International Congress of Mathematicians
August 13 - 21, 2014
Coex , Seoul , Korea
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Short communications(Oral Presentation)
Short communications is oral presentations of mathematical work. Sessions will be organized according to the scientific sections of the ICM 2014. Each oral communication should last up to 20 minutes, including discussion. Rooms for short communications will be equipped with basic audio visual equipment such as beamer, screen and sound system.
Please check your oral presentation schedule, session code and presentation order with your name and abstract title as below. Additionally, you may check and download the draft of your abstract book arranged by sections. Your abstract can be revised only when typesetting of the mathematical formula is inconsistent with your original submission. If you want to revise your abstract, please send a tex file of the revised mathematical formulas to until June 24, 2014 (Korea Standard Time: GMT+9).
A last minute change can affect many speakers' schedules. Therefore, the Organizing Committee of SEOUL ICM 2014 asks for your understanding that certain sections have to be scheduled on certain days.

For Guidelines for Short Communication(Oral), please visit the below webpage.
Short Communications(per section)_tentative
Sections Time Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7
8.14(Thu) 8.15(Fri) 8.16(Sat) 8.18(Mon) 8.19(Tue) 8.20(Wed)
1. Logic and Foundations 15:00~16:00 SC01-01          
16:00~17:00 SC01-02          
17:00~18:00 SC01-03          
2. Algebra 15:00~16:00 SC02-01 SC02-04 SC02-07 SC02-10 SC02-13 SC02-16
16:00~17:00 SC02-02 SC02-05 SC02-08 SC02-11 SC02-14 SC02-17
17:00~18:00 SC02-03 SC02-06 SC02-09 SC02-12 SC02-15  
3. Number Theory 15:00~16:00   SC03-01 SC03-04 SC03-07 SC03-10  
16:00~17:00   SC03-02 SC03-05 SC03-08 SC03-11  
17:00~18:00   SC03-03 SC03-06 SC03-09    
4. Algebraic and Complex Geometry 15:00~16:00     SC04-01   SC04-04 SC04-08
16:00~17:00     SC04-02   SC04-05 SC04-09
17:00~18:00     SC04-03   SC04-06 SC04-10
18:00~19:00         SC04-07  
5. Geometry 15:00~16:00 SC05-01 SC05-04 SC05-07 SC05-10 SC05-13 SC05-16
16:00~17:00 SC05-02 SC05-05 SC05-08 SC05-11 SC05-14 SC05-17
17:00~18:00 SC05-03 SC05-06 SC05-09 SC05-12 SC05-15  
6. Topology 15:00~16:00 SC06-01 SC06-04 SC06-07 SC06-10 SC06-13 SC06-16
16:00~17:00 SC06-02 SC06-05 SC06-08 SC06-11 SC06-14 SC06-17
17:00~18:00 SC06-03 SC06-06 SC06-09 SC06-12 SC06-15  
7. Lie Theory and Generalizations 15:00~16:00     SC07-01      
16:00~17:00     SC07-02      
17:00~18:00     SC07-03      
8. Analysis and its Applications 15:00~16:00 SC08-01 SC08-07 SC08-10 SC08-13 SC08-16 SC08-22
SC08-04       SC08-19  
16:00~17:00 SC08-02 SC08-08 SC08-11 SC08-14 SC08-17 SC08-23
SC08-05       SC08-20  
17:00~18:00 SC08-03 SC08-09 SC08-12 SC08-15 SC08-18  
SC08-06       SC08-21  
9. Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations 15:00~16:00 SC09-01 SC09-07 SC09-10 SC09-13 SC09-17 SC09-20
16:00~17:00 SC09-02 SC09-08 SC09-11 SC09-14 SC09-18 SC09-21
17:00~18:00 SC09-03 SC09-09 SC09-12 SC09-15 SC09-19 SC09-22
18:00~19:00       SC09-16    
10. Partial Differential Equations 15:00~16:00 SC10-01 SC10-04 SC10-07 SC10-10 SC10-13 SC10-16
16:00~17:00 SC10-02 SC10-05 SC10-08 SC10-11 SC10-14  
17:00~18:00 SC10-03 SC10-06 SC10-09 SC10-12 SC10-15  
11. Mathematical Physics 15:00~16:00 SC11-01 SC11-04 SC11-07 SC11-10    
16:00~17:00 SC11-02 SC11-05 SC11-08 SC11-11    
17:00~18:00 SC11-03 SC11-06 SC11-09      
12. Probability and Statistics 15:00~16:00   SC12-01 SC12-04 SC12-07 SC12-10 SC12-13
16:00~17:00   SC12-02 SC12-05 SC12-08 SC12-11 SC12-14
17:00~18:00   SC12-03 SC12-06 SC12-09 SC12-12  
13. Combinatorics 15:00~16:00 SC13-01 SC13-07 SC13-10 SC13-13 SC13-16 SC13-19
SC13-04         SC13-22
16:00~17:00 SC13-02 SC13-08 SC13-11 SC13-14 SC13-17 SC13-20
SC13-05         SC13-23
17:00~18:00 SC13-03 SC13-09 SC13-12 SC13-15 SC13-18 SC13-21
14. Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science 15:00~16:00   SC14-01   SC14-03    
16:00~17:00   SC14-02   SC14-04    
15. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing 15:00~16:00 SC15-01 SC15-04 SC15-06 SC15-09 SC15-12 SC15-15
16:00~17:00 SC15-02 SC15-05 SC15-07 SC15-10 SC15-13 SC15-16
17:00~18:00 SC15-03   SC15-08 SC15-11 SC15-14  
16. Control Theory and Optimization 15:00~16:00 SC16-01 SC16-04   SC16-07    
16:00~17:00 SC16-02 SC16-05   SC16-08    
17:00~18:00 SC16-03 SC16-06   SC16-09    
17. Mathematics in Science and Technology 15:00~16:00   SC17-01   SC17-04   SC17-08
16:00~17:00   SC17-02   SC17-05   SC17-09
17:00~18:00   SC17-03   SC17-06   SC17-10
18:00~19:00       SC17-07    
18. Mathematics Education and Popularization of Mathematics 15:00~16:00          SC18-01  
16:00~17:00          SC18-02  
19. History of Mathematics 15:00~16:00     SC19-01   Symposium
16:00~17:00     SC19-02  
Short Communications(per session room)_tentative
Room No. & Capacity
309 310AB  311AB  312 313 316 319 320AB  321AB 322 323 324AB 325AB 326
34 38 38 34 34 34 34 38 38 34 34 38 38 34
14 Aug.
SC02-01 SC01-01 SC16-01 SC06-01 SC08-04 SC05-01 SC10-01 SC08-01 SC13-01 SC09-01 SC11-01 SC09-04 SC15-01 SC13-04
SC02-02 SC01-02 SC16-02 SC06-02 SC08-05 SC05-02 SC10-02 SC08-02 SC13-02 SC09-02 SC11-02 SC09-05 SC15-02 SC13-05
SC02-03 SC01-03 SC16-03 SC06-03 SC08-06 SC05-03 SC10-03 SC08-03 SC13-03 SC09-03 SC11-03 SC09-06 SC15-03 SC13-06
15 Aug.
SC02-04 SC03-01 SC16-04 SC06-04 SC17-01 SC05-04 SC10-04 SC08-07 SC13-07 SC12-01 SC11-04 SC09-07 SC15-04 SC14-01
SC02-05 SC03-02 SC16-05 SC06-05 SC17-02 SC05-05 SC10-05 SC08-08 SC13-08 SC12-02 SC11-05 SC09-08 SC15-05 SC14-02
SC02-06 SC03-03 SC16-06 SC06-06 SC17-03 SC05-06 SC10-06 SC08-09 SC13-09 SC12-03 SC11-06 SC09-09    
16 Aug.
SC02-07 SC03-04 SC04-01 SC06-07 SC07-01 SC05-07 SC10-07 SC08-10 SC13-10 SC12-04 SC11-07 SC09-10 SC15-06 SC19-01
SC02-08 SC03-05 SC04-02 SC06-08 SC07-02 SC05-08 SC10-08 SC08-11 SC13-11 SC12-05 SC11-08 SC09-11 SC15-07 SC19-02
SC02-09 SC03-06 SC04-03 SC06-09 SC07-03 SC05-09 SC10-09 SC08-12 SC13-12 SC12-06 SC11-09 SC09-12 SC15-08  
17 Aug.   Off day
18 Aug.
SC02-10 SC03-07 SC16-07 SC06-10 SC17-04 SC05-10 SC10-10 SC08-13 SC13-13 SC12-07 SC11-10 SC09-13 SC15-09 SC14-03
SC02-11 SC03-08 SC16-08 SC06-11 SC17-05 SC05-11 SC10-11 SC08-14 SC13-14 SC12-08 SC11-11 SC09-14 SC15-10 SC14-04
SC02-12 SC03-09 SC16-09 SC06-12 SC17-06 SC05-12 SC10-12 SC08-15 SC13-15 SC12-09   SC09-15 SC15-11  
        SC17-07             SC09-16    
19 Aug.
SC02-13 SC03-10 SC04-04 SC06-13 SC08-19 SC05-13 SC10-13 SC08-16 SC13-16 SC12-10   SC09-17 SC15-12 SC18-01
SC02-14 SC03-11 SC04-05 SC06-14 SC08-20 SC05-14 SC10-14 SC08-17 SC13-17 SC12-11   SC09-18 SC15-13 SC18-02
SC02-15   SC04-06 SC06-15 SC08-21 SC05-15 SC10-15 SC08-18 SC13-18 SC12-12   SC09-19 SC15-14  
20 Aug.
SC02-16   SC04-08 SC06-16 SC17-08 SC05-16 SC10-16 SC08-22 SC13-19 SC12-13 Symposium SC09-20 SC15-15 SC13-22
SC02-17   SC04-09 SC06-17 SC17-09 SC05-17   SC08-23 SC13-20 SC12-14 Symposium SC09-21 SC15-16 SC13-23
    SC04-10   SC17-10       SC13-21   Symposium SC09-22    
Abstract book download
Sections Download
All Sections - Final Version (August 30)
1. Logic and Foundations
2. Algebra
3. Number Theory
4. Algebraic and Complex Geometry
5. Geometry
6. Topology
7. Lie Theory and Generalizations
8. Analysis and its Applications
9. Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations
10. Partial Differential Equations
11. Mathematical Physics
12. Probability and Statistics
13. Combinatorics
14. Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science
15. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
16. Control Theory and Optimization
17. Mathematics in Science and Technology
18. Mathematics Education and Popularization of Mathematics
19. History of Mathematics and History Symposium
List of Presenter for Short Communications
Session Code Presen
Abstract Title

First Name

Last Name Organization Country Chair Country
SC01-01 SC01-01-01 On limit theory Geng Ouyang Minnan Normal University China Byunghan Kim Republic of Korea
SC01-01-02 Primes and irreducibles in computable rings Joseph Mileti Grinnell College USA
SC01-01-03 Consciousness, intuitionism, and their implications for the foundations of mathematics. Mansa Singh Professor Emeritus, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, The University of Calgary Canada
SC01-02 SC01-02-01 Axiomatizing mathematical theories of numbers Saeed Salehi University of Tabriz Iran Joseph Mileti USA
SC01-02-02 Solving the “triplets” Zeno-Berkeley-Russell’s Paradox: the infinite idea, infinite numbers and their related treating theories and techniques Geng Ouyang Minnan Normal University China
SC01-02-03 Finite VC-dimension in model theory and computational learning theory Artem Chernikov Universite Paris Diderot - Paris 7 France
SC01-03 SC01-03-01 Computable invariant measures and algorithmically random structures Cameron Freer Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Analog Devices Lyric Labs USA Artem Chernikov France
SC01-03-02 Jonsson sets and some their model-theoretic properties. Aibat Yeshkeyev Institute of Applied Mathematics of CS of MES of RK Kazakhstan
SC01-03-03 On extension of some axioms of ZFC set theory by introducing some second-order axiom system Wi gon Park Tongmyong University Republic of Korea
SC01-03-04 Continuum and continua Maarten McKubre-Jordens University of Canterbury New Zealand
SC02-01 SC02-01-01 The functional representations of free algebras Yuri Movsisyan Yerevan State University Armenia Gabriela tali Jeronimo Argentina
SC02-01-02 Some characterizations of subclasses of p-algebras Rashed Talukder Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Bangladesh
SC02-01-03 Centralizer and normalizer of b-algebra Joemar Endam Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology Philippines
SC02-02 SC02-02-01 Order and degree bounds for the differential Nullstellensatz Gabriela Jeronimo Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Hwankoo Kim Republic of Korea
SC02-02-02 A generalization of a theorem of ore Sudesh kaur Khanduja Indian Institute of science education and research,(IISER) Mohali, India
SC02-02-03 Prime ideals in two-dimensional polynomial-power series domains Sylvia Wiegand University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE 68588-0130 USA
SC02-03 SC02-03-01 Spin polynomial functors and Schur superalgebras Jonathan Axtell Seoul National University Republic of Korea Sylvia Wiegand United States of America
SC02-03-02 Dimension filtration of multigraded modules of nested type Hossein Sabzrou University of Tehran Iran
SC02-03-03 On modules over dedekind domains Elvira Kusniyanti Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesia
SC02-04 SC02-04-01 Domination parameters and the projective dimension of hypergraph ideals Dariush Kiani Amirkabir University Iran Alberto Facchini Italy
SC02-04-02 Artinianness of composed local cohomology modules Amir Mafi University of Kurdistan Iran
SC02-04-03 A cohen-kaplansky domain construction Chris Spicer Morningside College USA
SC02-05 SC02-05-01 Multilinear reduction in the Jacobian conjecture Narasimhan Ramanu
d j sanghi college of engineering India Amir Mafi Iran
SC02-05-02 Matrix transformation for reflection on 2- and 3-dimensional spaces Chotiros Surapholchai Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University Thailand
SC02-05-03 Classification problems for systems of forms and linear mappings Vladimir Sergeichuk Academy of Sciences Ukraine
SC02-06 SC02-06-01 Surfaces containing two circles through each point Alexey Pakharev NRU HSE Russian Federation Jonathan Axtell Republic of Korea
SC02-06-02 Right coideal subalgebras of character Hopf algebras Vladislav Kharchenko UNAM Mexico
SC02-06-03 Direct products of modules whose endomorphism rings have at most two maximal ideals Alberto Facchini University of Padova Italy
SC02-07 SC02-07-01 Perspective rings Harpreet K. Grover Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar India Vladislav Kharchenko Mexico
SC02-07-02 On relative (Gorenstein) homological dimensions Driss Bennis Faculty of sciences, Mohammed V-Agdal university, Rabat Morocco
SC02-07-03 Derived equivalences and Gorenstein dimension Hirotaka Koga University of Tsukuba Japan
SC02-08 SC02-08-01 Techniques for classifying Hopf algebras of a given dimension Gaston andres Garcia Universidad Nacional de La Plata Argentina Hirotaka Koga Japan
SC02-08-02 Coisotropic property of characteristic variety over Weyl algebras and relation with symplectic geometry & quantum physics. Shiv Datt Kumar Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad 211004 India
SC02-08-03 Different prime graphs of a nearring with respect to an ideal Babushri Srinivas Kedukodi Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University India
SC02-09 SC02-09-01 The extension theorem with respect to symmetrized weight compositions Noha Elgarem Cairo University Egypt Shiv Datt Kumar India
SC02-09-02 Hopf superalgebras, distinguished nichols algebras of diagonal type and power root vectors Ivan ezequiel Angiono CONICET Argentina
SC02-09-03 Liftings of nichols algebras via cocycle deformation Agustin Garcia
Facultad de Matematica Astronomia y Fisica - UNC Argentina
SC02-10 SC02-10-01 Special biserial algebras Andrea Solotar Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Vyacheslav Yanchevski Belarus
SC02-10-02 Matrix representation of finitely generated Grassmann algebras Johan Meyer University of the Free State South Africa
SC02-10-03 Self-dual normal basis over Galois ring Intan Muchtadi-Alamsyah Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia
SC02-11 SC02-11-01 Groups all of whose undirected Cayley graphs have specific graph theoretical property Alireza Abdollahi University of Isfahan Iran Johan Meyer South Africa
SC02-11-02 Subgroup properties of pro-$p$ extensions of centralizers Ilir Snopche Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil
SC02-11-03 Abelian quotients and orbit sizes of finite linear groups Thomas Keller Texas State University USA
SC02-12 SC02-12-01 On anisotropic reduced whitehead groups of semiramified discretely valued henselian division algebras Vyacheslav Yanchevskii Institute of Mathematics Belarus Ilir Snopche Brazil
