhi-Qiang Wang (Utah State Univ. and Nankai Univ.)
Invited Speakers:
Goro Akagi (Kobe University), Soohyun Bae (Hanbat National University, Korea), Thomas Bartsch (University Giessen, Germany), Daomin Cao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Giovana Cerami (Politecnico di Bari, Italy), Chao-Nien Chen (National Changhua Univ. of Education, Taiwan), Kwangseok Choe (Inha University, Korea), Norman Dancer (University of Sydney, Austrailia), Joao Marcos do O (Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil), Ederson Moreira dos Santos (Univ of Sao Paulo, Brazil), Alessio Figalli (University of Texas at Austin,USA), Massimo Grossi (Universita di Roma, La Sapienza, Italy), Jongmin Han (Kyung Hee University,Korea), Meiyue Jiang (Peking University,China), Yonghoon Lee (Pusan National University, Korea), Yanyan Li (Rugters University, USA), Chang-Shou Lin (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), Zhaoli Liu (Capital Normal University, China), Petru Mironescu (Universite Claude-Bernard, France), Monica Musso (Catholic University of Chile, Chile), Angela Pistoia (Universita di Roma, La Sapienza, Italy), Paolo Piccione (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), Xiaofeng Ren (George Washington University), Yohei Sato (Saitama University, Japan), Eric Sere (Universite de Paris IX, France), Jiabao Su (Capital Normal University, China), Futoshi Takahashi (Osaka City University, Japan), Susanna Tarracini (Universita di Torino, Italy), Eduardo Teixeira (Federal University of Ceara, Brazil), Juncheng Wei (University of British Columbia, Canada)
21 |
The KSCV Symposium #10: International conference
on Complex Analysis and Geometry |
Aug. 7 - Aug. 11 |
Kolon Hotel
(Gyeong-Ju) |
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Code KKim
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Kang-Tae Kim (POSTECH)
The KSCV10 is the tenth conference in the series which started in 1997 at POSTECH. Its full name is: "The 10th Korean Conference on Several Complex Variables". The theme is centered around Complex Geometry (both analytic and algebraic), Complex Analysis (one and several variables), and related fields (such as dynamics, pde, functional analysis, Lie theory etc.). This conference is a worldwide well-known conference in the world of several complex variables: we try to hold it biannually. Its 9th conference was held in the Kolon Hotel in GyeongJu for 5 days in the 3rd week of July 2012, with 20+ international participants and 30+ Korean participants. One may find more information at the GaiA homepage:
Organizing Committee:
Kang-Tae Kim (Chair, POSTECH),
Filippo Bracci (Roma, Italy),
Jisoo Byun (Kyungnam Univ.),
Herve' Gaussier (Universite de Grenoble I, France),
Kengo Hirachi (Tokyo, Japan),
Nikolay Shcherbina (Wuppertal, Germany),
Invited Speakers:
Marco Abate (Univ. di Pisa, Italy),
Eric Bedford (Indiana Univ., U.S.),
Zbiniew Blocki (Jagiellonian Univ., Poland),
Bo-Young Chen (Fudan Univ., China),
John Erik Fornaess (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway),
Jean-Pierre Demailly* (Univ. de Grenoble I, France),
Franc Forstneric* (University of Ljubljang, Slovenia),
Dano Kim (Seoul National Univ., Korea),
Sung-Yeon Kim (Gangwon National Univ., Korea),
Frank Kutzschebauch (Bern Univ., Switzerland),
Shin-ichi Matsumura (Kagoshima Univ., Japan),
Takeo Ohsawa (Nagoya Univ., Japan),
Hakan Samuelsson (Chalmers Inst. of Tech., Sweden),
Yum-Tong Siu* (Harvard Univ., U.S.), August Tsikh (Siberian Fed. Univ., Russia),
Hajime Tsuji (Sophia Univ., Japan),
Erlend Fornaess Wold (Univ. of Oslo, Norway),
Xian-Yu Zhou* (Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China)
(* to be confirmed)
22 |
Pan Asia Number Theory (PANT) |
Aug. 5 - Aug. 9 |
(Pohang) |
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Code CoCh
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) John H. Coates (Cambridge Univ. & POSTECH), YoungJu Choie (POSTECH)
The aim of PANT is to encourage research in Number Thoery in Asia in general, and also to encourage collaboration between Number Theorists working in different Asian countries, especially between young mathematicians in Asia. The first PANT was held at POSTECH in Korea 2008, then Japan(2009), China(2010), India(2011) and Vietnam(2012).
Organizing Committee Co-Chairs:
John H. Coates (Chair, Cambridge Univ. & POSTECH), Kato(Univ of Chicago), M. Kurihara (Keio Univ.), Ikeda(Kyoto Univ), NGO (Univ of Chicago), Sujata (Univ of British Columbia), W.Gan (National Univ of Singapore), W. Li (NCTS, Taiwan and Penn State University), Y. Tian(Chinese Academy of Sinica, Morning site), J. Liu (Sandong Univ), M. Kim (Oxford Univ.), YoungJu Choie (POSTECH)
Scientific Committee Chair:
John H. Coates (Cambridge Univ & POSTECH)
Scientific Committee Members:
China: J.Liu (Sandong Univ.), Y.Tian (Morning side center of Math, Beijing), India : Sujatha (Univ. of British Columbia and TIRF, India), Japan: Kato (Univ. of Chicago ) Ikeda (Kyoto Univ.), Kurihara (Keio Univ.), Korea: Y Choie (POSTECH), Minhyong Kim (POSTECH & Univ. of Oxford), Singapore: W. Gan (National Univ. of Singapore & UC San Diego), Taiwan: W. Li (NCTS, National Tsing Hua Univ. & Penn State Univ.), Vietnam: Ngô Bào Châu (Univ. of Chicago)
Invited Speakers:
Venkataramana (TIFR), Ali Altug (Columbia University), Chieh-Yu Chang (National Tsing Hua University), Junsoo Ha (Stanford Univ.), Har Hida (UCLA), Kaoru Kiraga (Kyoto Univ.), Junhyuk Jung (KAIST), Dohyeong Kim (POSTECH), Kaiwen Lan (Univ. of Minnesota), Minhyong Kim (Univ. of Oxford), T. Ochiai (Osaka Univ.), Supriya Pisolkar (TIFR), Sudanshu Shekar (Heidelberg Univ.), S. Shin (MIT), Pham Tiep (Univ. of Arizona), Takeshi Tsuji (Univ. of Tokyo), Han Wu (ETH, Zurich), Hiroyuki Yoshida (Kyoto Univ.), Weizhe Zheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
23 |
Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium - ANTS XI |
Aug. 7 - Aug. 11 |
Hotel Hyundai
(Gyeongju) |
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Code CheL
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Jung Hee Cheon (Seoul National Univ., Korea), Hyang-Sook Lee (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea)
Since their inception in 1994, the bi-annual ANTS meetings have become the premier international forum for the presentation of new research in computational number theory. They are devoted to algorithmic aspects of number theory, including elementary number theory, algerbraic number theory, analytic number theory, geometry of numbers, algebraic geometry, finite fields, and cryptography.
Program Committee:
Jung Hee Cheon (Seoul National Univ., Korea), Hyang-Sook Lee (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea), Nigel Boston (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Nils Bruin (Simon Fraser Univ., Canada), Andrej Dujella (Univ. of Zagreb, Croatia), Claus Fieker (Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Germany), Steven Galbraith (Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand), Derek Holt (Univ. of Warwick, UK), Bo-Hae Im (Chung-Ang Univ., Korea), Kiran Kedlaya (UC San Diego, USA), Soonhak Kwon (Seongkyunkwan Univ., Korea), Tanja Lange (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands), Kristin Lauter (Microsoft Research, USA), Phong Nguyen (CNRS & Tsinghua Univ., France/China), Renate Scheidler (Univ. of Calgary, Canada), Igor Shparlinski (Macquarie Univ., Australia), Alice Silverberg (Univ. of California at Irvine, USA), Tsuyoshi Takagi (Kyushu Univ., Japan), Edlyn Teske (Univ. of Waterloo, Canada), Felipe Voloch (The Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA), Linsheng YIN (Tsinghua Univ., China)
Local Organization:
Sookhak Kwon (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea, Chair), Dong-Guk Han (Kookmin Univ., Korea), Jung Yeon Hwang (ETRI, Korea), Jooyoung Lee (Sejong Univ., Korea), Eunjeong Lee (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea), Soojoon Lee (Kyung Hee Univ., Korea)
Young-Ho Park (Sejong Cyber Univ., Korea), Jae Hong Seo (Myongji Univ., Korea), Kyung-Ah Shim (NIMS, Korea), Hong-Yeop Song (Yonsei Univ., Korea), Aaram Yun (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
Invited Speakers:
Chantal David (Concordia Univ., Canada), Harald Helfgott (CNRS/ENS, France), Antoine Joux (Ingénieurde l'armement & UVSQ, France), Minhyong Kim (Oxford Univ., UK)
(※ 1 or 2 more speakers will be determined by January, 2014.)