SC02-12-02 Brauer-Fitting correspondence on tensor algebra Ahmed Khammash Umm AlQura University Saudi Arabia
SC02-12-03 Recognition of some finite groups by order and some information on their character degrees Behrooz Khosravi Amirkabir University of Technology Iran
SC02-13-01 The Fischer-Clifford matrices and character table of the maximal subgroup $2^9{:}(L_3(4){:}S_3)$ of $U_6(2){:}S_3$ Abraham Prins Faculty of Military Science, University of Stellenbosch South Africa Jeaman Ahn Republic of Korea
SC02-13-02 Towards classifying finite groups with some condition on the size of conjugacy classes Mohammad reza Darafsheh University of Tehran Iran
SC02-13-03 Structural classification of the automorphisms of certain abelian groups Ben-Eben De Klerk University of the Free State South Africa
SC02-14-02 On embedding of Malcev coalgebras into Lie coalgebras with triality. Maxim Goncharov Universidade de Sao Paulo Russian Federation
SC02-14-03 Objects with the exchange property in Grothendieck categories Leonard Daus United Arab Emirates University United Arab Emirates
SC02-15-01 Some groups of exponent 72 Daria Lytkina Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciencies Russian Federation Maxim Goncharov Russian Federation
SC02-15-02 On the conjecture of Borel and Tits for abstract homomorphisms of algebraic groups Igor Rapinchuk Harvard University USA
SC02-15-03 The lattice of fully invariant subgroups of a cotorsion hull Tariel Kemoklidze Akaki Tsereteli State University Georgia
SC02-16 SC02-16-01 Sharp transitivity and compatibility in quasigroup actions Bokhee Im Chonnam National University Republic of Korea Thomas Keller United States of America
SC02-16-02 Middle Bol loops Parascovia Syrbu Moldova State University Moldova
SC02-16-03 Novel nonlinear block code based on the modular inverse of a sparse matrix Su-Jeong Choi University of Dong-A Republic of Korea
SC02-17 SC02-17-01 Leavitt path algebras and related Lie algebras Adel Alahmadi King Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia Daria Lytkina Russian Federation
SC02-17-02 On a group of the form $2^{14}{:}Sp(6,2)$ Thekiso Seretlo North West University South Africa
SC02-17-03 W-Projective modules over commutative rings Hwankoo Kim Hoseo University Republic of Korea
SC03-01 SC03-01-01 On a generalization of the three-pile trick by means of a finite family of discrete functions Roy Quintero Universidad de Los Andes Venezuela Byeong-Kweon Oh Republic of Korea
SC03-01-02 Chebyshev polynomials over finite fields and periodic harmonic functions on lattices Masakazu Yamagishi Nagoya Institute of Technology Japan
SC03-01-03 Connections between the sum of divisors function and Euler's totient function Kevin Broughan University of Waikato New Zealand
SC03-02 SC03-02-01 Cauchy Riemann equations of zeta function David Ni Direxion Technology Taiwan Masakazu Yamagishi Japan
SC03-02-02 Generalized trigonometric Hopf algebras and Fermat's last theorem Stefan Catoiu DePaul University, Chicago USA
SC03-02-03 Metabelian groups, transfer maps, and the capitulation problem Alexandru Tupan University of Wisconsin River Falls USA
SC03-03 SC03-03-01 A new class of ordinary integers Shu-Yuan Mei Nanjing Normal University China Stefan Catoiu USA
SC03-03-02 Computing bounds on Jacobsthal's function Gerhard Paseman Sheperd Systems USA
SC03-03-03 Hegyvári’s theorem on complete sequences Jin-Hui Fang Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology China
SC03-04 SC03-04-01 Powers in products of terms of Pell's and Pell-Lucas sequences Shanta Laishram Indian Statistical Institute India Changheon Kim Republic of korea
SC03-04-02 Arithmetic of Sheffer sequences Dae san Kim Sogang University Republic of Korea
SC03-04-03 Solutions of the Diophantine equation $$x^2 + 5^a*p^b = y^n$$ Musa Demirci Uludag University Turkey
SC03-05 SC03-05-01 On the algebraicity of the Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms Venkata ganapathi narasimha kumar Cheraku Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad India Daesan KIM Republic of Korea
SC03-05-02 Siegel modular forms of weight two and Hurwitz quaternion Haigang Zhou Tongji University China
SC03-05-03 On generic local Langlands correspondence for GSpin groups Yeansu Kim University of Iowa USA
SC03-06 SC03-06-01 Generalizing Wallis formula Dirk Huylebrouck KULeuven Belgium Yeansu Kim USA
SC03-06-02 Fourier expansion and a combinatorial-geometric viewpoint of Knopp type identities for generalized Dedekind sums Kozuka Kazuhito Miyakonojo National College of Technology Japan
SC03-06-03 Group sieve method for sequences of Fibonacci type Peide Chen Chinese Academy of Sciences China
SC03-07 SC03-07-01 Exceptional intercepts of linear mod one transformations and fractional parts $\{\xi (p/q)^n\}$ Doyong Kwon Chonnam National University Republic of Korea Ilhan Ikeda Turkey
SC03-07-02 Generalizations of a cotangent sum associated to the zeros of the Estermann zeta function Michael Rassias ETH-Zurich Switzerland
SC03-07-03 3D continued fractions and Kloosterman sums Alexey Ustinov Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Federation
SC03-08 SC03-08-01 On the zeros of the $k$-th derivative of the riemann zeta function under the riemann hypothesis Ade Irma Suriajaya Nagoya University Japan Doyong Kwon Republic of Korea
SC03-08-02 Some conjecture on divisor function Masatoshi Nakano The Mathematical Society of Japan Japan
SC03-08-03 How to prove the Riemann hypothesis Yuanyou Cheng Harvard University USA
SC03-09 SC03-09-01 The asymptotic behavior of the multiple zeta function at non-positive integers Tomokazu Onozuka Nagoya University Japan Ade Irma Suriajaya Indonesia
SC03-09-02 Meromorphic continuation and natural boundary for a new class of Euler products Oswaldo Velasquez Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria Peru
SC03-09-03 On a group closely related with the automorphic Langlands group Ilhan Ikeda Yeditepe University Turkey
SC03-10-01 Holomorphic differentials of cyclotomic function fields Kenneth Ward New York University Shanghai China Bo-Hae Im Republic of Korea
SC03-10-02 Galois codescent for motivic tame kernels Jilali Assim Moulay Ismail University, Morocco
SC03-10-03 Motivic Riemann-Roch theorem for nonsmooth schemes Alberto Navarro ICMat Spain
SC03-11 SC03-11-01 Euler products beyond the boundary for Selberg zeta functions Fumika Suzuki The University of British Columbia Canada Kenneth Ward China
SC03-11-02 An arithmetic of hyperbolic curve over finite fields Kai-Rui Wang Yunnan University China
SC03-11-03 Minimum degree of the difference of two polynomials over Q, and weighted plane trees Fedor Pakovich Ben Gurion University Israel
SC04-01 SC04-01-01 Families of $K3$ surfaces in smooth Fano 3-folds with Picard number $2$ Makiko Mase Tokyo Metropolitan University Japan Junmyeong Jang Republic of Korea
SC04-01-02 Uniform vector bundles on rational homogeneous spaces Carolina Araujo IMPA Brazil
SC04-01-03 A spectral sequence and nef vector bundles of the first Chern class two on hyperquadrics Masahiro Ohno The University of Electro-Communications Japan
SC04-02 SC04-02-01 Cycles and bundles on generalized complex manifolds Hoil Kim Kyungpook National University Republic of Korea Carolina Araujo Brazil
SC04-02-02 Rationality problem of conic bundles Aiichi Yamasaki Graduate School of Science Kyoto University Japan
SC04-02-03 Some results in resolution of singularities in positive characteristic Angelica Benito University of Michigan USA
SC04-03-01 Quasi-numerically positive log canonical divisors Shigetaka Fukuda Faculty of Education, Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University Japan Young-hoon Kiem Republic of Korea
SC04-03-02 On the gevrey expansions of hypergeometric integrals Francisco-Jesus Castro-
University of Seville Spain
SC04-03-03 The moduli of Klein covers of curves Charles Siegel Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe at the University of Tokyo Japan
SC04-04 SC04-04-01 Smoothing of limit linear series on metrized compex of algebraic curves Madhusudan Madhusudan University of California Berkeley USA Young Rock Kim Republic of Korea
SC04-04-02 On Strassen's additivity conjecture Enrico Carlini Monash Uni Australia
SC04-04-03 Additive group actions on algebraic varieties Alvaro Liendo Universidad de Talca Chile
SC04-05 SC04-05-01 Birational geometry of algebraic plane curves Shigeru Iitaka Gakushuin University Japan Sijong Kwak Republic of Korea
SC04-05-02 Toward a complete classification of log del Pezzo surfaces of rank one Dongseon Hwang Ajou University Republic of Korea
SC04-05-03 Lagrangian fibrations and their dual fibrations Justin Sawon University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USA
SC04-06-01 Rationality problem for algebraic tori Akinari Hoshi Niigata University Japan Dongseon Hwang  Republic of Korea
SC04-06-02 Special divisor classes on blow-ups of Hirzebruch surfaces YongJoo Shin KAIST Republic of Korea
SC04-06-03 Higgs bundles and holomorphic chains Alexander Schmitt Freie Universitaet Berlin Germany
SC04-07 SC04-07-01 Defining equations of secant varieties to Veronese reembeddings Jaroslaw Buczynski Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences Poland Alvaro Liendo Chile
SC04-07-02 Multigraded Hilbert functions and toric complete intersection codes Mesut Sahin Cankiri Karatekin University Turkey
SC04-07-03 Okounkov bodies, toric degenerations, and bott-samelson varieties Jihyeon Jessie Yang McMaster University Canada
SC04-08 SC04-08-01 Plane curves with small polar degree Masahiro Watari Okinawa National College of Technology Japan Jaroslaw Buczynski Poland
SC04-08-02 Decomposition of abelian varieties using group actions. Anita Rojas Universidad de Chile Chile
SC04-08-03 Decomposing Jacobian varieties Jennifer Paulhus Grinnell College USA
SC04-09 SC04-09-01 A tropical characterization of complex analytic varieties to be algebraic Mounir Nisse KIAS, Korean Institute for Advanced Study Republic of Korea Jae Hyouk Lee Republic of korea
SC04-09-02 Algebraic vision: The Quadrifocal variety Luke Oeding Auburn University USA
SC04-09-03 An elementary proof of the Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem Kenzo Adachi Nagasaki university Japan
SC04-10 SC04-10-01 On the blow-analytic equivalence of plane curves Cristina Valle Tokyo Metropolitan University Japan Mounir Nisse Republic of Korea
SC04-10-02 The weight filtration on the logarithmic de Rham complex Alexander Aleksandrov Institute of Control Sciences RAS Russian Federation
SC04-10-03 Configurations of lines in del Pezzo surfaces and Gosset polytopes Jae-Hyouk Lee Ewha Womans University Republic of Korea
SC05-01 SC05-01-01 Ruled submanifolds and Gauss map Young ho Kim Kyungpook National University Republic of Korea Sung-ho Park Republic of Korea
SC05-01-02 On exponentially harmonic maps Yuan-jen Chiang University of Mary Wasington USA
SC05-01-03 Entropy and deformation of real projective structures on surfaces Patrick Foulon CNRS France
SC05-02 SC05-02-01 Metric geometry of Carnot-Caratheodory spaces under minimal smoothness of vector fields Maria Karmanova Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Russian Federation Young-Ho Kim Republic of Korea
SC05-02-02 Advantages of using the geometric product in differential geometry Peter Lewintan University of Duisburg-Essen Germany
SC05-02-03 The Yang-Mills equations over Klein surfaces Florent Schaffhauser Universidad de Los Andes Colombia
SC05-03 SC05-03-01 Generalized Tanaka-Webster connections on real hypersurfaces of some Kählerian manifolds Juan de dios Perez Universidad de Granada Spain Jongsu Kim Republic of Korea
SC05-03-02 Repeating patterns on triply periodic polyhedra Douglas Dunham University of Minnesota - Duluth USA
SC05-03-03 Group approximation on Cayley topology and coarse geometry Masato Mimura Tohoku University Japan
SC05-04 SC05-04-01 Harmonic nets in metric spaces Leonard TODJI-
Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques Benin Keomkyo Seo Republic of Korea
SC05-04-02 An intermediate value theorem for polytopes Mikhail Matveev Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Russian Federation
SC05-04-03 Some isoperimetric inequalities and eigenvalue estimates in weighted manifolds Juncheol Pyo Pusan National University Republic of Korea
SC05-05 SC05-05-01 Every Busemann non-positively curved $G$-space is a manifold Pavel Andreev Northern (Arctic) Federal Univercity, Arkhangelsk Russian Federation Juan de dios Perez Spain
SC05-05-02 The Witten deformation for singular spaces and radial Morse functions Ursula Ludwig Departement de Mathematiques France
SC05-05-03 Geometric inequalities for submanifolds with bounded mean curvature Keomkyo Seo Sookmyung Women's University Republic of Korea
SC05-06 SC05-06-01 Weak equivalence of Finsler metrics and consequences Mehdi Rafie-Rad University of Mazanadaran, Babolsar, Iran Iran Juncheol Pyo Republic of Korea
SC05-06-02 Geometric view of conformal partial differential equations Jose Espinar Instituo Nacional de Matematica Pura e Aplicada Brazil
SC05-06-03 The eta function and $\eta$-invariant of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer operator on $\mathbb{Z}_{2^r}$-manifolds Ricardo Alberto Podesta National University of Cordoba (UNC) Argentina
SC05-07 SC05-07-01 The Einstein constraint equations and the Yamabe problem Seongtag Kim Inha University Republic of Korea Paolo Piccione Brazil
SC05-07-02 Geometrical properties of projections of self-similar Jordan arcs. Andrey Tetenov Head of department Russian Federation
SC05-07-03 The twisted K\"ahler-Ricci Hermitian Yang-Mills flow. Donovan Mcferon Ramapo College of New Jersey USA
SC05-08 SC05-08-01 Conformally flat walker spaces with non-degenerate Ricci operator mohamad chaichi payame-noor university Iran Seongtag Kim Republic of Korea
SC05-08-02 Hamiltonian loops on symplectic blow ups Andres Pedroza Universidad de Colima Mexico
SC05-08-03 On Osserman manifolds and duality principle Zoran Rakic University of Belgrade Serbia