24 |
The 4th International Congress of Mathematical Software (ICMS 2014) |
Aug. 5 - Aug. 9 |
Hanyang University
(Seoul) |
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Code HoKY
Approval Status FA
General Chair: Chee K. Yap, New York University
Program Chair: Hoon Hong, North Carolina State University
Local Chair: Deok-Soo Kim, Hanyang University
Mathematics has a wide variety of branches, from Algebra to Analysis, from Geometry to Number Theory, and many more. One theme across all these branches is the notion of effectivity: mathematical theories often predict the existence of objects with certain properties and it might be important to find such objects. Conversely, to formulate conjectures and new mathematical theories, we may need to explore the space of such objects, and use them to prove new theorems. Mathematical software is the common tool in such quests.
Mathematics also has increasing overlap with many mathematical disciplines such as Computer Science and the emerging area of Computational Sciences and Engineering. A key factor in this convergence of mathematical disciplines is the idea of computation, as manifested in the form of mathematical software in such disciplines.
We in the International Conference of Mathematical Software believe that the appearance of mathematical software is one of the most important new development in mathematics, and this phenomena should be studied as a coherent whole. We hope this conference can serve as the main forum for mathematicians, scientists and programmers who are interested in development of mathematical software.
Invited Speakers:
Jonathan Borwein (Univ. of Newcastle, Austrailia),
Bruno Buchberger (Johannes Kepler Univ., Austra),
Wolfram Decker (Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern, Germany),
Andrew Sommese (Univ. of Notre Dame, USA),
Kokichi Sugihara (Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences)
Llyod N. Trefethen (Univ. of Oxford, UK)
25 |
Knots and Low Dimensional Manifolds |
Aug. 22- Aug. 26 |
(Busan) |
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Code ChaL
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Jae Choon Cha (POSTECH), Sang Youl Lee (Pusan Natioanal Univ.)
Recently there have been remarkable advances in the study of knots, links and low dimensional manifolds. The aim of this conference is to bring together leading experts in this area and related topics to discuss recent key achievements and future directions. The program will include plenary talks and parallel sessions.
Plenary Speakers (confirmed):
Scott Carter (U of South Alabama, USA),
Tim Cochran (Rice Univ., USA),
Kazuo Habiro (RIMS, Kyoto Univ., Japan),
Kimihiko Motegi (Nihon Univ., Japan),
Louis Kauffman (Univ. of Illinois Chicago, USA),
Tao Li (Boston College, USA),
Yi Liu (Caltech, USA),
Feng Luo (Rutgers Univ., USA),
Shin Satoh (Kobe Univ., Japan),
Jiajun Wan (Peking Univ., China)
More plenary speakers will be added soon.
26 |
Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference: Geometry and Physics of Gauged Linear Sigma Model and Its Related Topics |
July. 28- Aug. 1 |
(Korea) |
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Code HoKR
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Kentaro Hori (IPMU), Bumsig Kim (KIAS). YongbinRuan (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
The workshop will bring together mathematicians and string theorists together to exchange recent ideas on geometry and physics of gauged linear sigma model and its related topics: Mirror Symmetry, CY/LG Correspondences, Derived Categories (of variations of GIT), Quasimap Theory, Gauged Gromov-Witten theory and so on.
Confirmed Speakers:
Matthew Ballard (Univ. of South Carolina),
Alessandro Chiodo (Institu de Mathematiques de Jussieu),
Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine (Univ. of Minnesota and KIAS),
Will Donovan (Univ. of Edinburgh),
David Favero (Univ. of Alberta),
Daniel Halpern-Leistner (Columbia Univ.),
Shinobu Hosono (Univ. of Tokyo),
Hiroshi Iritani (Kyoto Univ.),
Young-Hoon Kiem (Seoul National Univ.),
Emanuel Scheidegger (Univ. Freiburg),
Yukinobu Toda (Kavli IPMU)
27 |
Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Equations and Its Applications |
Aug. 8 - Aug. 12 |
Korea Institute for Advanced Study
(Seoul) |
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Code ByLe
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Sun-Sig Byun (Seoul National Univ.,Korea), Hyunsuk Kang (KIAS, Korea), JongHae Keum (KIAS, Korea), Ki-ahm Lee (Seoul National Univ.,Korea)
The research on nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations is one of the most developed in Mathematics, and of great importance because of its close interaction with other areas within Mathematics and for its wide applications in many scientific disciplines such as Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Biology, Fluid Dynamics, Phase Transitions, and Mathematical Finance. Recently there has been a great deal of research work regarding regularity theory for nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations including Calderon-Zygmund type estimates, Holder estimates, Obstacle problems, Homogenization, Curvature flows. This Satellite PDE conference at Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, Korea for ICM 2014, Seoul, Korea, will concentrate on regularity theory for nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations for the purpose of bringing together people working on this area, to discuss the current status of development, to encourage interactions with each other, and to find future directions in the literature.
Invited Speakers:
Myoungjean Bae (POSTECH, Korea),
Matteo Bonforte (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain),
Yumi Cho (Seoul National University, Korea),
Panagiota Daskalopoulos (Columbia University, USA),
Martin Dindos (University of Edinburgh, UK),
Daniel Hauer (University of Sydney, Australia),
Kin Ming Hui (Academia Sinica, Taiwan),
Sukjung Hwang (University of Edinburgh, UK),
Hyunsuk Kang (KIAS, Korea),
Lami Kim (Hokkaido University, Japan),
Seick Kim (Yonsei University, Korea),
Soojung Kim (NIMS, Korea),
Yong-Cheol Kim (Korea University, Korea),
Tuomo Kuusi (Aalto University, Finland),
Eun Kyoung Lee (Pusan National University, Korea),
Congming Li (Jiao Tong University, China & University of Colorado, USA),
Tong Li (University of Iowa, USA),
Robert McCann (University of Toronto, Canada),
James McCoy (University of Wollongonog, Australia),
Hayk Mikayelyan (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China),
Giuseppe Mingione (Universita di Parma, Italy),
Nguyen Cong Phuc (Louisiana State University, USA),
Seungjin Ryu (University of Seoul, Korea),
Nguyen Cong Phuc (Louisiana State University, USA),
Christoph Scheven (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany),
Natasa Sesum (Rutgers University, USA),
Henrik Shahgholian (The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden),
Zhongwei Shen (University of Kenturkey, USA),
Yannick Sire (Universite d'Aix-Marseille III, France),
Lubomira Softova (Seconda Universita di Napoli, Italy),
Yoshie Sugiyama (Kyushu University, Japan),
Futoshi Takahashi (Osaka City University, Japan),
Yoshihiro Tonegawa (Hokkaido University, Japan),
Werner Varnhorn (Kassel University, Germany),
Juan Luis Vazquez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain),
Lihe Wang (Jiao Tong University, China & University of Iowa, USA),
Xu-Jia Wang (Australian National University, Australia)
Deliang Xu (Jiao Tong University, China),
Minha Yoo (NIMS, Korea),
Chunqin Zhou (Jiao Tong University, China),
Shulin Zhou (Peiking University, China)
28 |
Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic |
Aug. 25 - Aug. 28 |
(Korea) |
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Code Darm
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) H. Darmon (McGill Univ., Canada)
The fruitful interaction between automorphic forms and arithmetic has produced a cornucopia of fundamental results, including such milestones as the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture, the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecturefor elliptic curves of low analytic rank, the Serre, Fontaine-Mazur, and Artin conjecturesfor odd two-dimensional Galois representations, and the Sato-Tate conjectures.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together some of the leading experts in the subject to take stock of the remarkable progress that has been achieved in the last two decades and to report on the latestdevelopments. Topics will include (without being limited to) Iwasawa theory, the theory of Shimura varieties and algebraic cycles on them, the theory of Galois representations and their deformations, and $p$-adic Hodge theory,with a special emphasis on trends that will be highlighted in the ICM program. The workshop will be held over a period of four days, with an average of five to six lectures a day. The participant list will be determined in the early summer of 2013
Organizing Committee :
H. Darmon (Chair, McGill Univ., Canada), J. Brunier (Univ. of Darmstadt, Germany), Y. Choie (POSTECH, Korea), W. Kohnen (Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), J. Park (POSTECH, Korea)
Invited Speakers:
Fabrizio Andreatta (The University of Milan, Italy),
Francesc Castella (UCLA, USA),
YoungJu Choie (POSTECH, Korea),
Soumya Das (Indian Institute of Science, India),
Gerard van der Geer (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands),
Eyal Goren (McGill University, Canada),
Ben Howard (Boston College, USA),
Ming-Lun Hsieh (National Taiwan University, Taiwan),
Bo-Hae IM (Chung-Ang University. Korea),
Alan Lauder (University of Oxford, UK),
Yingkun Li (Yunnan Univ., China),
Subong Lim (KIAS, Korea),
David Loeffler (University of Warwick, UK),
Chung Pang Mok (McMaster University, Canada),
Tadashi Ochiai (Osaka Universtiy, Japan),
Jeehoon Park (POSTECH, Korea),
Sinai Robins (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore),
Maryna Viazovska (MPIM, Germany),
Lynne Walling (University of Bristol, UK),
Sarah Zerbes (University College London, UK)
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ICM Satellite Conference on Real and Complex Submanifolds |
Aug. 10-Aug. 12 |
National Institute for Mathematical Sciences(Daejeon) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Young Jin Suh (Chair, Kyungpook National Univ.), Jürgen Berndt (King's College London, UK), Byung Hak Kim (KyungHee Univ.), Yoshihiro Ohnita (Osaka City Univ. & OCAMI, Japan)
In commemoration of the ICM 2014 Seoul, the 18th International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Related Fields will be held as an ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on differential geometry. This ICM 2014 Satellite Conference will focus on various fields of mathematics related to differential and integral geometry. Related to ICM 2014 Satellite Conference, the first part of 9 workshops were supported by KOSEF during from 1990 to 1998. Continuously, the latter part of 8 workshops were supported by KRF, NRF and NIMS and focused on the subjects like Grassmannian manifolds, Integral Geometry, Lorentzian manifolds, Lagrangiansubmanifolds, Yang-Millis theory and so on. The aim of this Satellite Conference ICM 2014 is to provide an opportunity for differential geometers from all over the world and specially selected invited speakers to present their research and to discuss new developments in the field of differential geometry and related parts.