SC05-09 SC05-09-01 On surfaces of constant astigmatism Adam Hlavac Silesian university in Opava Czech Republic Andrey Tetenov Russian Federation
SC05-09-02 Bifurcation of periodic solutions to the singular Yamabe problem on spheres Paolo Piccione Universidade de Sao Paulo Brazil
SC05-09-03 Rigidity of group topologies for locally compact groups Rupert McCallum University of Munster Germany
SC05-10 SC05-10-01 The isoperimetric problem in manifolds with density Frank Morgan Williams College USA Vladimir Rovenski Israel
SC05-10-02 Symmetries and conservation laws for constant mean curvature surfaces Joe S. Wang   Republic of Korea
SC05-10-03 On solvable Lie groups of negative Ricci curvature Yuri Nikolayevsky La Trobe University Australia
SC05-11 SC05-11-01 Growth of heat trace coefficients for locally symmetric spaces Roberto Miatello FaMAF, Univ. Nacional de Cordoba Argentina Jeong Hyeong Park Republic of Korea
SC05-11-02 Capillary surfaces in Euclidean space Rafael Lopez Universidad de Granada Spain
SC05-11-03 Szego kernel asymptotics for high power of CR line bundles and Kodaira embedding theorems on CR manifolds Chin-yu Hsiao Assistant Professor Taiwan
SC05-12 SC05-12-01 Real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians with commuting Ricci tensor Changhwa Woo Kyungpook National Univ. Republic of Korea Roberto Miatello Argentina
SC05-12-02 The mixed scalar curvature of a harmonic foliation Vladimir Rovenski Prof. Israel
SC05-12-03 Visualizing Poincaré's dream Renate Quehenberger Quantum Cinema Austria
SC05-13 SC05-13-01 A piecewise cubic postscript trefoil Fred Linton Wesleyan Univ. USA Rafael Lopez Spain
SC05-13-02 New mechanics of 4-manifolds and ${\mathrm{G}_2}$ structures Rui Albuquerque Universita di Torino Portugal
SC05-13-03 Contact fibrations over the 2--disk ROGER CASALS Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Spain
SC05-14 SC05-14-01 Geometry of hypersurfaces with bounded normal curvatures Kostiantyn Drach V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Ukraine Young Jin Suh   Republic of Korea
SC05-14-02 Classifications of real hypersurfaces in complex hyperbolic two-plane Grassmannians Hyunjin Lee Kyungpook National University Republic of Korea
SC05-14-03 The index of symmetry of homogeneous spaces Silvio Reggiani FCEIA - Universidad Nacional de Rosario Argentina
SC05-15 SC05-15-01 A Point in a (nd)-polytope is the barycenter of n points in its d-faces Michael gene Dobbins Postech Republic of Korea Vitaly Balashchenko Belarus
SC05-15-02 The total absolute torsion of open curves in $E^3$ Kazuyuki Enomoto Tokyo University of Science Japan
SC05-15-03 A proof of all three euclidean Atiyah Sutcliffe 4-point conjectures Dragutin Svrtan Faculty of Science Croatia
SC05-16 SC05-16-01 Invariant structures on Riemannian homogeneous $k$-symmetric spaces and nilpotent Lie groups Vitaly Balashchenko Belarusian State University Belarus Seungsu Hwang  Republic of Korea
SC05-16-02 Lens spaces isospectral on p-forms for every p Emilio A. Lauret Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Argentina
SC05-16-03 Constant mean curvature surfaces and finite total curvatue Marcos Cavalcante Universidade Federal de Alagoas Brazil
SC05-17 SC05-17-01 Submanifolds of codimension two of Kaehler manifolds Mirjana Djoric University of Belgrade Serbia Joe S. Wang Republic of Korea
SC05-17-02 Geometry and the discrete Fourier transform Patrick Ion Mathematical Reviews USA
SC05-17-03 The Calabi-Yau equation on the Kodaira-Thurston manifold Luigi Vezzoni University of Turin Italy
SC05-17-04 On the linearization of the scalar curvature Seungsu Hwang Chung-Ang University Republic of Korea
SC06-01 SC06-01-01 A further contribution to properties of remote points in pointfree topology Martin m. Mugochi University of Namibia Namibia Hanchul Park Republic of Korea
SC06-01-02 Volume and topology Thilo Kuessner Korea Institute for Advanced Study Republic of Korea
SC06-01-03 Arbitrarily long factorizations in mapping class groups Mehmetcik Pamuk Middle East Technical University Turkey
SC06-02 SC06-02-01 Normal complex surface singularities with rational homology disk smoothings Heesang Park Konkuk University Republic of Korea Thilo Kuessner Republic of Korea
SC06-02-02 Reidemeitser torsion of a homology 3-sphere surgeried along the (p,q)-torus knot for $SL(2;\mathbb{C})$-represenatations Teruaki Kitano Soka University Japan
SC06-02-03 Discretization of topological and quantum spaces Massoud Amini Tarbiat Modares University Iran
SC06-03 SC06-03-01 Torsions of cohomology of real toric varieties Hanchul Park Ajou University Republic of Korea Heesang Park Republic of Korea
SC06-03-02 Unknotting number of some knots Vikash Siwach IIT Ropar India
SC06-03-03 Gromov-Hausdorff hyperspaces of $\mathbb R^n$ Sergey Antonyan Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico
SC06-04 SC06-04-01 On Cohen braids Vladimir Verchinine Universite Montpellier 2 France Suyoung Choi Republic of Korea
SC06-04-02 Further study of kanenobu knots Khaled Qazaqzeh Kuwait University Kuwait
SC06-04-03 Polygonal approximation of knots by quadrisecants Gyo taek Jin Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Republic of Korea
SC06-05 SC06-05-01 Topology of generalized Bott manifolds Suyoung Choi Ajou University Republic of Korea Gyo taek Jin Republic of Korea
SC06-05-02 A topological proof of a version of Artin’s induction theorem Muge Saadetoglu Eastern Mediterranean University Cyprus
SC06-05-03 Classification of transitive Lie algebroids from categorical point of view Alexander Mishchenko Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian Federation
SC06-06 SC06-06-01 Exact computation and the cusped hyperbolic census Benjamin Burton The University of Queensland Australia Alexander Mishchenko Russian Federation
SC06-06-02 A new generalization of the Khovanov homology Ik jae Lee Rowan University USA
SC06-06-03 On the Alexander biquandles for oriented surface-links via marked graph diagrams Jieon Kim Pusan National University Republic of Korea
SC06-07 SC06-07-01 Semi-separation axiom of digital topological spaces Sang-Eon Han Chonbuk National University Republic of Korea Daniele Zuddas Republic of Korea
SC06-07-02 The fixed point property everywhere Jonathan Barmak Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
SC06-07-03 Groups of homeomorphisms and diffeomorphisms of non-compact manifolds with the Whitney topology Tatsuhiko Yagasaki Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan
SC06-08 SC06-08-01 Differential $\lambda$ calculus proves Poincare $S^n_{PL}$ by quantum induction Serge Maumary Lausanne University-EPFL Switzerland Sang-Eon Han Republic of korea
SC06-08-02 Symplectic and nonsymplectic $6$-manifolds Ahmet Beyaz METU Turkey
SC06-08-03 On span of incomplete real flag manifolds Deborah Ajayi University of Ibadan Nigeria
SC06-09 SC06-09-01 Sol$_1^4$-geometry Kyung-bai Lee University of Oklahoma USA Jonathan Barmak Argentina
SC06-09-02 Cobordisms of Lefschetz fibrations on 4-manifolds Daniele Zuddas Korea Institute for Advanced Study Republic of Korea
SC06-09-03 The Nielsen and Reidemeister numbers of maps on infra-solvmanifolds of type $(\mathrm{R})$ Alexander Fel'shtyn University of Szczecin Poland
SC06-10 SC06-10-01 A topologically minimal, weakly reducible, unstabilized Heegaard splitting of genus three is critical Jungsoo Kim Seoul National University Republic of Korea Mei-Lin Yau Taiwan
SC06-10-02 $S_5$ action with rank $1$ isotropy on a $G$ CW-complex X homotopy equivalent to a sphere Semra Pamuk Middle East Technical University Turkey
SC06-10-03 Complete classifications of exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots and alternating knots Kazuhiro Ichihara College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University Japan
SC06-11 SC06-11-01 Ropelength criticality John Sullivan TU Berlin Germany Sang Youl Lee Republic of korea
SC06-11-02 Isotopy and invariants of Legendrian surfaces Mei-Lin Yau National Central University Taiwan
SC06-11-03 Prime decompositions of topological objects Sergei Matveev professor, head of chear Algorithmic Topology and Algebra, Chelyabinsk State University Russian Federation
SC06-12 SC06-12-01 Ideal coset invariants for surface-links in 4-space Yewon Joung Pusan National University Republic of Korea John Sullivan Germany
SC06-12-02 Mackenzie obstruction for existing of transitive Lie algebroid Vagif Gasimov Baku State University Azerbaijan
SC06-12-03 Samelson products in function spaces Rugare Kwashira University of Witwatersrand South Africa
SC06-13 SC06-13-01 An unknotting operation using polynomial representation of long knots Prabhakar Madeti IIT Ropar India Masaaki Suzuki Japan
SC06-13-02 The symmetric squares of quaternionic projective space Yumi Boote University of Manchester UK
SC06-13-03 Buchstaber Invariant - generalized chromatic number of simplicial complexes Nikolay Erokhovets Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian Federation
SC06-14 SC06-14-01 Simplicial volume of noncompact manifolds Sungwoon Kim KIAS Republic of Korea Christopher K Atkinson USA
SC06-14-02 Minimal $C^1$-diffeomorphisms of the circle which admit measurable fundamental domain Hiroki Kodama the University of Tokyo Japan
SC06-14-03 On the concept of bornology in the context of many-valued mathematical structures Alexander Sostak Institute of Mathematics and CS, University of Latvia Latvia
SC06-15 SC06-15-01 Meridional and non-meridional epimorphisms between knot groups Masaaki Suzuki Meiji University Japan Yongjin Song Republic of Korea
SC06-15-02 $\mathbb{Z}_2$-actions on the 3-Sphere and 2-Torus. Keerti vardhan Madahar Panjab University, Chandigarhh India
SC06-15-03 Small volume link orbifolds Christopher K Atkinson University of Minnesota, Morris USA
SC06-15-04 Characteristic classes of configuration spaces and applications to discrete geometry Gunter M. Ziegler Freie Universitat Berlin Germany
SC06-16 SC06-16-01 On the Freedman's manifold $E_8$ Umed Karimov Head of the Department Tadjikistan TBA  
SC06-16-02 Torus manifolds and toric origami manifolds Seonjeong Park National Institute for Mathematical Sciences Republic of Korea
SC06-17 SC06-17-01 Showing distinctness of surface links by taking satellites Inasa Nakamura The University of Tokyo Japan Umed Karimov Tadjikistan
SC06-17-02 Arc index of Kanenobu knots Hwa jeong Lee Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Republic of Korea
SC06-17-03 Stunted weighted projective spaces and orbifold Thom modules Nigel Ray University of Manchester UK
SC07-01 SC07-01-01 Construction of Leibniz algebras by Fock representation of model filiform Lie algebra Bakhrom Omirov Institute of Mathematics, National University of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Alexander Molev Australia
SC07-01-02 Quantum walled Brauer-Clifford superalgebras Ji Hye Jung Seoul National University Republic of Korea
SC07-01-03 Finite dimensional irreducible representations of generalized quantum groups and Weyl groupoids Hiroyuki Yamane University of Toyama Japan
SC07-02 SC07-02-01 On a property of strongly orthogonal sets Qendrim Gashi University of Prishtina Albania Hiroyuki Yamane Japan
SC07-02-02 Groupoids, Gelfand Models and other symmetric functions of the irreps. of a group G. Jorge Soto - Andrade University of Chile Chile
SC07-02-03 Quantization of the moment map on symplectic vector spaces and the oscillator representation Takashi Hashimoto Tottori University Japan
SC07-03 SC07-03-01 Limit formulas for minimal nilpotent orbits and Richardson orbits Mladen Bozicevic University of Zagreb Croatia Jae-Hoon Kwon Republic of Korea
SC07-03-02 Algebraic Frobenius manifolds, classical W-algebras and deformation of simple singularities Yassir Dinar University of Khartoum Sudan
SC07-03-03 Affine Kac-Moody symmetric spaces associated with exceptional untwisted affine Kac-Moody algebras SAUDAMINI NAYAK NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ,ROURKELA India
SC07-03-04 Explicit constructions of classical and affine $W$-algebras Alexander Molev University of Sydney Australia
SC07-03-05 Symmetric quiver Hecke algebras and R-matrices for quantum affine algebras Kim Myungho Korea Institute for Advanced Study Republic of Korea
SC08-01 SC08-01-01 Almost everywhere convergence of function series, uniform distribution mod 1 and GCD sums Christoph Aistleitner Kobe University Japan Dohan Kim Republic of Korea
SC08-01-02 Homologically best modules in classical and quantum functional analysis Alexander Helemskii Moscow State (Lomonosov) University Russian Federation
SC08-01-03 The logarithmic singularities of the Green functions of the conformal powers of the Laplacian Raphael Ponge Seoul National University Republic of Korea
SC08-02 SC08-02-01 Close-to-convexity of concave maps and their extreme points with respect to the structure of the Hornich space Bappaditya Bhowmik Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur India Christoph Aistleitner Japan
SC08-02-02 Integral representation for meta-monogenic function in Clifford algebras and applications Antonio Di teodoro Departamento de Matematicas Venezuela
SC08-02-03 Weighted criteria for multilinear fractional integrals Alexander Meskhi A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute of I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Georgia
SC08-03 SC08-03-01 On the Riemann-Hilbert problem in the domains with non-smooth boundaries Vakhtang Kokilashvili A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute of I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Georgia TBA  
SC08-03-02 Derivative free regularization method for non-linear Ill-posed equations Santhosh George National Institute of Technology Karnataka India
SC08-03-03 Fairway-function method in the study of integral operators with two variable boundaries and their applications Elena Ushakova Computing Centre of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Federation
SC08-04 SC08-04-01 Inverting generalized functions Evelina Erlacher Vienna University of Economics and Business Austria Jaydeb Sarkar India
SC08-04-02 Generalized Weyl's theorem for operator matrices Il ju An Kyunpook National University Republic of Korea
SC08-04-03 Boundedness and compactness of the integral operators in weighted Sobolev space Ryskul Oinarov L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Kazakhstan
SC08-05 SC08-05-01 On a new characterization of baire-1 functions Jonald Fenecios Ateneo de Davao University Philippines Evelina Erlacher Austria
SC08-05-02 On some approximation problems Tsira Tsanava Georgian Technical University Georgia
SC08-05-03 Generalized conditional Wiener integrals with drift and initial distribution on an analogue of Wiener space Dong hyun Cho Kyonggi University Republic of Korea
SC08-06 SC08-06-01 On nuclearity of operators with s-nuclear adjoints Oleg Reynov Saint Petersburg State University Russian Federation Jaeyoung Chung Republic of korea
SC08-06-02 Fourier series and delta-subharmonic functions in half-plane. Konstantin Malyutin Sumy State University Ukraine
SC08-06-03 Contraction mappings and Banach fixed point theorem in linear 2-normed spaces Harikrishnan Panackal Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University, Manipal India
SC08-07 SC08-07-01 Finitely generated ideals in Fréchet algebras and a famous problem of Gleason in the theory of SCV Shital Patel MEFGI, Rajkot affiliated with the Gujarat Technological University India Maria Skopina Russian Federation
SC08-07-02 On boundary value problems for linear elliptic complex partial differential equations in multiply connected domains A. okay Celebi Yeditepe University Turkey
SC08-07-03 Truncated Toeplitz operators and their normality on finite dimensional spaces Ji Eun Lee Sejong University Republic of Korea
SC08-08 SC08-08-01 Frame-like wavelet expansions Maria Skopina Saint Petersburg State University Russian Federation Paul Hagelstein USA
SC08-08-02 The partial-isometric crossed product of $C^\ast$-dynamical system associated to a pair of primes Sriwulan Adji Universiti Malaya Indonesia
SC08-08-03 Multiplier theorem on the heisenberg gand applications Miloud Assal Instirue of Mathematics Tunisia
SC08-09 SC08-09-01 Solyanik estimates in harmonic analysis Paul Hagelstein Baylor University USA A. Okay Celebi Turkey
SC08-09-02 Essential closures Songkiat Sumetkijakan Chulalongkorn university Thailand
SC08-09-03 Class of bounded operators associated with an atomic system Sam Johnson National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal India
SC08-10 SC08-10-01 On generalization of Sierpinski's theorem on universal power series and its application Shakro Tetunashvili A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute of I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Georgia Eungil Ko Republic of Korea
SC08-10-02 Ergodic properties of non-homogeneous Markov chains on ordered Banach spaces Farrukh Mukhamedov International Islamic University Malaysia Malaysia
SC08-10-03 S-Toeplitzness of the products of weighted composition operators and their adjoints Sungeun Jung Ewha Womans University Republic of Korea
SC08-11 SC08-11-01 Weak type inequalities for maximal and fractional integral operators on Morrey spaces Idha Sihwaningrum Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Indonesia Eugeny Smirnov Russian Federation
SC08-11-02 Invariant means and measures for hypergroups Benjamin Willson Hanyang University Republic of Korea
SC08-11-03 Subspace-hypercyclic operators on Hilbert space Ruben Martinez-Avendano Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo Mexico
SC08-12 SC08-12-01 A characterization of compactness for singular integral operators Francisco Villarroya alvarez University of Lund Sweden Ruben Martinez-Avendano Mexico
SC08-12-02 Homological methods in the theory of Hausdorff spectra Eugeny Smirnov Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University Russian Federation
SC08-12-03 Extracting a well conditioned submatrix and the paving conjecture Pierre Youssef University of Alberta Canada
SC08-12-04 Submodules and quotient modules of the Hardy module over polydisc Jaydeb Sarkar Indian Statistical Institute India
SC08-13 SC08-13-01 Some sharp restriction inequalities on the sphere Emanuel Carneiro IMPA - Rio de Janeiro Brazil Jong Kyu Kim Republic of Korea
SC08-13-02 Composite dilation wavelets with high degrees Tian-xiao He Illinois Wesleyan University USA
SC08-14 SC08-14-01 From resolvent estimates to unique continuation for the Schr\"{o}dinger equation Ihyeok Seo Korea Institute for Advanced Study Republic of Korea Tian-xiao He USA
SC08-14-02 Estimation of polynomials of exponents on a finite interval Mher Martirosyan Yerevan State University Armenia
SC08-14-03 Fractional integration operators of variable order: continuity and compactness properties Mikhail Lifshits St.Petersburg State University Russian Federation
SC08-15 SC08-15-01 A new approach to study the variants of cantor sets Renu Chugh Maharashi Dayanand University, Rohtak India Oleg Reynov Russian Federation
SC08-15-02 Convergence rates in regularization for a system of nonlinear ill-posed equations with m-accretive operators Jong Kyu Kim Kyungnam University Republic of Korea
SC08-15-03 Quasiconformal convergence groups acting on higher dimensional domains Jianhua Gong United Arabic Emirates University United Arab Emirates
SC08-16 SC08-16-01 On Abel summability of Jacobi polynomials series, the Watson kernel and applications Wilfredo Urbina Roosevelt University USA Monika Winklmeier Colombia
SC08-16-02 On some ${}^*$-biautomorphism groups of partial $O^*$-algebras Godwin Ekhaguere University of Ibadan Nigeria
SC08-16-03 Numerical radii for tensor products of operators Pei Yuan Wu National Chiao Tung University Taiwan
SC08-17 SC08-17-01 A class of periodic $p$-adic distributions Zohid Tugyonov Institute of Mathematics Uzbekistan Pei Yuan Wu Taiwan
SC08-17-02 The general traveling wave solutions of the Fisher type equations and some related problems Wenjun Yuan Guangzhou University China
SC08-17-03 Unitary orbits and decompositions of positive matrices Eun-young Lee Kyungpook National University Republic of Korea
SC08-18 SC08-18-01 A monogenic version of Riesz theorem on harmonic conjugates Karen Avetisyan Yerevan State University Armenia Wenjun Yuan China
SC08-18-02 Variational principles for the Dirac equation in the Kerr-Newman metric Monika Winklmeier Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota Colombia
SC08-18-03 The wave equation with fractional derivatives Sanja Konjik Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad Serbia
SC08-19 SC08-19-01 Fundamental domains and analytic continuation of general Dirichlet series Dorin Ghisa York University Canada Anatoly Kochubei Ukraine
SC08-19-02 The primitive ideals of the Cuntz-Krieger algebra of a row-finite higher-rank graph with no sources. Sooran Kang University of Otago New Zealand
SC08-19-03 Discrete spectral synthesis on varieties Laszlo Szekelyhidi University of Botswana Botswana
SC08-20 SC08-20-01 Cachy type means on one-parameter C0-Group of operators Matloob Anwar National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad Pakistan Sooran Kang New Zealand
SC08-20-02 Khintchine inequality for sets of small measure Sergey Astashkin Samara State University Russian Federation
SC08-20-03 Generalized consistent sampling and reconstruction in arbitrary Hilbert spaces Dae gwan Lee KAIST Republic of Korea
SC08-21 SC08-21-01 Non-Archimedean operator algebras Anatoly Kochubei National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine Dorin Ghisa Canada
SC08-21-02 Discrete complex analysis: convergence results Mikhail Skopenkov IITP RAS Russian Federation
SC08-21-03 Muckenhoupt weights and Lindel\"of theorem for harmonic mappings David Kalaj University of Montenegro Montenegro
SC08-22 SC08-22-01 The c-isoperimetric mass of surfaces and the c-Plateau problem Leobardo Rosales Korea Institute for Advanced Study Republic of Korea Guixiang Hong Spain
SC08-22-02 Parabolic Stein Manifolds Azimbay Sadullaev professor Uzbekistan
SC08-22-03 On the hyperreflexivity of subspaces of Toeplitz operators on regions in the complex plane Marek Ptak University of Agriculture in Krakow Poland
SC08-23 SC08-23-01 Noncommutative maximal ergodic theorems for spherical means on the Heisenberg group Guixiang Hong CSIC Spain Leobardo Rosales Republic of Korea
SC08-23-02 Lipschitz conditions and the distance ratio metric Slavko Simic Mathematical Institute SANU Serbia
SC08-23-03 Besov regularity for parabolic initial boundary value problems Ivana Gomez CONICET-UNL Argentina
SC08-23-04 Interpolating refinable function vectors having reflexive filter components Jaewon Jung Ajou University Republic of Korea
SC08-23-05 On Fourier transforms and q-special functions Ruiming Zhang Northwest A&F University China
SC09-01 SC09-01-01 Conjugations, renormalizations and rigidity for piecewise-smooth circle maps Akhtam Dzhalilov Professor Uzbekistan Seonhee Lim Republic of Korea
SC09-01-02 On the deficiency index of even order symmetric differential expressions with essential spectrum Marian Roque University of the Philippines Diliman Philippines
SC09-01-03 Caratheodory’s existence theorem of generalized order differential equations by using Ascoli’s lemma Samir Hadid Ajman University of Science and Technology United Arab Emirates
SC09-02 SC09-02-01 An application of Green's function Abdolrahman Razani Imam Khomeini International University Iran Minkyu Kwak Republic of Korea
SC09-02-02 On properties of solutions to a class of systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations with parameters Inessa Matveeva Novosibirsk State University Russian Federation
SC09-02-03 Classes of systems of ordinary differential equations of higher dimension Gennady Demidenko Novosibirsk State University Russian Federation
SC09-03 SC09-03-01 Lyapunov type inequalities and stability criteria for linear periodic planar Hamiltonian systems under impulse effect Zeynep Kayar METU Turkey Gennady Demidenko Russian Federation
SC09-03-02 Nonlocal boundary value problems with resonant or non-resonant conditions Xuxin Yang Hunan First Normal University China
SC09-03-03 Interrelation of different type solutions of boundary value problems Felix Sadyrbaev Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia Latvia
SC09-04 SC09-04-01 On solutions of one class of quasi-linear second order differential equations Kordan Ospanov L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Kazakhstan Hyeong-Ohk Bae Republic of Korea
SC09-04-02 On the existence of sign-changing radial solutions to nonlinear $p$-Laplacian equations in $\mathbb{R}^n$ Wei-Chuan Wang National Quemoy University Taiwan
SC09-04-03 Initial value problem for differential equation with Caputo derivative Assia Guezane-lakoud Badji Mokhtar Annaba University Algeria
SC09-05 SC09-05-01 Vector field approach for solvability of two-point nonlinear boundary value problems Felix Sadyrbaev Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia Latvia Kordan Ospanov Kazakhstan
SC09-05-02 On S-shaped bifurcation curves for the one-dimensional perturbed Gelfand problem Shin-hwa Wang National Tsing Hua University Taiwan
SC09-05-03 On the first instability interval of the string equation Yan-hsiou Cheng National Taipei University of Education Taiwan
SC09-06 SC09-06-01 Global bifurcations of limit cycles Valery Gaiko National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Belarus Shin-hwa Wang Taiwan
SC09-06-02 Interacting global invariant sets in a planar map model of wild chaos Bernd Krauskopf The University of Auckland New Zealand
SC09-06-03 Conjugacy and asymptotic equivalence of impulsive differential equations in Banach space Andrejs Reinfelds Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Latvia
SC09-07 SC09-07-01 Shadowing, structural stability, and solvability of systems of linear difference equations along orbits Dmitry Todorov Saint Petersburg State University Russian Federation Christiane Rousseau Canada
SC09-07-02 Boundary value problem for two singularly perturbed differential equations in the extended area of stability Abubakir Dzhuraev Mathematica Kyrgyzstan
SC09-07-03 On the dynamics of an oil price model Teodoro Lara Universidad de los Andes Venezuela
SC09-08 SC09-08-01 A model for malaria disease with age-structured human population Joel Addawe University of the Philippines Baguio Philippines Dong Han Kim Republic of Korea
SC09-08-02 Fredholm operators, evolutionary semigroups and periodic solutions of nonlinear periodic systems Rinko Miyazaki Shizuoka University Japan
SC09-08-03 Hardy and opial type inequalities and their applications on differential equations Samir Saker Mansoura University Egypt
SC09-09 SC09-09-01 Modulus of analytic classification of unfoldings of non resonant irregular singularities of linear differential systems Christiane Rousseau University of Montreal Canada Ernesto Perez-Chavela Mexico
SC09-09-02 Convergence of the discounted Hamilton Jacobi equation Renato Iturriaga CIMAT Mexico
SC09-09-03 Continuity of Julia sets in $\mathbb{C}^2$ Raluca Tanase SUNY Stony Brook USA
SC09-10 SC09-10-01 A structure theorem for semi-parabolic Hénon maps Remus Radu SUNY Stony Brook USA Uijin Jung Republic of Korea 
SC09-10-02 On measures of maximal relative entropy and full support Jisang Yoo Ajou University Republic of Korea
SC09-10-03 Ergodic properties of skew products in infinite measure Patricia Cirilo UNESP/ IMJ Brazil
SC09-11 SC09-11-01 Reversibility of 1D Cellular Automata with reflective boundary conditions and arbitrary radius Hasan Akin Zirve University Turkey Remus Radu USA
SC09-11-02 A Counter Example of Fundamental Theorem of Algebra: Extended Blaschke Mapping David Ni Direxion technology Taiwan
SC09-11-03 Expansive measures CA Morales UFRJ-Brazil Brazil
SC09-12 SC09-12-01 On dynamical systems with specification-like properties Dominik Kwietniak Jagiellonian University in Krakow Poland Carlos Morales Brazil
SC09-12-02 Structure of transition classes fibers of factor maps between shifts of finite type with unequal entropies Uijin Jung Ajou University Republic of Korea
SC09-12-03 Pattern generation problems arising in multiplicative integer systems Wen-Guei Hu National Chiao Tung University Taiwan