Scientific Committee:
Katsuei Kenmotsu (Tohoku University, Japan), Reiko Miyaoka (Tohoku University, Japan), Carlos Olmos (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina), Juan de Dios Perez (Univ. of Granada, Spain), Chuu-Lian Terng (University of California at Irvine, USA), Gudlaugur Thorbergsson (University of Cologne, Germany), Masaaki Umehara (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), Jiazu Zhou (Southwest University, China)
Plenary Speakers:
Jürgen Berndt (King’s College London, United Kingdom)
David E. Blair (Michigan State University, USA)
Katsuei Kenmotsu (Tohoku University, Japan)
Yong-Geun Oh* (CGP-IBS and POSTEH, Korea) and Rui Wang (CGP-IBS, Korea)
Alfonso Romero (University of Granada, Spain)
Zhizhou Tang (Beijing Normal University, China)
Invited Speakers (Confirmed list):
Mitsuhiro Itoh* (University of Tsukuba, Japan) and Hiroyasu Satoh (Tokyo Denki University, Japan)
Reiko Miyaoka* (Tohoku University, Japan) and Satoshi Ueki (Tohoku University, Japan)
Yoshihiro Ohnita (OCAMI and Osaka City University, Japan)
Juan de Dios Pérez* (Universidad de Granada, Spain) and Young Jin Suh (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
Wenxue Xu (Southwest University, China), Jiazu Zhou* (Southwest University and Kaili University, China) and Baocheng Zhu (Southwest University, China)
Contributed Talks
Katsuya Mashimo (Hosei University, Japan)
Hisashi Kasuya (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan),
Osamu Ikawa (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan), Makiko Sumi Tanaka* (Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan) and Hiroyuki Tasaki (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Antonio Martinez Lopez* (University of Granada, Spain) and Francisco Milán (University of Granada, Spain)
Alfonso Carriazo (University of Seville, Spain)
Rui Albuquerque (Universit’a degli Studi di Torino, Italy and Universidade de Evora, Portugal)
Osamu Ikawa (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Cheol-Hyun Cho (Seoul National University, Korea)
Yuichi Nohara* (Kagawa University Japan) and Kazushi Ueda (Osaka University, Japan)
Weiping Li (Southwest University, China and Oklahoma State University, USA)
Jong Taek Cho (Chonnam National University, Korea)
Amalendu Ghost (Chandernagore College, India) and Ramesh Sharma* (University of New Haven, USA)
Yong Seung Cho (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
Takuya Fujimaru (Hiroshima University, Japan), Akira Kubo (Hiroshima University, Japan) and Hiroshi Tamaru* (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Yasuyuki Nagatomo (Meiji University, Japan)
Hiroyuki Takaki (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Shouhei Honda (Kyushu University, Japan)
Hiroshi Iriyeh (Tokyo Denki University, Japan), Takashi Sakai* (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan) and Hiroyuki Tasaki (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Naoyuki Koike (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Sema Salur (University of Rochester, USA)
Kota Hattori (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Oscar Macia (Universidad de Valencia, Spain) and Andrew Swann (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Jaedong Choi (Korea Air Force Academy, Korea)
Byung Hak Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
Kotaro Kawai (Tohoku University, Japan)
Baocheng Zhu* (Southwest University, China) and Jiazu Zhou (Southwest University, China)
Hyunjin Lee* (GAIA-SRC, POSTECH, Korea) and Young Jin Suh (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
Eunmi Pak (Kyungpook National University, Korea), Young Jin Suh (Kyungpook National University, Korea) and Changhwa Woo* (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
Xiang Ma* (Peking University, China) and Zhenxiao Xie (China University of Mining and Technology, China)
Georgios Kaimakamis (Hellenic Military Academy, Greece) and Konstantina Panagiotidou* (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Toru Kajigaya (Tohoku University, Japan)
Imsoon Jeong* (Kyungpook National University, Korea), Changhwa Woo (Kyungpook National University) and Young Jin Suh (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
Eunmi Pak* (Kyungpook National University, Korea) and Young Jin Suh (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
Hyunsuk Kang (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Korea)
30 |
Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Geometric Analysis |
Aug. 22 – Aug. 24 |
Sungkyunkwan University
(Korea) |
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Code GiPP
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) P. Gilkey (Univ. of Oregon), JeongHyeong Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ.) Jinsung Park (KIAS)
Geometric analysis plays a central role in the study of differential geometry and has applications to many other fields. This conference is devoted to exploringthe use of geometric analysis not only for its own right but also for application to problems raised in various other fields, for instance, differential geometry, global analysis and mathematicalphysics. In these studies many geometric structures are naturally involved so thatproblems in geometric analysis have deep relationships with the corresponding onesin these underlying geometries. The purpose of this conference is to bring together peopleworking in these inter-related areas to provide them with the opportunity to introduce and learnrecent progress in these fields.
Invited Speakers (Confirmed list):
Kazuo Akutagawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), M. van den Berg (Univ. of Bristol, UK), Jaigyoung Choe (KIAS, Korea), G. Calvaruso (Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy), Eduardo Garcia-Rio ( Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain), P. Gilkey (University of Oregon, USA), Seoung Dal Jung (Jeju National Univ., Korea), Hyunsuk Kang (KIAS, Korea), K. Kirsten (Baylor Univ., USA), Jongsu Kim (Sogang Univ., Korea), Yoonweon Lee (Inha Univ., Korea), Li Ma (Henan Normal Univ., China), K. Sekigawa (Niigata Univ., Japan), Keom Kyo Seo (Sookmyung Women’s Univ., Korea)
31 |
Mathematical Theory of Gases and Fluids and Related Applications |
Aug.10 – Aug.12 |
Chung-Ang University
(Seoul) |
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Code KiLS
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) EunHeui Kim (California State Univ. Long Beach), Jihoon Lee (Chung-Ang Univ.), Kyungwoo Song (Kyung-Hee Univ.)
This conference provides an excellent opportunity to discuss recent analytical and numerical advances in fundamental mathematical problems in nonlinear conservation laws and incompressible fluid equations arising from fluid mechanics, elasticity and relativity including questions of existence, uniqueness, regularity and asymptotic behavior of solutions.
While other PDE related satellite conferences appeared to be focused on elliptic or parabolic types of problems, our conference aims to focus on recent progress in (but not limited to) the following subjects : First is nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws including multidimensional transonic problems which give rise to change-of-type problems and free boundary problems as well. Second is the mathematical fluid mechanics including existence, uniqueness, regularity and asymptotic behavior of solutions to Navier-Stokes equations, Euler equations, quasi-geostrophic equations and related equations.
This conference focuses on modeling, analysis and computations of problems in nonlinear conservation laws and mathematical fluid mechanics. It will be of interest to the PDE community as well as to researchers in other fields where hyperbolic conservation law techniques have proven useful.
Invited speakers (confirmed):
Myeongjean Bae (Postech), Dongho Chae (Chung-Ang U.), Diego Cordoba (ICMAT), Walter Craig (McMaster U.), Misha Feldman (U. Wisconsin), Seungyeal Ha(SNU), Francisco Gancedo (U. de Sevilla), Juhi Jang(UC Riverside), Barbara Lee Keyfitz (Ohio State U.), Hideo Kozono (Waseda U.), Dong Li (UBC), Jiequan Li (Peking Normal Univ., China), Tai-Ping Liu (Acad. Sinica), Ronghua Pan (Georgia Tech, USA), Gregory Seregin (U. Oxford), Roman Shvydkoy (UIUC), Konstantina Trivisa (U. Maryland), Vlad Vicol (Princeton U.), Dehua Wang (U. Pittsburgh), Shih-Hsien Yu (Nat'l Univ. of Singapore, Singapore), Yuxi Zheng (Penn State Univ., USA), Shuxing Chen (Fudan Univ., China)
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Recent Progress in Random Conformal Geometry |
Aug.11 – Aug.12 |
COEX (Seoul) |
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Code KaNV
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Nam-Gyu Kang (Seoul National Univ.), Pierre Nolin (ETH Zürich), Fredrik Viklund (Uppsala Univ.)