SC09-13 SC09-13-01 $C^1$-generically, expansive homoclinic classes of vector fields are hyperbolic. Seunghee Lee Chungnam National University Republic of Korea Khosro Tajbakhsh Iran
SC09-13-02 Generic weak measure expansiveness in dynamical systems Jiweon Ahn Chungnam National University Republic of Korea
SC09-13-03 Robust dynamics of generically n-expansive systems Bowon Kang Chungnam National University Republic of Korea
SC09-14 SC09-14-01 Robust limit shadowing on Homoclinic classes Junmi Park Chungnam National University Republic of Korea Namjip Koo Republic of Korea
SC09-14-02 Modern shadowing theory: some results and problems Sergey Pilyugin St.Petersburg State University, Russia Russian Federation
SC09-14-03 Compacta as attractors of IFS's and Borsuk's conjecture Valeriu Gutu Moldova State University Moldova
SC09-15 SC09-15-01 Local limit theorem and Martin boundary on covers of hyperbolic manifolds Seonhee Lim Seoul National University Republic of Korea Jeong-Yup Lee Republic of Korea
SC09-15-02 A general result on ergodicity of plane billiards Roberto Markarian Universidad de la Republica Uruguay
SC09-15-03 Invariant measures for critical coverings of the circle Edson Vargas Sao Paulo University Brazil
SC09-16 SC09-16-01 Renormalization operator for multimodal maps Daniel Smania ICMC/USP Brazil Sergey Pilyugin Russian Federation
SC09-16-02 Some properties of components of fatou sets Ajaya Singh Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal Nepal
SC09-16-03 Continuity of fiber Julia sets for polynomial skew products on ${\bf C}^2$ Shizuo Nakane Tokyo Polytechnic University Japan
SC09-17-01 Stability switch and periodic solutions in delayed three-species model Juancho Collera University of the Philippines Baguio Philippines Sangtae Jeong Republic of Korea
SC09-17-02 Separatrix splitting in a Hamiltonian bifurcation problem Vassili Gelfreich University of Warwick UK
SC09-17-03 An isospectral problem for global conservative solutions of the Camassa-Holm equation Aleksey Kostenko University of Vienna Austria
SC09-18 SC09-18-01 Variational method with SPBC and periodic solutions of the Newtonian N-body problem Zhifu Xie Virginia State University USA Aleksey Kostenko Austria
SC09-18-02 Effectiveness of disease intervention mechanisms for vector-borne diseases in the presence of human population movement in Africa Sehjeong Kim United Arab Emirates University United Arab Emirates
SC09-18-03 Characterization of the ergodicity of 1-Lipschitz functions on $\mathbb{Z}_2$ using the $q$-Mahler basis Sangtae Jeong Inha University Republic of Korea
SC09-19 SC09-19-01 On the periodic structures obtained by alternating maps Ziyad AlSharawi Sultan Qaboos University Oman Le Huy Tien Vietnam
SC09-19-02 Local entropy for finite-time nonautonomous dynamical systems Hoang duc Luu Institute of Mathematics, Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology Vietnam
SC09-19-03 Geometric configurations of singularities (finite and infinite) for quadratic differential systems Nicolae Vulpe Academy of Science of Moldova Moldova
SC09-20 SC09-20-01 Relative equilibria in spaces of constant negative curvature Ernesto Perez-Chavela UAM-Iztapalapa Mexico Minkyu Kwak Republic of Korea
SC09-20-02 Generalization of planar central configurations on the case of a non-sperical central body Sergey Zhuravlev Moscow State Automobile/Road Technical University Russian Federation
SC09-20-03 Problems of optimal control of phase systems Maxat Kalimoldayev Institute of Informatics and control problems Kazakhstan
SC09-21 SC09-21-01 Transient analysis of unreliable M/M/n/n queueing system Ram Ghimire Kathmandu University Nepal Hee-dae Kwon Republic of Korea
SC09-21-02 On a mathematical model for the transmission of the dengue disease Lowilton Mirasol University of the Philippines Diliman Philippines
SC09-21-03 New probability-dependent gain scheduled control for discrete-time stochastic systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities Mathiyalagan Kalidass Yeungnam University Republic of Korea
SC09-22 SC09-22-01 Delay-dependent stability analysis for stochastic differential equations of neutral type Arthi Ganesan Yeungnam University Republic of Korea Sergey Zhuravlev Russian Federation
SC09-22-02 Exact multiplicity of positive solutions of a semipositone problem with concave-convex nonlinearity Kuo-chih Hung National Chin-Yi University of Technology Taiwan
SC09-22-03 On asymptotic properties of solutions to nonlinear higher order ordinary differential equations Irina Astashova Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian Federation
SC10-01 SC10-01-01 The dirichlet boundary problem for second order parabolic operators satisfying carleson condition Sukjung Hwang University of Edinburgh UK Chong-kyu Han Republic of Korea
SC10-01-02 Multiple periodic solutions for the Hamiltonian bifurcation system Tacksun Jung Kunsan National University Republic of Korea
SC10-01-03 The summability and convergence of the eigenfunction expansions of the polyharmonic operator on closed domain Anvarjon Ahmedov Professor Malaysia
SC10-02 SC10-02-01 Analysis of boundary value problems and optimal control problems for nonlinear systems of complex heat transfer Alexander Chebotarev Far Eastern Federal University and Institute for Applied Mathematics FEB RAS Russian Federation Andrey Shishkov Ukraine
SC10-02-02 About Dirichlet boundary value problem for the heat equation in the infinite angular domain Muvasharkhan Jenaliyev Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling Kazakhstan
SC10-02-03 Hausdorff measure of the singular set in the incompressible magnetohydrodynamic equations Minsuk Yang KIAS Republic of Korea
SC10-03 SC10-03-01 Stokes waves on rotational flows with counter-currents Vladimir Kozlov Linkoping University Sweden Anvarjon Ahmedov Malaysia
SC10-03-02 Solvability of quasi-linear Cauchy-Riemann equations for several complex variables Chong-kyu Han Seoul National University Republic of Korea
SC10-03-03 Steady subsonic Euler flows with large vorticity past a body or through a channel Chunjing Xie Shanghai Jiao Tong University China
SC10-04 SC10-04-01 Localization of singularities of solutions to semi-linear parabolic and elliptic equations with degenerate absorption potential Andrey Shishkov Institute of Appl.Math and Mech. of NAS of Ukraine Ukraine Jaiok Roh Republic of Korea
SC10-04-02 Unique continuation property of solutions to anomalous diffusion equations Gen Nakamura Inha University Republic of Korea
SC10-04-03 Recent progress in the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities (the continuity of the best constant, symmetry breaking of extremels and so on) Toshio Horiuchi Faculty of Science Ibaraki university Japan
SC10-05 SC10-05-01 Finite time blow up for a 1D model of 2D Boussinesq system Kyudong Choi University of Wisconsin-Madison USA Toshio Horiuchi Japan
SC10-05-02 On the analysis of a coupled kinetic-fluid model Young-Pil Choi Imperial College London UK
SC10-05-03 Initial-boundary value problems for the generalized Zakharov--Kuznetsov equation Andrei Faminskii Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Russian Federation
SC10-06 SC10-06-01 The long time behavior of sooth solutions for the 2D Euler equations Jaiok Roh Hallym University Republic of Korea Young-Pil Choi United Kingdom
SC10-06-02 Fractional integro- differential equations and convolutions Adem Kilicman University Putra Malaysia Malaysia
SC10-06-03 Uniqueness and blow-up of solutions of semilinear parabolic equation with nonlinear nonlocal boundary conditions Alexander Gladkov Belarusian State University Belarus
SC10-07 SC10-07-01 $L^p$ gradient estimates for non-uniform elliptic equations Li-ming Yeh National Chiao Tung University Taiwan Jongmin Han Republic of Korea
SC10-07-02 Laplace-Beltrami equation on hypersurfaces and $\Gamma$-convergence Roland Duduchava Andrea Razmadze Mathematical Institute Georgia
SC10-07-03 On decay properties of solutions of the $k$-generalized KdV equation Felipe Linares IMPA Brazil
SC10-08 SC10-08-01 On the existence and uniqueness for the Boltzmann equation with soft-potential collision kernels Yong-kum Cho Chung-Ang University Republic of Korea Li-ming Yeh Taiwan
SC10-08-02 Existence and singularity construction of mixed type differential equation Zhuoping Ruan Nanjing University China
SC10-08-03 On the navier-stokes system with variable density and navier friction boundary conditions. Elder J Villamizar-Roa Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia
SC10-09 SC10-09-01 Estimates of the eigenvalues of a robin problem with large parameter Alexey Filinovskiy N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University Russian Federation Yong-kum Cho Republic of Korea
SC10-09-02 Lifespan of classical discontinuous solutions to general quasilinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws with small BV initial data Zhiqiang Shao Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002 China
SC10-09-03 Bifurcation analysis of the damped Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation Jongmin Han Kyung Hee University Republic of Korea
SC10-10 SC10-10-01 Finite time blowup for mass critical fourth-order NLS Yonggeun Cho Chonbuk Natonal University Republic of Korea Hiroyuki Takamura Japan
SC10-10-02 Classical solutions for nonlinear fractional diffusion equations Arturo Depablo Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spain
SC10-10-03 Regularity of solutions to mixed interface crack problems David Natroshvili Georgian Technical University Georgia
SC10-11 SC10-11-01 Exact analytical solution for partial differential equilibrium equations Hung -kuk Oh Ajou University Republic of Korea Zhuoping Ruan China
SC10-11-02 Existence and properties of solutions of degenerate anisotropic elliptic variational inequalities Alexander Kovalevsky Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, NAS of Ukraine Ukraine
SC10-11-03 Vanishing viscosity for variable density asymmetric fluids Pablo Braz e silva Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Brazil
SC10-12 SC10-12-01 Pointwise nonlinear stability estimates for periodic traveling wave solutions of systems of reaction-diffusion equations Soyeun Jung Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) Republic of Korea Arturo Depablo Spain
SC10-12-02 Existence and asymptotic behavior of solutions to stationary Navier-Stokes flows Zhengguang Guo Wenzhou University China
SC10-12-03 The final problem on the optimality of the general theory for nonlinear wave equations and related topics Hiroyuki Takamura Future University Hakodate Japan
SC10-13-01 Solving the periodic Toda lattice with self-consistent source Gayrat Urazboev Urgench State University Uzbekistan Young-sam Kwon Republic of Korea
SC10-13-02 Asymptotic analysis of topological derivative based elasticity imaging functionals Abdul Wahab COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Wah Cantt. Pakistan Pakistan
SC10-13-03 Explicit Riemannian manifolds with unexpectedly behaving center of mass Carla Cederbaum Tubingen University Germany
SC10-14 SC10-14-01 Cauchy problem for nonlinear Schrodinger equation with combined power type nonlinearities Runzhang Xu Harbin Engineering University China Carla Cederbaum Germany
SC10-14-02 Combinatorial optimization problems and partial regularity of Yang-Mills minimizers in supercritical dimension Mircea Petrache Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 France
SC10-14-03 Asymptotic limit to a shock for BGK models using relative entropy method Young-sam Kwon Dong-A University Republic of Korea
SC10-15 SC10-15-01 Helmholtz and Yukawa potentials, harmonic measure and Brownian motion Antti Rasila Aalto University Finland Mircea Petrache France
SC10-15-02 Free-boundary problem for flows of viscous heat-conducting and self-gravitating gas Morimichi Umehara University of Miyazaki Japan
SC10-15-03 Optimal bounds for degenerate parabolic equations on noncompact manifolds Anatoli Tedeev Head of the department of equations of mathematical physics Ukraine
SC10-16 SC10-16-01 Spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation for relativistic particles Seok-bae Yun Sungkyunkwan Univeristy Republic of Korea TBA  
SC10-16-02 Global well-posedness of compressible Navier-Stokes equations with large data Yi Wang Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences China
SC10-16-03 Solvability of the mixed boundary value problem for stationary magnetohydrodynamic equations Gennady Alekseev Institute of Applied Mathematics FEB RAS Russian Federation
SC10-16-04 Homogenization in periodic porous media via periodic unfolding Rachad Zaki Khalifa University United Arab Emirates
SC11-01 SC11-01-01 Extensions of the Chowla-Selberg series formula with physical applications Emilio Elizalde Institute for Space Studies, CSIC Spain Yuya Dan Japan
SC11-01-02 Differential and difference Galois theory approaches to supersymmetric quantum mechanics Primitivo belen Acosta-humanez Universidad del Norte Colombia
SC11-01-03 Nonplanar integrability Hai Lin Harvard University USA
SC11-02 SC11-02-01 $CP(N)$ to $CP(\infty)$: Symmetries and cohomology of the background independent quantum mechanics Aalok Pandya JECRC University, Jaipur India Emilio Elizalde Spain
SC11-02-02 Exactly constructed model of non-relativistic quantum mechanics with random environment Ashot Gevorkyan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems NAS of Armenia/ LIT JINR, Dubna, Russia Armenia
SC11-02-03 On some spectral properties of non-local discrete Schr\"odinger operators with non-negative potentials Zahriddin Muminov University Putra, Malysia Malaysia
SC11-03 SC11-03-01 Riesz means of bound states for Schrödinger operators Yuya Dan Matsuyama University Japan Hai Lin United States of America
SC11-03-02 Bright and dark solitons interactions with localized $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric potentials N. Karjanto Nazarbayev University Kazakhstan
SC11-03-03 Cross-talk dynamics of optical solitons and robust on-off switching in a hybrid broadband Kerr nonlinear system Quan Nguyen International University, Vietnam National University, Hochiminh City Vietnam
SC11-04 SC11-04-01 Threshold effects for the systems of two and three particles on lattices Saidakhmat Lakaev Professor, Dr. Uzbekistan Zouhair Mouayn Morocco
SC11-04-02 Quantization and superization: Making new stars from old moons Gizem Karaali Pomona College USA
SC11-04-03 Heat trace of Laplace type operators on spheres Ivan Avramidi New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology USA
SC11-05 SC11-05-01 Last-passage algorithms for the charge density on a conducting surface Chi-ok Hwang Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, GIST College Republic of Korea Gizem Karaali United States of America
SC11-05-02 Symmetries and conservation integrals of nonlocal elastic fields Saeja Kim University of Massachusetts Dartmouth USA
SC11-05-03 Effect of suspended particles on thermosolutal instability in Rivlin-Ericksen fluid in the presence of horizontal magnetic field. Sanjeev Kumar Vallabh Govt. College Mandi, Distt. Mandi(H.P.) India
SC11-06-01 Similarity solution of magnetogasdynamic spherical shock wave in a non-ideal gas under gravitational field with conductive and radiative heat fluxes G. Nath Moti lal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad India Nishanth Gudapati  Germany
SC11-06-02 Sharp nonlinear stability criteria for a thermomagnetic flow iin porous media Saravanan Shanmugam Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641 046, Tamil Nadu India
SC11-06-03 Coherent states quantization and formulae for the Berezin transform. Zouhair Mouayn Faculty of Sciences & Technics Morocco
SC11-07 SC11-07-01 On the inverse scattering problem with repulsive potentials Atsuhide Ishida Otemon Gakuin University Japan Chi-ok Hwang Republic of Korea
SC11-07-02 Existence of a ground state of relativistic quantum electrodynamics with cutoffs Toshimitsu Takaesu Gunma University Japan
SC11-07-03 A product formula for the eigenfunctions of a quartic oscillator Martin Hallnas Loughborough University UK
SC11-08 SC11-08-01 Recent advances in quantum control Alexander Pechen Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Federation Atsuhide Ishida Japan
SC11-08-02 Mathematical techniques in the computation of Casimir interaction between spheres Lee peng Teo University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus Malaysia
SC11-08-03 On the connectedness of solution sets of quantum stochastic differential inclusions Ezekiel Ayoola University of Ibadan, Nigeria
SC11-09 SC11-09-01 Phase diagram in a classical multi-type WR model Izabella Stuhl University of Sao Paulo Brazil Lee peng Teo Malaysia
SC11-09-02 Critical self-gravitating wave maps Nishanth Gudapati Albert Einstein Instiute, Max Planck Society Germany
SC11-09-03 Energy Extraction and Particle acceleration around rotating black hole in Horava-Lifshitz gravity Bobomurat Ahmedov Institute of Nuclear Physics Uzbekistan
SC11-10 SC11-10-01 The quantization of mathematics and its implications in cosmology Guang Chen ren-min north road, No 1999, Songjiang, Shanghai China Tatyana Turova Sweden
SC11-10-02 Shadow of rotating non-Kerr black hole Ahmadjon Abdujabbarov Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
SC11-10-03 On gowdy symmetric spacetimes in supergravity theory Makoto Narita Okinawa National College of Technology Japan
SC11-11 SC11-11-01 A refinement of Lovelock’s theorem Jose Navarro Universidad de Extremadura Spain Izabella Stuhl Brazil
SC11-11-02 Numerical investigation of pulsatile blood flow through a flexible artery - effects of catheter, tapering angle and velocity slip J V Ramana Reddy Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (Deemed University), Pune India
SC11-11-03 Modeling of tsunami waves via cellular nonlinear networks Angela Slavova Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Bulgaria
SC11-11-04 Ising model on random planar Lorentzian triangulation Tatyana Turova Lund University Sweden
SC11-11-05 Lie symmetries of the Ricci and energy-momentum tensors Khalid Saifullah Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad Pakistan
SC11-11-06 Axially symmetric cosmological models with anisotropic dark energy Pradyumn kumar SAHOO Birla Institute of Technology & Science-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus India
SC12-01 SC12-01-01 Phase transitions in the edge-triangle exponential random graph model Mei Yin Brown University USA Bertrand Duplantier France
SC12-01-02 Harnack inequalities on weighted graphs Sebastian Andres University of Bonn Germany
SC12-01-03 Second-order least-squares estimation for regression models with ARMA errors: asymptotic properties and simulation results Dedi Rosadi Gadjah Mada University Indonesia
SC12-02 SC12-02-01 Applications of the Discrete It\^o formula Alexandra Rodkina University of the West Indies Jamaica Mei Yin United States of America
SC12-02-02 Valuation of financial product for weather risk management Philip Ngare University of Nairobi Kenya
SC12-02-03 Fractional stochastic active scalar equations generalizing the multi-D-Quasi-Geostrophic and 2D-Navier-Stokes equations. Latifa Debbi University of M'sila Algeria
SC12-03 SC12-03-01 Random billiards and diffusivity in multiple scattering systems Timothy Chumley Iowa State University USA Seung Yeop Lee Republic of Korea
SC12-03-02 Stable and semistable probability measures on convex cone Phuc Ho Dang Institute of Mathematics, VAST Vietnam
SC12-03-03 About reliability in multi-server computer networks Saulius Minkevicius Senior researcher Lithuania
SC12-03-04 Logarithmic asymptotics of the densities of SPDEs driven by spatially correlated noise Marta Sanz-Sole University of Barcelona Spain
SC12-04 SC12-04-01 Random matrix corners processes Vadim Gorin Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA Panki Kim Republic of Korea
SC12-04-02 Extremal eigenvalues and eigenvectors of deformed wigner matrices Ji oon Lee KAIST Republic of Korea
SC12-04-03 Palm resolution and restore density formulae of the Ginibre random point field Hirofumi Osada Kyushu University Japan
SC12-05 SC12-05-01 Markov dynamics on interlacing arrays Leonid Petrov Northeastern University USA Hirofumi Osada Japan
SC12-05-02 On a non-uniform bound of the normal approximation for the binomial distribution and its application Vladimir Chebotarev Computing Center of the Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Federation
SC12-05-03 Gaussian mixture approximations to nonlinear stochastic filtering problem Kai Li Uppsala University Sweden
SC12-06 SC12-06-02 Lognormal cure-rate model for survival data Noor Ibrahim Universiti Putra Malaysia Malaysia Leonid Petrov United States of America
SC12-06-02 On the Construction and Malliavin differentiability of Levy noise driven SDE's with singular coefficients Frank Proske University of Oslo Norway
SC12-06-02 Modeling of rainfall data using the space time model Budi nurani Ruchjana Universitas Padjadjaran Indonesia
SC12-07 SC12-07-01 Optional martingales and their applications Karen Gasparyan Yerevan State University Armenia Balint Virag Canada
SC12-07-02 Limit theorems for nonnegative independent random variables with truncation Toshio Nakata FUkuoka University of Education Japan
SC12-07-03 L¥'{e}vy measure density corresponding to the inverse local time and the asymptotic behavior Tomoko Takemura Nara Women's University Japan
SC12-08 SC12-08-01 Hitting distributions of stable processes via path censoring and self-similarity Juan Carlos Pardo CIMAT Mexico Tomoko Takemura Japan
SC12-08-02 Multiscale analysis of a perpetual Americal option with the stochastic elastictiy of variance Jihun Yoon Seoul National University Republic of Korea
SC12-09 SC12-09-01 Efficient numerical method for pricing an American put option Beom jin Kim Yonsei University Republic of Korea Juan carlos Pardo Mexico
SC12-09-02 The spectral method and the central limit theorem for the general Markov chains Sergey Nagaev Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Russian Federation
SC12-09-03 Analyzing directed, complex networks using random-walk based approaches Natasa Djurdjevac conrad Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) Germany
SC12-10 SC12-10-01 On the construction of a Markov process associated with some pseudo-differential operator Viktoriya Knopova V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine Ukraine Panki Kim Republic of Korea
SC12-10-02 Hunt's hypothesis (H) and Getoor's conjecture Ze-chun Hu Nanjing University China
SC12-10-03 Macroscopic and microscopic structures of the family tree for a critical decomposable branching process Vladimir Vatutin Steklov Mathematical Institute Russian Federation
SC12-11 SC12-11-01 A necessary and suffcient condition for the non-trivial limit of the derivative martingale in a branching random walk Xinxin Chen Universite Paris VI France Ze-chun Hu China
SC12-11-02 Estimating moments of a selected Pareto population under asymmetric scale invariant loss function Riyadh Al-Mosawi Thiqar University Iraq
SC12-11-03 Bootstrap for the sample mean of the dependent Hilbert space-valued random variables and its applications. Olimjon Sharipov Institute of Mathematics, National University of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
SC12-12 SC12-12-01 Certain periodically correlated multi-component locally stationary processes Saeid Rezakhah Amirkabir University of Technology Iran Xinxin Chen France
SC12-12-02 Necessary and sufficient conditions for Hölder continuity of Gaussian processes Tommi Sottinen University of Vaasa Finland
SC12-12-03 Pathwise integrals and Ito-Tanaka formula for Gaussian processes and extensions Lauri Viitasaari Aalto University School of Science Finland
SC12-13 SC12-13-03 The minimum sampling numbers of time series for better generalized space time autoregressive modeling Utriweni Mukhaiyar Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia Nam-gyu Kang Republic of Korea
SC12-13-01 Detection of changes in the time series generating mechanism via the $\epsilon$-complexity of continuous function Alexandra Piryatinska San Francisco State University USA
SC12-13-01 Nonparametric inference for network statistics Kun-lin Kuo National University of Kaohsiung Taiwan
SC12-14 SC12-14-01 Valuation of american option under variance gamma process Ferry jaya permana Tjhin Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung Indonesia Kun-lin Kuo Taiwan
SC12-14-02 Persistent homology and markov chain Giseon Heo University of Alberta Canada
SC12-14-03 Stochastic regression clustering and its model selection using MCMC Ling Ding University of Melbourne Australia
SC12-14-04 A new type of reflected backward doubly stochastic differential equations Auguste Aman UNIVERSITE FELIX HOUPHOUET BOIGNY, COCODY Ivory Coast
SC13-01 SC13-01-01 The number of spanning trees of complete colorful complexes Ghodratollah Aalipour Hafshejani Kharazmi University Iran Edy Tri Baskoro Indonesia
SC13-01-02 A graph-theoretical model for a family of nonlinear dynamical systems Dorothy Bollman University of Puerto Rico PuertoRico
SC13-01-03 Graphs in lattices with non-concurrent longest cycles Ayesha Shabbir GCU, Lahore Pakistan
SC13-02 SC13-02-01 Asymptotic expansions and computation of generalized Stirling numbers and generalized Stirling functions Tian-xiao He Illinois Wesleyan University USA Dorothy Bollman Puerto Rico
SC13-02-02 Frobenius partitions and a generalized basic series Garima Sood Panjab University India
SC13-02-03 Some enumeration results between posets and graphs Gab byung Chae Wonkwang University Republic of Korea
SC13-03 SC13-03-01 Large schroder paths by types and symmetric functions Sangwook Kim Chonnam National University Republic of Korea Tian-xiao He United States of America
SC13-03-02 On the enumeration of generalized periodic Horadam sequences Ovidiu Bagdasar University of Derby UK
SC13-03-03 Ramsey algebras Wen chean Teh Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysia
SC13-04 SC13-04-01 On some higher dimensional partitions Agustin Moreno National University of Colombia Colombia Taeil Yi United States of America
SC13-04-02 Bijections for lattice paths between two boundaries Sergi Elizalde Dartmouth College USA
SC13-04-03 On the classification of hyperovals Florian Caullery CNRS / Aix Marseille Universite France
SC13-05 SC13-05-01 On the toric ideal of a matroid Michal Lason Polish Academy of Sciences Poland Agustin Moreno Colombia
SC13-05-02 Tessellating polycubes in the 3-dimensional space Chih-Hung Yen National Chiayi University Taiwan
SC13-05-03 On the construction of three colorable planar graphs Ibrahim Cahit Arkut Near East University Turkey
SC13-06 SC13-06-01 The four-color map theorem:"Kempe’s fallacious proof repaired" Ibrahim Cahit Arkut Near East University Turkey Michal Lason Poland
SC13-06-02 A classification of unlabeled $n$-trees for brain tumor treatment planning Taeil Yi University of Texas at Brownsville USA
SC13-06-03 Trees having many minimal dominating sets Marcin Krzywkowski Polish Academy of Sciences Poland
SC13-07 SC13-07-01 Direct comparison of the variable Zagreb indices of cyclic graphs Batmend Horoldagva Mongolian State University of Education Mongolia Ko-wei Lih Taiwan
SC13-07-02 Minors and Tutte invariants for alternating dimaps Graham Farr Monash University Australia
SC13-07-03 The Frame-Stewart conjecture Andreas Hinz LMU Munich Germany
SC13-08 SC13-08-01 Fault-tolerant metric dimension of amalgamation of graphs Hazrul Iswadi Universitas Surabaya Indonesia Andreas Hinz Germany
SC13-08-02 Oriented graphs with large directed metric dimension Rinovia Simanjuntak Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia
SC13-08-03 Energy and Laplacian energy of graphs Shariefuddin Pirzada University of Kashmir India
SC13-09 SC13-09-01 On some unsolved graph coloring problems Tommy Jensen Kyungpook National University Republic of Korea Graham Farr  Australia 
SC13-09-02 On the equitable coloring of graphs with high maximum degree Ko-wei Lih Academia Sinica Taiwan
SC13-09-03 The maximum nullity of a complete subdivision graph is equal to its zero forcing number Leslie Hogben Iowa State University and American Institute of Mathematics USA