The last decade has seen remarkable advancement in the understanding of planar lattice models and their scaling limits. A wide range of ideas and techniques from probability, analysis, and physics, including the SLE process, discrete complex analysis, random planar maps, quantum gravity, and conformal field theory, come together in this field. The workshop will bring together leading researchers in these areas to interact and to present and discuss recent advances.
Scientific Committee:
Nikolai Makarov (Caltech, USA),
Steffen Rohde (Univ. of Washington, USA),
Vladas Sidoravicius (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil)
Invited Speakers:
Tom Alberts (CalTech, USA),
Juhan Aru (ENS Lyon,France),
Alexei Borodin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA),
Federico Camia (Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands),
Bertrand Duplantier (Institut de Physique Theorique, France),
Geoffery Grimmett (Univ. of Cambridge, UK),
Demeter Kiss (Univ. of Cambridge, UK),
Michael Kozdron (Univ. of Regina, Canada),
Kalle Kytölä (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland),
Gregory F. Lawler (University of Chicago, USA),
Seung-Yeop Lee (University of South Florida, USA),
Pierre Nolin (EHT Zürich, Switzerland),
Vladas Sidoravicius (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil),
Alexander Vasiliev (University of Bergen, Norway),
Fredrik Viklund (Uppsala University/KTH, Sweden)
Bálint Virág (Univ. of Toronto, Canada),
Hao Wu (MIT, USA)
33 |
Holomorphic Dynamics in One and Several Variables |
Aug.23 – Aug.26 |
Kolon Hotel (Gyeoungju) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Taeyong Ahn (POSTECH), Araceli Bonifant (Univ. of Rhode Island, USA). Scott Sutherland (Stony Brook Univ., USA)
The area of Complex Dynamics in One and Several Variables is an exciting and vibrant field of mathematics, but much of the activity centers primarily among a few groups of researchers in the US and France. Our aim is to help give this field broader exposure to researchers attending the ICM, especially younger researchers working in Asia, and extend and enhance connections and exposure to the world community.
Taeyong Ahn (POSTECH, Korea), Artur Avila (IMPA / CNRS)*, Eric Bedford (Indiana Univ./Stony Brook Univ.), Tien-Cuong Dinh (École Normal Superieure), Romain Dujardin (Université Paris Est Marne La Valée), Adam Epstein (Univ. of Warwick), John Erik Fornaess (NTNU Trondheim), John Hubbard (Cornell Univ.), Hiroyuki Inou (Kyoto Univ.), Jeremy Kahn (CUNY Graduate Center), Kyounghee Kim (Florida State Univ.), Sarah Koch (Univ. of Michigan), Misha Lyubich (Stony Brook Univ.), John Milnor (Stony Brook Univ.), Pascale Roesch (Aix-Marceille Universite), Nikita Selinger (Stony Brook Univ.), Tom Sharland (Stony Brook Univ.), Mitsuhiro Shishikura (Kyoto Univ.), John Smillie (Cornell Univ./Univ of Warwick), Sebastian van Strien (Imperial College London), Tetsuo Ueda (Kyoto Univ.), Eva Uhre (Stony Brook Univ.)
(* To be confirmed)
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ICM Satellite conference: Mathematical Finance and Control Theory |
Aug.22– Aug.23 |
Pukyong National University (Busan) |
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Code HKoo
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Hyeng Keun Koo (Ajou Univ., Korea)
Recently there has been intensive research on forward-backward stochastic partial differential equations(FBSPDEs). The FBSDEs arise mainly as the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations for a stochastic control problem. Researchers in mathematical finance have also found numerous good applications of FBSPDEs to financial problems. In the satellite conference we will discuss new development in FBSPDEs and their applications to mathematical finance. The conference will be supported by the Korean Association of Financial Engineering.
Zengjing Chen (Shandong University),
Bong-Gyu Jang (POSTECH),
Intae Jeon (Catholic University),
Wanmo Kang (KAIST),
Moo Sung Kim (Pusan National University),
Hyeng Keun Koo (Ajou University),
Kiseop Lee (University of Louisville),
Shanjian Tang (Fudna University, China),
Jane Yoo (Ajou University),
Thaleia Zariphopoulou (Univesity of Texas at Austin)
Invited Speakers:
Alain Bensoussan (University of Texas at Dallas & City University of Hong Kong),
Abel Cadenillas (University of Alberta, Canada),
Zengjing Chen (Shandong University, China),
Chiaki Hara (Kyoto University),
Shaolin Ji (Shandong University, China),
Kiseop Lee (University of Louisville)
Chenghu Ma (Fudan University, China),
Yufeng Shi (Shandong University, China),
Shanjian Tang (Fudan University, China),
Jiongmin Yong (University of Central Florida, invited speaker to the 2014 ICM),
Qi Zhang (Fudan University, China)
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The 22nd International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (22 ICFIDCAA) |
Aug. 8– Aug. 11 |
Dongguk Universtiy (Gyeongju) |
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Code ChCh
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Yeol-Je Cho (Gyeongsang National Univ.), Junesang Choi (Dongguk Univ., Gyeongju) ,
This conference has a rather long history of more than 20 years starting from 1993. From birth, this conference has welcomed all professors and students who are interested in complex analysis and its applications in the widest sense. So a large number of professors and students who have a diverse and wide range of research subjects, such as statistics, combinatorics and number theory, have participated in this conference to excitingly present their results. In fact, above 250 participants flourished in this conference of 2008 (16thICFIDCAA) here at Dongguk University. In addition, especially for this rare and big event 2014 ICM in Seoul, Professor Yeol Je Cho, who has held his conferences also with a large number of participants almost every two years in Korea more than 7 times, for example, the nearest one, see, is joining in this conference to make a special section of Nonlinear Operator Theory in Functional Analysis.
Keynote Speakers:
Hari M. Srivastava (Univ. of Victoria, Canada),
Ravi P. Agarwal (Texas A&M University-Kingsvill, USA),
Yeol Je Cho (Gyeonsang National University, Korea)
Invited Speakers:
Hiroaki Aikawa (Hokkaido Univ., Japan),
A. G. Aleksandrov (Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia),
Abdelmejid Bayad (Universite D'Evry Val D'Essonne, France),
Boo Rim Choe (Korea University, Korea),
Djurdje Cvijovic (Atomic Physics Laboratory, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Republic of Serbia),
Madjid Eshaghi Gordji (Semnan University, Semnan, Iran),
Hidetaka Hamada (Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan),
Su Hu (McGill University, Canada),
In-Sook Kim (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea),
Poom Kumam (King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand),
Ja Kyung Koo (KAIST, Korea),
Choonkil Park (Hanyang University, Korea),
Akos Pinter (University of Debrecen, Hungary),
Tao Qian (University of Macau, China),
Jack R. Quine (Florida State University, USA),
Reza Saadati (Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran),
Yilmaz Simsek (University of Akdeniz,Turkey),
Le Hung Son (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam),
Toshiyuki Sugawa (Tohoku University, Japan),
Yonghong Yao (Tianjin Polytechnic University, China)
<Note on Approval Status> CA :Conditionally pre-approved, FA : Finally approved
◎ Satellite Conferences in Neighboring Countries
No |
Title (Topic) |
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Venue (City, Country) |
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1 |
Jul. 21 - Jul. 25 |
Kobe University
(Kobe, JAPAN) |
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Code NaWi
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Kosaku Nagasaka (Kobe Univ., Japan), Franz Winkler (RISC, Linz, Austria)
The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) is the premier annual conference to present and discuss new developments and original research results in all areas of symbolic mathematical computation.
General co-Chair: Kosaku Nagasaka (Kobe Univ., Japan)
General co-Chair: Franz Winkler (RISC, Linz, Austria)
Program Committee Chair: Agnes Szanto (North Carolina State Univ., USA)
Local Arrangement Chair: Kosaku Nagasaka (Kobe Univ., Japan)
Publicity Chair: Ekaterina Shemyakova (State Univ. of New York at New Paltz, USA)
Treasurer: Akira Terui (Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan)
Poster Chair: Wen-Shin Lee (Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium)
Software Presentations Chair: Daniel Lichtblau (Wolfram Research, Inc., USA)
Tutorial Chair: Tetsu Yamaguchi (Maplesoft, Canada)
Workshop Chair: Takuya Kitamoto (Yamaguchi Univ., Japan)
Webmaster: Masaru Sanuki (Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan)
Invited Plenary Speakers:
Noriko Arai (National Institute of Informatics, JAPAN), David Stoutemyer (Univ. of Hawaii, USA), Bernd Sturmfels (U.C. Berkeley, USA)
2 |
Aug. 25 - Aug. 27 |
Hokkaido University
(Sapporo, JAPAN) |
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Code KuTo
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Hideo Kubo (Hokkaido Univ., Japan), Yoshihiro Tonegawa (Hokkaido Univ., Japan)
This is a series of international conference on partial differential equations. It is one of the largest and it has a longest history in Japan on this area. The symposium chooses up-to-date topics related to partial differential equations, especially of evolution type. A recent tendency is on nonlinear problems including the Navier-Stokes equations, nonlinear dispersive equations, reaction-diffusion equations and interface dynamics. Various up-to-date methods and approaches will be presented. Interaction with other disciplines in science and Tech. is also emphasized not limited in mathematics.