SC13-10 SC13-10-01 Certificates for algebraic properties of graph polynomials Kerri Morgan Monash University Australia Suil O United States of America
SC13-10-02 Negative correlation and counting subgraphs Arun Mani The University of Melbourne Australia
SC13-10-03 On palindromic independence polynomials - a short survey Eugen Mandrescu Holon Institute of Technology Israel
SC13-11 SC13-11-01 Graphs with Cyclomatic Number Three having Panconnected Square, II Sirirat Singhun Ramkhamhaeng University Thailand Arun Mani Australia
SC13-11-02 Hamiltonicity in directed toeplitz graphs Shabnam Malik Forman Christian College (a Chartered University) Pakistan
SC13-11-03 Applications of KKT method in combinatorial problems Ebrahim Ghorbani K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran Iran
SC13-12 SC13-12-01 Edge-connectivity and eigenvalues in regular multigraphs Suil O Georgia State University USA Eugen Mandrescu Israel
SC13-12-02 On the Laplacian spectra of product graphs Sasmita Barik Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar India
SC13-12-03 Graph automorphisms from the geometric viewpoint Wen-Xue Du Anhui University China
SC13-13 SC13-13-01 On the Ramsey $(G,H)$-minimal graphs Edy Tri Baskoro Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Indonesia Hsin-Hao Lai Taiwan
SC13-13-02 An identity of Ramsey numbers Kai-Rui Wang Yunnan University China
SC13-13-03 Cores of imprimitive symmetric graphs of order a product of two distinct primes Sanming Zhou The University of Melbourne Australia
SC13-14 SC13-14-01 Bondage number of product graphs Vijayakumar Ambat COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY India Jin-Hui Fang China
SC13-14-02 Paired-neighbourhood set on interval graphs Lakshmi Naidu Yendamuri Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning India
SC13-14-03 Independent restrained dominating sets and some realization problems Sergio jr. Canoy MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology Philippines
SC13-15 SC13-15-01 Secure-dominating number of strong product of graphs Hsin-Hao Lai National Kaohsiung Normal University Taiwan Kai-Rui Wang China
SC13-15-02 Path double covers of a graph K.r. Singh National Institute of Technology India
SC13-15-03 Every $\{K_{1,3}, P_5\}$-free graph has a spanning Halin subgraph. Suil O Georgia State University USA
SC13-16 SC13-16-01 Graphs admitting $k$-NU operations Mark Siggers Kyungpook National University Republic of Korea Sang June Lee Republic of Korea
SC13-16-02 On the (super) edge-magic deficiency of some classes of graphs Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Universitas Merdeka Malang Indonesia
SC13-16-03 An application of labeled graphs to solve linear congruence Suresh Hegde NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KARNATAKA India
SC13-17 SC13-17-01 The $P_3$-magicness of trees with at most eight vertices Tita Khalis Maryati State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Indonesia Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Indonesia
SC13-17-02 On super $(a,d)$-edge-antimagic total labeling of generalized extended w-trees Muhammad Javaid FAST-National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Block-B, Faisal Town, Lahore, PAKISTAN Pakistan
SC13-17-03 On the expansion of total edge irregular graphs Slamin Slamin Universitas Jember Indonesia
SC13-18 SC13-18-01 DNA graph characterization for line digraph of dicycle with chords Denny Riama Silaban University of Indonesia Indonesia Suh-Ryung Kim Republic of Korea
SC13-18-02 Harmonious labelings on some products of graphs Kiki A. Sugeng University of Indonesia Indonesia
SC13-18-03 Universality of random graphs for graphs of maximum degree two Sang June Lee Duksung Women's University Republic of Korea
SC13-19-01 Excluded vertex-minors for linear rank-width at most k O-joung Kwon KAIST Republic of Korea Mitchel T. Keller United States of America
SC13-19-02 All-to-all broadcast problem of graphs under the half duplex all-port model Fei-huang Chang National Taiwan Normal University Taiwan
SC13-19-03 Identifying codes and searching with balls in graphs Younjin Kim KAIST Republic of Korea
SC13-20 SC13-20-01 Polynomial sequence associated to stochastic subgroup. Ana Luzon Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Spain Seunghyun Seo Republic of Korea
SC13-20-02 Trace formulas and a bilinear form from leonard systems Jose Maria Balmaceda University of the Philippines Diliman Philippines
SC13-20-03 On thin irreducible $T$-modules with endpoint 1 Arlene A. Pascasio De La Salle University Philippines
SC13-21 SC13-21-01 Alexander duals of multipermutohedron ideals Ajay Kumar IISER Mohali India Ana Luzon Spain
SC13-21-02 Posets with cover graph of pathwidth two have bounded dimension Mitchel T. Keller Washington and Lee University USA
SC13-21-03 Extension of eulerian graphs and digraphs Akram Attar Faculty of Edu.for Pure Scinces Iraq
SC13-22 SC13-22-01 All sums of $h$ distinct terms of a sequence Jin-Hui Fang Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology China Suyoung Choi Republic of Korea
SC13-22-02 On compressed sensing matrices of better column size Challa S. Sastry Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad India
SC13-22-03 Counting root sublattices and generalized Stirling numbers Tomohiro Kamiyoshi Matsue College of Technology Japan
SC13-23 SC13-23-01 Graph invariants arising from toric topology Suyoung Choi Ajou University Republic of Korea Sang-il Oum Republic of Korea
SC13-23-02 Codes from incidence designs of graphs Jirapha Limbupasiriporn silpakorn university Thailand
SC13-23-03 Spectral properties of He matrix for honeycomb lattice Faqir Bhatti Lahore University of Management Sciences Pakistan
SC13-23-04 On subdivision of a simplicial complex Sarfraz Ahmad COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, LHR Pakistan
SC13-23-05 Quasi affine symmetric design from algebraic geometry point of view Sanjeevani Gharge ramnarain ruia college India
SC14-01 SC14-01-01 Kolmogorov's prediameter Mirbulat Sikhov L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University Kazakhstan Matthew England United Kingdom
SC14-01-02 Adaptations of inequalities by Cheeger and Grothendieck and their applications in signal and image processing Afonso Bandeira Princeton Univerity USA
SC14-01-03 Quantum computational algorithm for hidden symmetry subgroup problems on semi-direct product of cyclic groups Jeong San Kim University of Suwon Republic of Korea
SC14-02 SC14-02-01 Courcelle's theorem for triangulations Benjamin Burton The University of Queensland Australia Jeong San KIM Republic of Korea
SC14-02-02 Truth table invariant cylindrical algebraic decomposition Matthew England University of Bath UK
SC14-02-03 A quantum signature scheme based on the quantum McEliece cryptosystem Taewan Kim Ewha Womans University Republic of Korea
SC14-03-01 A shock coupled image enhancement filter for data-dependant multiplicative noise removal Jidesh Pacheeripadikkal National Institute of Technology, Karnataka India Jon-Lark Kim Republic of Korea
SC14-03-02 The $\epsilon$-complexity of continuous functions Boris Darkhovsky Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Federation
SC14-03-03 De-randomization of cryptographic multilinear maps and decryption of fully homomorphic encryption Eun-Kyung Kim Ewha womans university Republic of Korea
SC14-04 SC14-04-01 Optimal subcodes and optimum distance profiles of self-dual and formally self-dual codes Jon-Lark Kim Sogang University Republic of Korea Boris Darkhovsky Russian Federation
SC14-04-02 Subspace codes and grassmannian codes from matrix codes and their distance properties Virgilio Sison University of the Philippines Los Banos Philippines
SC14-04-03 A 3D shape model on the Yeh-Wiener space Jeong-Gyoo KIM Yonsei University Republic of Korea
SC15-01 SC15-01-01 Sparse approximation of over-determined linear systems and applications Phanindra Varma Jampana IIT Hyderabad India Chang-Ock Lee Republic of Korea
SC15-01-02 Localization theorems for quaternionic matrices Sk Safique Ahmad Indian Institute of Technology Indore India
SC15-01-03 Robust nonnegative matrix factorization Hyenkyun Woo Korea Institute for Advanced Study Republic of Korea
SC15-02 SC15-02-01 Recovery problems of infinitely smoothness functions Saule Makhatova L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University Kazakhstan Phanindra Varma Jampana India
SC15-02-02 Analysis of the a posteriori error for a bilateral obstacle problem El Bekkaye Mermri Faculty of Science, University Mohammed Premier Morocco
SC15-02-03 The problem of numerical differentiation in the context of computational (numerical) diameter (C(N)D) Axaule Zhubanysheva L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Kazakhstan
SC15-03 SC15-03-01 On approximation: Gauss versus Chebyshev, and Lagrange versus Hermite-Fej\'{e}r Shuhuang Xiang Central South University China Do Young Kwak Republic of Korea
SC15-03-02 Reconstruction operators with interesting convexity preserving properties and associated subdivision schemes in nonuniform meshes. Juan carlos Trillo Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena (UPCT) Spain
SC15-03-03 On the Constants in Inverse Inequalities in $L_2$ Sevtap Ozisik Rice University USA
SC15-04 SC15-04-01 A new numerical efficient method for system of Singular Voltera integro-differential equation Vineet Kumar Singh Indian Institute of Technology(BHU), Varanasi India Myungjoo Kang Republic of Korea
SC15-04-02 Numerical solution of Cauchy type singular integral equation Subash Chandra Martha Indian Institute of Technology Ropar India
SC15-04-03 Exact and approximate algorithms for computing geometric shortest paths Phan thanh An Institute of Mathematics Vietnam
SC15-05 SC15-05-01 High order strong approximations of semilinear stochastic wave equation Xiaojie Wang Central South University China Phan Thanh An Vietnam
SC15-05-02 On a new bivariate spectral homotopy method analysis approach for solving Fisher's equation Sandile Motsa University of Kwa-Zulu Natal South Africa
SC15-05-03 An enhanced algorithmic method for the computation of higher derivatives of composite functions and their ranges Chin-yun Chen National Chiayi University Taiwan
SC15-05-03 Circulant block preconditioners for the stream function form of the Navier-Stokes equations FAISAL FAIRAG KFUPM Saudi Arabia
SC15-06 SC15-06-01 Analysis of numerical methods for the Monge-Ampere equation Gerard Awanou University of Illinois at Chicago USA Tamaz s. Vashakmadze Georgia
SC15-06-02 An efficient higher order accurate finite difference scheme for solving two dimensional elliptic equations with discontinuities. Hari vansh rai Mittal Indian Institute of Technology Mandi India
SC15-06-03 Researches of Random "Algebraic" Numbers Nurlan Temirgaliyev L.Gumilyov Eurasian national university Kazakhstan
SC15-07 SC15-07-01 Speed up of MLMC using restriction operator for PDEs with random coefficients Myoungnyoun Kim National Institute for Mathematical Sciences Republic of Korea Gerard Awanou United States of America
SC15-07-02 Numerical approximation of complex order modified Bessel functions Juri Rappoport Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Federation
SC15-07-04 Runge-Kutta method for directly solving special third order delay differential equations Fudziah Ismail Universiti Putra Malaysia Malaysia
SC15-08-01 A non-overlapping domain decomposition method based on augmented Lagrangian Eun-Hee Park Kangwon National University Republic of Korea Juri Rappoport Russian Federation
SC15-08-02 To problem of reliable calculation of coefficients and roots of secular equation Tamaz S. Vashakmadze Head of Deartment of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics , Emeritus-Professor of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Georgia
SC15-08-03 A family of fourth order weighted mean based methods for solving system of non-linear equations Saima Akram Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan Pakistan Pakistan
SC15-09 SC15-09-01 Duality schemes for solving semicoercive variational inequalities in mechanics Robert v. Namm Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Science Russian Federation Alexander Zlotnik Russian Federation
SC15-09-02 Efficient semi-analytic method for solving nonlinear fractional differential equations Bongsoo Jang UNIST Republic of Korea
SC15-09-03 Delay-dependent stability of Runge-Kutta time discretizations for delay partial differential equations Chengming Huang Huazhong University of Science and Technology China
SC15-10 SC15-10-01 A reliable scheme to solve differential equations via homotopy analysis method using the stochastic arithmetic Mohammad Ali Fariborzi Araghi Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch Iran Bongsoo Jang Republic of Korea
SC15-10-02 Implementation of a new local error estimation in the adaptive ode23 and ode45 odesolvers Elisabete Alberdi Celaya University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Spain
SC15-10-03 Robust simulation of diffusion models in localized domain Kailash c. Patidar University of the Western Cape South Africa
SC15-11 SC15-11-01 Higher order numerical methods for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in unbounded domains Alexander Zlotnik National Research University Higher School of Economics Russian Federation Kailash c. Patidar South Africa
SC15-11-02 A comparative study of iterative solvers for image de-noising using Crank-Nicolson scheme. Subit K Jain Indian Institute of Technology Mandi India
SC15-11-03 A finite volume method with adaptive mesh refinement for the shallow water equations Sudi Mungkasi Sanata Dharma University, Mrican, Tromol Pos 29, Yogyakarta 55002 Indonesia
SC15-12 SC15-12-01 Numerical solutions of steady 2D incompressible viscous flow with heat transfer at low,moderate and high Re. nos. with slip wall boundary conds by FVM Vusala Ambethkar University of Delhi India Gangjoon Yoon Republic of Korea
SC15-12-02 Error estimates of a stabilized characteristics finite element scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations Hirofumi Notsu Waseda University Japan