As the past history shows there always had several key lecturers from abroad at least in recent 15 years. We may invite guest organizers and more people from outside Japan if our proposal is accepted.
Program Committee:
Yoshikazu Giga (Univ. of Tokyo), Shuichi Jimbo (Hokkaido Univ.), Hideo Kubo (Hokkaido Univ.), Takashi Sakajo (Kyoto Univ.), Hideo Takaoka (Hokkaido Univ.), Yoshihiro Tonegawa (Hokkaido Univ.), Tohru Ozawa (Waseda Univ.), Kimitoshi Tsutaya (Hirosaki Univ.)
Invited Speakers (Confirmed list):
Neal Bez (Univ. of Birmingham, UK),
Nicola Fusco (Univ. of Naples Federico II, Italy),
Cyril Imbert (CNRS, France),
Ming-Chih Lai (National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan),
Yannick Sire (Aix-Marseille Univ. France),
Luis Vega (Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain),
Anatoly Yagola (Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia)
3 |
Aug. 25 -Aug. 30 |
Ochanomizu University
(Tokyo, JAPAN) |
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Code Mori
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Mitsuo Morimoto (Seki Kowa Institute of Mathematics, Japan)
In the occasion of the 350th anniversary of Takebe Katahiro's birth, an international conference on traditional mathematics in East Asia will be organized in his honor. We shall examine recent trends and achievement in the history of traditional mathematics in East Asia. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following themes:
1. Mathematics of the "Seki school" especially of Takebe Katahiro
2. Traditional mathematics in East Asia, (China, Japan, Korea, etc. in alphabetical order)
3. Traditional mathematics vs. Western mathematics in East Asia
Honorary Chair: Hikosaburo Komatsu (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
Chair: Mitsuo Morimoto (Seki Kowa Institute of Mathematics, Japan)
Karine Chemla (SPHERE - REHSEIS, CNRS & Univ. Paris Diderot, France), Sungsa Hong (Sogang Univ., Korea), Dohan Kim (Seoul National Univ., Korea), Eberhard Knobloch (Technical Univ. of Berlin & BBAW, Germany), Tatsuhiko Kobayashi (Maebashi Institute of Tech., Japan), Wenlin Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences, AMSS, China), Hideyuki Majima (Ochanomizu Univ., Japan), Tsukane Ogawa (Yokkaichi Univ., Japan), Kenji Ueno (Seki Kowa Institute of Mathematics, Japan)
Invited Speakers:
Andrea Breard (France), Karine Chemla (France), Lisheng Feng (China), Shirong Guo (China), Sungsa Hong (Korea), Annick Horiuchi (France), Zhigang Ji (China), Dohan Kim (Korea), Young Wook Kim (Korea), Eberland Knobloch (Germany), Tatsuhiko Kobayashi (Japan), Hikosaburo Komatsu (Japan), Wenlin Li (China), Hideyuki Majima (Japan), Jean-Claude Martzloff (France), Mitsuo Morimoto (Japan), Tsukane Ogawa (Japan), Naoki Osada (Japan), Anjing Qu (China), Sarina (China), Chikara Sasaki (Japan), Kenji Ueno (Japan), Zelin Xu (China), Jia-Ming Ying (Taiwan)
4 |
Aug. 4- Aug. 8 |
The Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore (SINGAPORE) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Luis Alvarez-Consul (ICMAT-CSIC, Spain), Steven B. Bradlow (Univ. of Illinois, USA), Tomas L. Gomez (ICMAT-CSIC, Spain), Francois Labourie (Orsay, France), Richard A. Wentworth (Univ. of Maryland, USA), Graeme Wilkin (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
The central theme of the conference is the recent developments in the study of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles and their connection with other areas of mathematics and physics. The conference will be part of a two-month thematic program at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS) in July-August 2014 which is the continuation of a corresponding program at ICMAT in Madrid from April-June 2014.
Invited Speakers:
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen (Aarhus University, Denmark),
Vikraman Balaji (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India),
Philip Boalch (École Normale Supérieure and CNRS, France),
Ugo Bruzzo (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Italy),
Tudor Dimofte (Institute for Advanced Study, USA),
David Dumas (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA),
Vladimir Fock (University of Strasbourg, France),
Oscar García-Prada (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, ICMAT, Spain),
Tamás Hausel (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland),
Andriy Haydys (Universität Bielefeld, Germany),
Jochen Heinloth (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany),
Marcos Jardim (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil),
Feng Luo (Rutgers University, USA),
Takuro Mochizuki (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Japan),
Swarnava Mukhopadhyay (University of Maryland, USA),
Pavel Putrov (California Institute of Technology, USA),
Szilárd Szabó (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland),
Misha Verbitsky (Higher School of Economics, Moscow),
Xi Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China)
5 |
Jul. 28 - Jul. 31 |
Hotel Nikko Nara (Nara, Japan)
(Tokyo, JAPAN) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Hideo Kozono (Waseda Univ.), Kenji Nishihara (Waseda Univ.), Tohru Ozawa (Waseda Univ.), Yoshihiro Shibata (Waseda Univ.)
Since 17th century, the theory of partial differential equation (PDE) has been a central subject of analysis, mathematics, and natural science. Especially in the last century, PDE has been rapidly developed through their interaction with geometry, life science, physics and engineering, with the aid of matured real analysis and abstract analysis, and we have no doubt that this tendency will last to the middle of this century. In order to understand widely, deeply and rapidly developed study exactly, introduce them to our research, and let the results know others, sound promotion of the community of researchers is indispensable, and it must start from the communication with neighbors before anything else. Being based on the concept above, we the PDE group of Osaka University intend to promote the place where researchers in the East Asia can come together, announce the result of their researches, and discuss them with each other.
Scientific Committee:
Daomin Cao (AMSS, China), Hi Jun Choe (Yonsei Univ., Korea), Hideo Kozono (Waseda Univ., Japan), Chang Shou Lin (National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan), Takashi Suzuki (Osaka Univ., Japan), Zouping Xin (The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Organizing Committee:
Jaeyoung Byeon (KAIST, Korea), Takayuki Kobayashi (Osaka Univ., Japan), Hideo Kozono (Waseda Univ., Japan), Ryo Takahashi (Osaka Univ., Japan), Taku Yanagisawa (Nara Woman Univ., Japan)
Invited Speakers:
Jaeyoung BYEON (KAIST, Korea) Yan-yu CHEN (Tamkang University, Taiwan) Jann-Long CHERN (National Central University, Taiwan) Yonggeun CHO (Chonbuk National University, Korea) Hi Jun CHOE (Yonsei University, Korea) Guilong GUI (Northwest University, China) Nakao HAYASHI (Osaka University, Japan) Feimin HUANG (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Hsin-Yuan HUANG (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan) Michinori ISHIWATA (Osaka University, Japan) Kyungkeun KANG (Yonsei University, Korea) Dugyu KIM (Sogang University, Korea) Hyunseok KIM (Sogang University, Korea) Yong Jung KIM (KAIST, Korea) Ting-Jung KUO (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) Jihoon LEE (Chung-Ang University, Korea) Hailiang LI (Capital Normal University, China) Jing LI (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Masashi MISAWA (Kumamoto University, Japan) Takayoshi OGAWA (Tohoku University, Japan) Futoshi TAKAHASHI (Osaka City University, Japan) Takeshi WADA (Shimane University, Japan) Juncheng WEI (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) Chunjing XIE (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) Zhouping XIN (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) Minsuk YANG (KIAS, Korea) Zhifei ZHANG (Peking University, China)
6 |
Aug. 4- Aug. 8 |
RIMS, Kyoto University
(Kyoto, JAPAN) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Carlos J. Garcia-Cervera (UC Santa Barbara, USA), Motoko Kotani (Tohoku Univ., Japan), Yasumasa Nishiura (Tohoku Univ., Japan), Nobuaki Obata (Tohoku Univ., Japan), Thomas P. Russell (Univ. of Massachusetts, USA)
Innovative functional materials can be created only by recognizing the complex multi-scale hierarchical structure in materials systems from the atom/molecule scale to the macroscopic scale of materials. The proposed symposium aims to establish mathematical understanding of materials systems by focusing on
• Non-equilibrium Materials based on Mathematical Dynamical Systems
• Topological Functional Materials
• Multi-Scale Hierarchical Materials based on Discrete Geometric Analysis
These are based on a mathematic-driven materials research conducted at AIMR (Advanced Institute for Materials Research), which was established in 2007 under the “World Premier International Research Center Initiative” by the government. The symposium will be held as one of activities in the RIMS Project "Toward a new fusion research of mathematics and materials science."
Invited speakers:
Arjen Doelman (Leiden Univ., the Netherlands), Carlos J. Garcia-Cervera (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Alain Goriely (OCCAM, Mathematical Institute, Univ. of Oxford, UK), Stephen Hyde (The Australian National Univ., Australia), Theo Kolokolnikov (Dalhousie Univ., Canada), Edgar Knobloch (Univ. of California at Berkeley, USA), Konstantin Mischaikow (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA), Weiqing Ren (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Tom Wanner (George Mason Univ. USA), Arash Yavari (OCCAM Visiting Fellow, Mathematical Institute, Univ. of Oxford, UK)
7 |
Aug. 5- Aug. 9 |
National Taiwan Normal University
(Taipei, TAIWAN) |
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Code ChKS
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Jein-Shan Chen (National Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan), Do Sang Kim (Pukyong National Univ., Korea), Mau-Hsiang Shih (National Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan)
The Asian Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization (NAO-Asia) aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the topics related to nonlinear analysis and optimization, which takes place every two years. NAO-Asia has previously appeared as three versions. The first version was held on September 14-18, 2008 at Matsue City in Shimane, Japan, the second version was held on September 9-12,2010 at Phuket, Thailand, and the third version was again held on September 2-6, 2012 at Matsue CIty. The upcoming fourth version (NAO-Asia 2014) has been approved as a satellite conference for ICM 2014 and will be held on August 5-9, 2014 at the Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.
ICM Stellite Conference 2014: The Fourth Asian Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization will feature in a series of keynote speeches, invited speeches, and contributed talks. Each parallel session is scheduled with one hour and forty minutes at most, and hence each presentation time will be twenty five minutes.
Keynote speakers:
Shigeo Akashi (Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan),
Sompong Dhompongsa (Chiang Mai Univ., Thailand),
Do Sang Kim (Pukyong National Univ., Korea),
Fou-Lai Lin (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan),
Boris Mordukhovich (Wayne State Univ., USA),
Sehie Park (National Academy of Sciences, Korea),
Liqun Qi (The Hong Kong Ploytechnic University, China),
Biagio Ricceri (Universita di Catania, Italy),
Tyrrell Rockafellar (Univ.of Washington, USA),
Mau-Hsiang Shih (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan),
Wataru Takahashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan),
Jen-Chih Yao (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan),
Yinyu Ye (Stanford Univ., USA)
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Aug. 8 - Aug. 12 |
(China) |
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Code Feng
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Yanquan Feng (Beijing Jiaotong Univ., China)
The purpose of the conference is to bring participants an opportunity to communicate their recent research in combinatorics and graphs. The conference mainly concentrates on combinatorial enumerations, combinatorial design theory, combinatorial matrix theory, finite geometry, algebraic combinatorial theory, combinatorial algorithm, algebraic graph theory, Topological graph theory, structure graph theory, coding theory, cryptography and related topics. These areas are strongly related to eachother and have been very active in recent years. They occupy a central placein combinatorics and graphs.
Steering Committee:
Zhiming Ma (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Qibo Feng (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
Yanquan Feng (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
Naihua Xiu (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Scientific Committee:
Bill Chen (Nankai University, China)
Yanxun Chang (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Genghua Fan (Fuzhou University, China)
Xingui Fang (Peking University, China)
Jin Ho Kwak (Beijing Jiaotong University (China) & POSTECH (Korea))
Jaeun Lee (Yeungnam University, Korea)
Jiayu Shao (Tongji University, China)
Local Organizing Committee:
Yanxun Chang (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Tao Feng (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Yanquan Feng (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
Rongxia Hao (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Weili He (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Jin Ho Kwak (Beijing Jiaotong University, China / POSTECH, Korea)
Ping Li (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Lianxia Wan (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Aime Yu (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Yongguang Yu (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Jinxin Zhou (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Junling Zhou (BejingJiaotong University, China)
Plenary Speakers:
Neil Robertson (Ohio State Univ., USA),
Richard Stanley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA),
Endre Szemerédi (Rutgers Univ., USA)
Invited speakers:
Nantel Bergeron (York University, Canada), Charles J. Colbourn (Arizona State University, USA), Marston Conder (University of Auckland, New Zealand), Cunsheng Ding (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China), Ted Dobson (Mississippi State University, USA), Gennian Ge (Capital Normal University), Gareth Jones (University of Southampton, United Kingdom), Joseph Kung (University of North Texas, USA), Dimitri Leemans (University of Auckland, New Zealand), Caiheng Li (University of Western Australia, Australia), Aleksander Malnic (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Dragan Marusic (University of Primorska, Slovenia), Alexander Mednykh (Novosibirsk State University, Russia), Bojan Mohar (Simon Fraser University, Canada), Roman Nedela (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia), Jozef Siran (Open University, U.K.), Martin Skoviera (Comenius University, Slovakia), Marco Buratti (Universitá diPerugia), Xingxing Yu (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Sanmig Zhou (The University of Melbourne, Australia), Xuding Zhu (Zhejiang Normal University, China), Chuanming Zong (Peking University, China)
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Aug. 25 – Aug. 29 |
Kansai University
(Osaka Japan) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Masanori Hino (Osaka Univ., Japan), Hideo Nagai (Chair, Kansai Univ., Japan), Yuichi Shiozawa (Okayama Univ., Japan), Masayoshi Takeda (Tohoku Univ., Japan), Matsuyo Tomisaki (Nara Women's Univ., Japan),Toshihiro Uemura (Kansai Univ., Japan), Kazutoshi Yamazaki (Kansai Univ., Japan)
This conference will cover various topics in the interplays between probability theory, analysis, mathematical physics and mathematical finance. A main theme of this conference is to celebrate Professor Masatoshi Fukushima's Sanju (80's birthday (Japanese counting age) celebration) for his distinguished achievement on probability theory, especially, on the theory of Dirichlet forms and Markov processes.
Scientific Committee:
ZhenQing Chen (Washington Univ., US), Niels Jacob (Swansea Univ., UK), Masayoshi Takeda (Tohoku Univ., Japan), Toshihiro Uemura (Kansai Univ., Japan)
Plenary Speakers:
Sergio A. Albeverio (Bonn, Germany), Dominique Bakry (Toulouse, France), Nicolas Bouleau (Paris, France), Krzysztof Burdzy (Seattle, US), Louis Chen (Singapore), MuFa Chen (Beijing, China), Hans Foellmer (Berlin, Germany), Alexander Grigoryan (Bielefeld, Germany), Hiroshi Kaneko (Tokyo, Japan), Jun Kigami (Kyoto, Japan), Shinichi Kotani (Osaka, Japan), Takashi Kumagai (Kyoto, Japan), Shigeo Kusuoka (Tokyo, Japan), Kazuhiro Kuwae (Kumamoto, Japan), Gregory F. Lawler (Chicago, US), Yves LeJan (Orsay, France)
Zhi-Ming Ma (Beijing, China), Bernt Oksendal (Oslo, Norway), Yoichi Oshima (Kumamoto, Japan), Michael Roeckner (Bielefeld, Germany), Laurent Saloff-Coste (Ithaca, New York, US), Ichiro Shigekawa (Kyoto, Japan), Ludwig Streit (Bielefeld, Germany), Karl-Theodor Sturm (Bonn, Germany), Tu Sheng Zhang (Manchester, UK), Weian Zheng (Shanghai, China), Feng Yu Wang (Swansea, UK)
Contributed invited Speakers:
Krzysztof Bogdan (Wroclaw, Poland), Moritz Kaßmann (Bielefeld, Germany), Panki Kim (Seoul, South Korea), Daehong Kim (Kumamoto, Japan), Seiichiro Kusuoka (Sendai, Japan), Kazumasa Kuwada (Tokyo, Japan), Rene L. Schilling (Dresden, Germany), Renming Song (Ilinois, US), Wilhelm Stannat (Berlin, Germany), Wei Sun (Montreal, Canada)
Gerald Trutnau (Seoul, South Korea), Zoran Vondraček (Zagreb, Croatia), Jiangang Ying (Fudan, China)
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Aug. 22 – Aug. 29 |
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(Moscow, Russia) |
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Code FiKo
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) V. M. Filippov (Peoples Friendship Univ. of Russia, co-chair) V. V. Kozlov (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., co-chair) D. V. Anosov (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia) A. L. Skubachevskii (Peoples Friendship Univ. of Russia, Russia)
The conference is organized by the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, with the cooperation of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Lomonosov Moscow State University. The conference will be devoted to classical topics of theory of differential equations and different kinds of nonlocal interactions: ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, functional differential equations, dynamical systems, and applications. The present conference is the seventh in the series of international conferences which take place every three years. The third international conference in 2002 was acknowledged as a satellite of ICM-2002 (Beijing). Acknowledgement of DFDE-2014 as a satellite of ICM-2014 will allow European participants of the Congress to take part at the Conference on their way back to Europe.
Program Committee:
D. V. Anosov (Co-chairman), S. Bianchini, V. M. Buchstaber, I. Capuzzo Dolcetta, G.-Q. Chen, S. Yu. Dobrokhotov, B. Fiedler, H. Ishii, V. A. Il’in, W. Jäger,S.I. Pohozaev, A. L. Skubachevskii (Co-chairman), I. A. Taimanov, L. Veron, H.-O. Walther.
Organizing Committee:
V. N. Chubarikov, K. A. Darovskaya, V. M. Filippov (Co-chairman), E. I. Galakhov, P. L. Gurevich, E. P. Ivanova, A. V. Ivanyukhin, A. D. Izaak, N. S. Kirabaev, V. V. Kozlov (Co-chairman), V. A. Krasnov, E. B. Laneev, A. B. Muravnik, D. A. Neverova, V. A. Popov, L. E. Rossovskii, E. Rühl, A. G. Sergeev, A. L. Skubachevskii, A. L. Tasevich, E. M. Varfolomeev, L. G. Voskresenskii, A. B. Zhizhchenko, N. B. Zhuravlev.
Invited Speakers:
O.N. Ageev (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia), C. Bandle, University of Basel, Switzerland C. Bardos (Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University, France), J. Batt, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany H.G. Bock, Heidelberg University (Germany), V.M. Buchstaber (Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), I. Capuzzo Dolcetta (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), A.A. Davydov (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria), M. del Pino (University of Chile, Chile), S.Yu. Dobrokhotov (Ishlinsky Institite for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), Yu.A. Dubinskii (Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Russia), A. Favini (University of Bologna, Italy), A.V. Fursikov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia), R.V. Gamkrelidze (Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), H. Ishii (Waseda University, Japan), W. Jäger (Heidelberg University, Germany), V.Yu. Kaloshin (University of Maryland, College Park, USA), E.Ya. Khruslov (Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine), A. Kozhevnikov (University of Haifa, Israel), V.V. Kozlov (Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), S.B. Kuksin (Heriot-Watt University, UK), S.P. Novikov (University of Maryland, USA), P.I. Plotnikov (Lavrent'ev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Russia), A.G. Sergeev (Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), M.B. Sevryuk (Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), I. Shafrir (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel), A.E. Shishkov (Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine), V.D. Stepanov (Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Russia), T.A. Suslina (St. Petersburg State University, Russia), I.A. Taimanov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), A. Tesei (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), D.V. Treschev (Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), L. Veron (University of Tours, France), H.-O. Walther (University of Giessen, Germany), J. Wei (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
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Aug.6 – Aug.10 |
(China) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Anthony Bak (Univ. of Bielefeld), Max Karoubi (Univ. of Paris VII), Jinzhong Pan (Institute of Mathematics of Chinese Academy of Sciences), Jonathan Rosenberg (Univ. of Maryland), Guoping Tang (Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences), Guoliang Yu (Texas A & M Univ.), Charles Weibel (Rutgers Univ.)
The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers active in K-theory and related areas of mathematics where K-theory plays an important role including algebraic geometry, number theory, classical-like groups and noncommutative geometry. Specific topics will include algebraic cycles, A^1- homotopy theory, derived and triangulated categories, motivic cohomology, KK-theory, and cyclic (co)homology. The K-theory Prize of the K-Theory Foundation will be awarded for the first time at this conference.
Organizing Committee:
Jinzhong Pan (Institute of Mathematics of Chinese Academy of Science),
Guoping Tang (Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Program Committee:
Anthony Bak (Univ. of Bielefeld),
Jonathan Rosenberg (Univ. of Maryland),
Guoping Tang (Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Charles Weibel (Rutgers Univ.)
Scientific Committee:
Max Karoubi (Univ. of Paris VII),
Amnon Neeman (Austrailian National Univ.),
Guoliang Yu (Texas A & M Univ.)
Invited Speakers:
Vigleik Angelveit (Canberra), Benjamin Antieau (Seattle), Aravind Asok (Los Angeles), Joseph Ayoub (Zurich), Andrew Blumberg (Austin), Guillermo Cortinas* (Buenos Aires), Frederic Deglise (Lyon), Ivo Dell Ambrogio (Lille), Jean Fasel (Essen), Yubing Gao (Xi'an), Guihua Gong (Changchong), Xuejun Guo (Nanjing), Roozbeh Hazrat (Sydney), Marc Hoyois* (Evanston), Shane Kelly (Tokyo), Hang Liu (Beijing), Viktor Petrov (St. Petersburg), Hourong Qin (Nanjing), Nikita Semenov (Mainz), Anastasia Stavrova (St. Petersburg), Goncalo Tabuada* (Boston), Matthias Wendt (Freiburg), Rufus Willet (Honolulu), Changchang Xi (Beijing), Kejing Xu (Qindao), Hong You (Haerbin), Guoliang Yu (College Station), Weibo Yu (Changchong), Zuhong Zhang (Beijing)
*to be confirmed
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Aug.9 – Aug.12 |
(China) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Haibao Duan (Chinese Academy of Science), Chun-Chung Hsieh (Academia Sinica, T Norio Iwase (Kyushu Univ.), Katsuhiko Kuribayashi (Shishu Univ.), Fengchun Lei (Dalian Univ. of Technology), Ran Levi (Univ. of Aberdeen), Yongjin Song (Inha Univ.), Jie WU (Singapore National Univ.)
This international conference on algebraic topology will be held at Dalian University of Technology as a satellite conference of ICM 2014. This conference will cover all subjects in algebraic topology and also the applications of algebraic topological theories. Some organizers of this conference have been working together for about ten years as the organizers of the East Asian Conference on Algebraic Topology (EACAT). There will be eleven plenary speakers and three parallel sessions of contributed talks.
* The local expenses of all plenary speakers will be supported. A few plenary speakers will also be supported the travel expenses.
Conference website:
Please make sure to do online registration for participating in the satellite conference.
In addition, we plan to organize a workshop on algebraic topology (and its applications) in Dalian, China during July 28 August 8, as the preliminary activities to the Satellite Conference. This workshop will consist of survey lectures and introductory talks on algebraic and applied topology.
Plenary Speakers:
Ricardo Andrade (Stanford Univ.),
Carles Broto (Univ. Autonoma of Barcelona),
Soren Galatius (Stanford Univ.),
John Greenlees (Univ. of Sheffield),
Yasuaki Kishimoto (Kyoto Univ.),
Assaf Libman (Univ. of Aberdeen),
Oscar Randal-Williams (Univ. of Cambridge),
Ulrike Tillmann (Univ. of Oxford),
Antoine Touze (Univ. of Paris 13),
Vladimir Vershinin (Univ. of Montpellier),
Michael Weiss (Univ. of Aberdeen)
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July. 28– July. 31 |
East China Normal Univ. (Shanghai, China) |
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Code WaYZ
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Stephen Watt (Western Univ.) Zhengfeng Yang (East China Normal Univ.) Lihong Zhi (Chinese Academy of Sciences, MMRC)
Algorithms that combine techniques from symbolic and numeric computation have been of increasing importance and interest over the past decade. The necessity to work reliably with imprecise and noisy data, and for speed and accuracy within algebraic and hybrid-numerical problems, has encouraged a new synergy between the numerical and symbolic computing fields. Novel and exciting problems from industrial, mathematical and computational domains are now being explored and solved.
The goal of the present workshop is to support the interaction and integration of symbolic and numeric computing. Earlier meetings in this series include the SNAP 96 Workshop, held in Sophia Antipolis, France, the SNC 2005 meeting, held in Xi'an, China, SNC 2007 held in London, Canada, SNC 2009, held in Kyoto, and SNC 2011, held in San Jose, California USA.
This forthcoming International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation will be held July 28 to 31 in Shanghai, China, immediately following the ISSAC 2014 Symposium to be held in nearby Kobe, Japan.
Invited Speakers:
Erich L. Klatofen (North Carolina Sate Univ., USA),
Lawrence Paulson (Univ. of Camb
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Geometric Control Theory and Analysis on Metric Structures
Aug.4 – Aug.8 |
Lake Baikal (Russia) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Andrei Agrachev (The International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Italy), Mario Bonk (Univ. of California, Los Angeles, USA), Ugo Boscain (Ecole Polytechnique CMAP, France), Jean-Michel Coron (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France), Mikhael Gromov (Courant Institute, USA), Piotr Hajlasz (Univ. of Pittsburg, USA), Sergey Ivanov (St.Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russia), Pekka Koskela (Univ. of Jyväskylä , Finland), Pierre Pansu (École Normale Supérieure, France), Iskander Taimanov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia), Sergey Vodopyanov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia)
Geometric control theory naturally describes mathematical models of various applied problems, mainly in physics, technology and economics. Arising complicated problems lead to necessity of creation of new fundamental concepts of (sub)riemannian geometry and geometric analysis, and inventing new methods to solve them. The aim of the event is to bring researches, working in the mentioned and related domains, to report recent progress and discuss further challenging problems in the fields with the purpose to formulate them for young participants also. As a satellite meeting to ICM2014 we want to provide an opportunity for both experts and young researches from different countries to discuss their results and to start new collaborations.
Invited Speakers:
Davide Barilari (Universite Paris Diderot (Paris 7)),
Ugo Boscain (Ecole Polytechnique),
Yacine Chitour (Universite Paris-Sud 11),
Boris Khesin (University of Toronto),
Paul Lee (The Chinese University of Hong Kong),
Antonio Lerario (Purdue University),
Mario Sigalotti (INRIA),
Igor Zelenko (Texas A&M),
Jean-Paul Gauthier (Toulon),
Andrey Sarychev (Florence),
Enrico Le Donne (ETH Zurich),
Alessandro Ottazzi (FBK, Trento),
Roberta Ghezzi (Ecole Polytechnique),
Marco Caponigro (CNAM Paris),
Boris Dubrovin (SISSA),
Mikhail Zelikin (Moscow State University),
Yurij Sachkov (The Program Systems Institute of RAS),
Not confirmed:
Ben Warhurst (Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences), Xiangdong Xie (Southern University, Statesboro), Roger Brockett (Harvard University), Emmanuel Trelat (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)), Nataliya Shcherbakova (Universite de Toulouse), Thomas Chambrion (Universite de Lorraine), Robert Neel (Lehigh University), Pekka Koskela (University of Jyvaskyla), Eero Saksman (University of Helsinki), Zoltan Balogh (University of Bern), Stefan Wenger (University of Fribourg), Kari Astala (University of Helsinki), Mario Bonk (University of California, Los Angeles), Nikola Garofalo (Purdue University), Scott Pauls (Darthmouth College), Piotr Hajlazs (University of Pittsburgh)
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Jul. 30 – Aug. 5 |
Univ. of Tokyo
(Japan) |
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Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Koji Fujiwara (Kyoto University) Eiko Kin (Osaka University) Sadayoshi Kojima (TokyoTech) Ken’ichi Ohshika (Osaka University) Takuya Sakasai (University of Tokyo) Mitsuhiko Takasawa (TokyoTech)
This conference, which is the 7th Seasonal Institute of the Mathematical Society of Japan (MSJ-SI), focuses on recent progress in hyperbolic geometry, geometric group theory and their related topics. Four survey talks covering various aspects of this field together with a dozen of research talks are planned. The conference is open to all researchers interested in this field, and in particular, young researchers are very welcome to participate.
Organizing Committee:
Koji Fujiwara (Kyoto University)
Nariya Kawazumi (University of Tokyo)
Eiko Kin (Osaka University)
Sadayoshi Kojima (TokyoTech)
Ken’ichi Ohshika (Osaka University)
Takuya Sakasai (University of Tokyo)
Mitsuhiko Takasawa (TokyoTech)
Scientific Committee:
Brian Bowditch (University of Warwick)
Koji Fujiwara (Kyoto University)
Nariya Kawazumi (University of Tokyo)
Sadayoshi Kojima (TokyoTech)
Ken’ichi Ohshika (Osaka University)
Survey Lecturers:
Yair Minsky (Yale Univ., USA),
Narutaka Ozawa (Kyoto RIMS, Japan),
Michah Sageev (Technion),
Karen Vogtmann (Cornell Univ., USA),
Research Talks:
Mladen Bestvina (Utah),
Martin Bridson (Oxford),
Jeffery Brock (Brown),
Kenneth Bromberg (Utah),
Danny Calegari (Chicago),
Daniel Groves (UCI),
Yoshikata Kida (Kyoto),
Sang-hyun Kim (Seoul National University),
Athanase Papadopoulos (Strasbourg),
Piotr Przytycki (Walsaw)
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Jul. 27– Aug. 1 |
Dalian Maritime University
(China) |
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ICM 2014 Satellite Conference
Mathematical Foundation of Modern Data Sciences Computing, Logic, and Education July 27-Aug 1, 2014, Dalian, China
Address: History Museum of Dalian Maritime University
Innovation Park of Dalian University of Technology(A1101)
Hotels: Dalian Bayshore Hotel, Dalian Xin Peninsula Hotel
Code Chen
Approval Status FA
Organizer(s) Li Chen (Conference Chair, Univ. of the District of Columbia, USA), Jijun Liu (Southeast Univ., China), Bo Jiang (Dalian Maritime Univ., China),
Zhixun Su (Dalian Univ. of Technology, China), Binhai Zhu (Montana State University, USA)
National Science Foundation of China
Dalian University of Technology
Southeast University
Dalian Maritime University
The purpose of this conference is to bring together mathematicians, computer scientists, and industry professionals to discuss the future of modern data sciences, which has recently been driven tremendously by BigData and cloud computing.
Participants will be encouraged to give one to two hour long talks on the topic of their expertise during the morning sessions. We will offer the afternoon session as a free discussion to find possible connections among special knowledge. Industry Professionals will then present possible future questions and problems in data science.
What is Data Science? Data contains science. It is much different from the angle of classical mathematics that uses mathematical models to fit the data. Today, we are supposed to find rules and properties in the data set, even among different data sets---the relationship of connectivity between data sets. The new research would be more likely to involve partial and incomplete connectivity. This is also a hot topic in the current research of social networks.
Previously developed technology such as numerical analysis, graph theory, uncertainty, and cellular automata, will play some role. However, it is more likely for developing new mathematics to be the key for scientists.
We will attempt to publish a chapter-book with the same title with Springer to enlarge the impacts. This conference will include researchers from classical mathematics, theorem proving, natural language processing, statistics, algorithm design, data base, networking, graph theory, analysis, finance, management, etc.
Steering Committee:
Shi-Quian Wang, Beijing Normal University, China Reinhard Klette, Auckland University, New Zealand Steve Krantz, Wahington University, USA Shumuel Weinberger, University of Chicago, USA Hanan Samet, Department of Computer Science, Univ. of Maryland, USA
Organizing Committee:
Zhixun Su, Chair, Dalian University of Technology Bo Jiang, Local Chair, Co-Chair, Dalian Maritime University, China Jijun Liu, Co-Chair, Southeast University, China Binhai Zhu, Co-Chair, Local Co-Chair, Montana State University, USA.
Li Chen, University of the District of Columbia, USA
Scientific Committee:
Reneta Barneva, SUNY Fredonia, USA
Chia-Yen Chen, National University of Kaohsiung Li Chen, University of the District of Columbia, USA Zhixiang Chen, University of Texas,PM, USA Jean-François Dufourd, Strasbourg University, France Feng Luo, Rutgers University, USA Zhongxuan Luo, Dalian University of Technology, China Bo Jiang, Dalian Maritime University, China Sean Li, Wireless glue network, USA Zhouchen Lin, Peking University, China Jijun Liu, Southeast University, China Mariano Rivera-Meraz, CIMAT, Mexico Zhixun Su, Dalian University of Technology Haiyan Wang, Southeast University, China Binhai Zhu, Montana State University, USA.
Secretariats of the Conference:
Risheng Liu, Dalian University of Technology Junjie Cao, Dalian University of Technology Shengfa Wang, Dalian University of Technology
Invited Speakers:
Wen Gao (Peking University), Online Visual Search in Big Multimedia Data Reinhard Klette (Auckland Univ., New Zealand), Progress and Challenges in Vision-based Driver Assistant Systems
Plenary Speakers:
Zhongxuan Luo (Dalian University of Technology), Computational Geometry and Data Processing Feng Luo (Rutgers University, USA) A Discrete Uniformization Theorem for Polyhedral Surfaces Xianfeng Gu (State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA) A Discrete Uniformization Theorem Bo Yu (Dalian University of Technology) The Polynomial Homotopy Method for Sparse Interpolation Problems Haiyan Wang (Southeast University, China) Positivity-preserving Rational Cubic Interpolation Algorithm Based on Market Data Li Chen (University of the District of Columbia, USA) Topological Analysis for Data Science and Big Data Binhai Zhu (Montana State University, USA) Kernelization for Large Datasets Xianping Fu (Dalian Maritime University, China) A 3D Driver Head Pose Estimation Method Based on Depth Image Bo Jiang (Dalian Maritime University, China) Fast Algorithm for Touring a Sequence of Convex of Polygon and Related Problems Lizhuang Ma (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Intelligent Processing and Applications for Big Data of Visual Media---- with recent progress Jian Sun (Tsinghua University, China) Laplace Operator on Point Cloud Wei Wu (Dalian University of Technology, China) Design and Analysis of Constructional Sparsification of Feedforward Neural Networks Tian Liu (Peking University,China) Special Bipartite Graphs and Their Algorithms Ke Chen (University of Liverpool, UK) Variational Models for Selective Segmentation of Images
Tutorial Sessions:
Binhai Zhu (Montana State University, USA) An Introduction to Geometric Approximation Algorithms
Tian Liu (Peking University) Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems and
Structural Parameters
Reinhard Klette (University of Auckland, New Zealand) Concise Computer Vision
Youths Sessions:
Lei Du, Simultaneous Band Reduction for Two Dense Symmetric Matrices with Applications Bo Dong, Homotopy Methods for Solving Mixed Trigonometric Polynomial Systems Junjie Cao, Structure Guided Low-Rank Representation for Computer Graphics Risheng Liu, Latent Subspace Projection Pursuit with Online Optimization for Robust Visual Tracking Junjie Cao Chao Zhang, Brief Note on Statistical Learning Theory Jinshan Pan, Deblurring Text Images via L0-Regularized Intensity and Gradient Prior
<Note on Approval Status> CA :Conditionally pre-approved, FA : Finally approved
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