SC15-12-03 A Fourier collocation method for the higher-order Boussinesq equation Gulcin Mihriye Muslu Istanbul Technical University Turkey
SC15-13 SC15-13-01 Supra-convergences of Shortley-Weller method Gangjoon Yoon Ewha womans university Republic of Korea Hirofumi Notsu Japan
SC15-13-02 Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition in solid-fulid interaction Chohong Min Ewha university Republic of Korea
SC15-13-03 Pseudo-spectral least squares method for coupled Stokes-Darcy equation Peyman Hessari Kyungpook National University Republic of Korea
SC15-14 SC15-14-01 A predictor-corrector hp-finite element method for the Poisson equation in polygonal domains Boniface Nkemzi Faculty of Science, University of Buea Cameroon Chohong Min Republic of Korea
SC15-14-02 An iterative procedure using a mixed finite element methods for biharmonic equation Debasish Pradhan Defence Institute of Advanced Technology India
SC15-14-03 Lagrange multiplier method with non-matching grid for hyperbolic problems Ajit Patel The LNM Institute of Information Technology India
SC15-15 SC15-15-01 Approximation methods for boundary integral equations on curves with corners Victor Didenko Universiti Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam Gulcin Mihriye Muslu Turkey
SC15-15-02 A fast direct solver for quasi-periodic scattering problems with multiple material interfaces June-Yub Lee Ewha Womans University Republic of Korea
SC15-15-03 An improved binomial method using cell averages in finance Kyoung-sook Moon Gachon University Republic of Korea
SC15-16 SC15-16-01 Discrete singular convolution element methods for pricing options Edson Pindza university of pretoria South Africa June-Yub Lee Republic of Korea
SC15-16-02 Two point nonlinear boundary value problems over semi-infinite domains: a coupled ABC and spline collocation approach Ali Sayfy American University of Sharjah United Arab Emirates
SC15-16-03 A hybrid finite difference/finite element method for the acoustic wave equation Siyang Wang Uppsala University Sweden
SC15-16-04 Enumeration of the prime pairs and Brun's constant computation Daisuke Ishii Okayama University of Science Japan
SC16-01 SC16-01-01 Robust controllability of convex processes under structured perturbations Son Nguyen khoa Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Vietnam Do Sang Kim Republic of Korea
SC16-01-02 Formation control of a team of $n$-link doubly nonholonomic mobile manipulators Bibhya Sharma The University of the South Pacific Fiji
SC16-01-03 Modeling optimal social distancing and vaccination against influenza Eunha Shim University of Tulsa USA
SC16-02 SC16-02-01 Stabilization of compactly coupled Euler-Bernoulli equations with delay terms in the boundary conditions Salah eddine Rebiai University of Batna Algeria Eunha Shim United States of America
SC16-02-02 Semi-implicit penalty scheme for constrained convex optimization Juan Peypouquet Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria Chile
SC16-02-03 Performance analysis of extended kalman filter through difference equations Jothilakshmi Ramakrishnan Tiruvalluvar University India
SC16-03 SC16-03-01 Topological and structural optimization of designs Asatur Khurshudyan Yerevan State University Armenia Salah eddine Rebiai Algeria
SC16-03-02 Optimal control of a parabolic equation with singular arc Joseph frederic Bonnans Ecole Polytechnique France
SC16-03-03 Optimality and duality for nonsmooth multiobjective optimization problems Do Sang Kim Pukyong National University Republic of Korea
SC16-04 SC16-04-01 Duality for multi-composed convex programming problems Gert Wanka Chemnitz University of Technology Germany Gue myung Lee Republic of Korea
SC16-04-02 On the solvability of the problem of the boundary control of thermal processes described by the Fredholm integro-differential equation Akylbek Kerimbekov Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University Kyrgyzstan
SC16-04-03 Partial reflection groups and distance geometry of Henneberg graphs Leo Liberti IBM Research USA
SC16-05 SC16-05-01 On the minimization and maximization of product of two concave functions Enkhbat Rentsen National University of Mongolia Mongolia Gert Wanka Germany
SC16-05-02 Optimality conditions and uniqueness of solutions in optimization in terms of first and second approximations Quoc Khanh Phan International University of Hochiminh City Vietnam
SC16-05-03 Metric regularity and the stability of the boundary of the feasible set in linear optimization Virginia Vera de serio Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Argentina
SC16-06 SC16-06-01 On nonsmooth optimality theorems for robust multiobjective optimization problems Gue myung Lee Pukyong National University Republic of Korea Leo Liberti United States of America
SC16-06-02 Boundary control approach to inverse spectral and dynamical problems Karlygash Nurtazina L.Gumilyov Eurasian National University Kazakhstan
SC16-06-03 Trajectory controllability of second order nonlinear integro-differential system-an analytical and a numerical estimations Dimplekumar Chalishajar Virginia Military Institute USA
SC16-07 SC16-07-01 Transport equation on a network of circles with a persistently excited damping Guilherme Mazanti Ecole Polytechnique and Inria Saclay, Team GECO France Youngmok Jeon Republic of Korea
SC16-07-02 On discretization of continuous-time control systems Zbigniew Bartosiewicz Bialystok University of Technology Poland
SC16-07-03 Optimal control of sedimentation in rivers and canals Aurea Martinez University of Vigo Spain
SC16-08 SC16-08-01 Controlling eutrophication in a moving domain Lino Alvarez-vazquez University of Vigo Spain Aurea Martinez Spain
SC16-08-02 Global stabilization of linear time-varying delay systems with bounded control Phat Vu N. Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology Vietnam
SC16-08-03 Stochastic averaging and stochastic extremum seeking Shu-Jun Liu Southeast Univeristy China
SC16-09 SC16-09-01 On worst-case optimal investment and consumption under a stochastic interest rate Tina Engler Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Germany Hyun-min Kim Republic of Korea
SC16-09-02 Descent-conjugate gradient algorithm for split variational inclusion problems in Hilbert spaces Chih-sheng Chuang National Sun Yat-sen University Taiwan
SC16-09-03 Estimation of parameters appearing in a shallow arch Junhong Ha Koreatech Republic of Korea
SC17-01 SC17-01-01 How to survive industry projects as a mathematician Thorsten Koch Zuse Institute Berlin / Technische Universitat Berlin Germany Fajar Adi Kusumo Indonesia
SC17-01-02 Elliptic scalar multiplication based on integer decomposition method for cryptographic use Ruma kareem k. Ajeena Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysia
SC17-01-03 Classical and quantum mechanics aspects from observer's mathematics point of view Boris Khots Compressor Controls Corporation USA
SC17-02 SC17-02-01 On the existence and uniqueness of mathematical models matching experimental data in biological system Jae kyoung Kim The Ohio State University USA Thorsten Koch Germany
SC17-02-02 Solving techniques for partial integro-differential equations arising in viscoelasticity Jeong-mi Yoon University of Houston-Downtown USA
SC17-02-03 Unsteady mixed convection flow of heat and mass transfer adjacent to a vertical stretching sheet with g-jitter and internal heat generation Sharidan Shafie Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Malaysia
SC17-03 SC17-03-01 Wavelet methods for two dimensional inverse heat conduction problems Pammy Manchanda GuruNanak Dev University India Sharidan Shafie Malaysia
SC17-03-02 Image inpainting formulated as Cauchy problems Maher Moakher Tunis El Manar University Tunisia
SC17-03-03 Hopf bifurcation of the tumor therapy model with oncolytic virus Fajar Adi Kusumo Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia
SC17-04 SC17-04-01 New algorithms for matrix spectral factorization and wavelet construction Lasha Ephremidze Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Tbilisi State University Georgia Koukung alex Chang Taiwan
SC17-04-02 Diffusion approximations and optimality of scheduling algorithms for processor-sharing queues in a random environment of Markov fading MIMO channels Wanyang Dai Nanjing University China
SC17-04-03 Two dimensional maintenance service contracts for dump trucks used in mining industry Hennie Husniah universitas langlangbuana -kopertis wil iv Indonesia
SC17-05 SC17-05-01 Drugs, herbicides and numerical simulations Hermann Mena University of Innsbruck Austria Wanyang Dai China
SC17-05-02 Application of wavelet transform to inverse biometrics Abul hasan Siddiqi Sharda University India
SC17-05-03 Seismic waves in composite porous medium containing two immiscible fluids Ashish Arora Punjab Technical University India
SC17-06 SC17-06-01 Heat flux solution of heat generation or absorption on MHD Stagnation point of Jeffrey Fluid embedded in porous medium Abdul Rahman Mohd Kasim UTM Malaysia Hermann Mena Austria
SC17-06-02 Thermosolutal convection in a compressible Walters’(model B’ ) elastico-viscous fluid in the presence of uniform rotation in porous medium Sanjeev Kumar Vallabh Govt. College Mandi, Distt. Mandi(H.P.) India
SC17-06-03 Computational modelling of unsteady MHD flow with mass transfer past a convectively heated porous plate Oluwole daniel Makinde Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X2, Saldanha 7395 South Africa
SC17-07 SC17-07-01 Dynamics of a pore size compositional flow Koukung alex Chang National Pingtung University of Education Taiwan Arvind Gupta India
SC17-07-02 Numerical method for solving a parametric identi cation problem for the measuring devices with self-check of eigenstate Natalia Yaparova South Ural State University (National Research University) Russian Federation
SC17-07-03 On exotic sphere fibrations, topological phases, and edge states in physical systems Hai Lin Harvard University USA
SC17-08 SC17-08-01 Analyses of backward-looking effect with multiple information of leading vehicles in a lattice model Poonam Redhu IIT Ropar India Hyeong-ohk Bae Republic of Korea
SC17-08-02 Non-local Lagrangian model for modfied quantum gravity Emilio Elizalde Institute for Space Studies, CSIC Spain
SC17-08-03 On the evaluation of options for depressed markets Youssef El-khatib United Arab Emirates University United Arab Emirates
SC17-09 SC17-09-01 Co-receptor CD8-mediated modulation of T-cell receptor functional sensitivity and epitope recognition degeneracy Barbara Szomolay University of Warwick UK Emilio Elizalde Spain
SC17-09-02 Lojasiewicz exponent of Kuramoto model and applications Zhuchun Li Harbin Institute of Technology China
SC17-09-03 Graph theory principles in disease dynamics in birds Arni S.R. Srinivasa Rao 1120 15th Street, Augusta USA
SC17-10 SC17-10-01 Phase transition in a three phase lattice hydrodynamic model with passing Arvind Gupta Indian Institute of Technology Ropar India Barbara Szomolay United Kingdom
SC17-10-02 Numerical computation on mass transfer of blood flow in coronary lesions with multiple stenoses Norzieha Mustapha Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Malaysia
SC17-10-03 Modelling effluent discharge plumes on a sloping beach using the solutions of advection diffusion equation with multiple point discharges Anton Purnama Sultan Qaboos University Oman
SC18-01 SC18-01-01 Becoming one with bifurcations in 3D! Itai Seggev Wolfram Research, inc USA Miryam Berezina Israel
SC18-01-02 Focus on computational mathematics as a vehicle for transformation of the educational experience, and its far reaching consequences at UMass Dartmouth Saeja Kim University of Massachusetts Dartmouth USA
SC18-01-03 Korean traditional frieze patterns according to mathematical classification Hyunyong Shin Korea National University of Education Republic of Korea
SC18-02 SC18-02-01 Modeling of a mobile laboratory for linear algebra using Sage and Knowl Kyung-Won Kim Sungkyunkwan University Republic of Korea Saeja Kim United States of America
SC18-02-02 MathLibre: computer environment for mathematical education and presentation Tatsuyoshi Hamada Fukuoka University Japan
SC18-02-03 Real-time online mathematical communication in post-secondary education Marco Pollanen Trent University Canada
SC18-02-04 Proving and web assignments Miryam Berezina ORT Braude College Israel
SC18-02-05 The encoding and exposure of semantic mathematical content: highlights and future directions from the Sloan Foundation-sponsored eCF project Eric Weisstein Wolfram|Alpha LLC USA
SC19-01 SC19-01-01 Early printed geometry textbooks in Iran Gregg De young The American University in Cairo Egypt Tuladhar Bhadra Man Nepal
SC19-01-02 Theoretical development of the Hamilton-Jacobi theory through the old quantum theory in the early twentieth century Michiyo Nakane Nihon University Research Institute of Science & Technology Japan
SC19-01-03 The wave equations as the model of the Schrödinger equations Shigeru Masuda Kyoto University Japan
SC19-02 SC19-02-01 Surrealism and paradox in mathematics and art Young hee Kye Kosin University Republic of Korea Gregg De Young Egypt
SC19-02-02 A cultural survey on the conception of the infinite Po-hung Liu National Chin-Yi University of Technology Taiwan
SC19-02-03 Data archive and arithmetic calculation in Nepal in 18th century Tuladhar Bhadra man Kathmandu University Nepal
Day6 History Symposium 1 Invited Lecture 1        Hourya Bénis Sinaceur France
2 Invited Lecture 2      
3 Invited Lecture 3      
4 Arithmetic versions of Book II of Euclid’s Elements and the development of algebraic equations, from the 13th to the 17th century  Leo Corry Tel-Aviv University Israel
5 Equations as written diagrams and diagrammatic formulas  Karine Chemla CNRS & University Paris Diderot France
6 History of solving equations in Joseon mathematics  Sung Sa Hong Sogang University Republic of Korea
Day7 History Symposium 1 Revival of Chinese theory of equations in Joseon  Young Wook Kim Korea University Republic of Korea Jeremy Gray United Kingdom
2 Algebra in 18th century China  Tian Miao Institute for the history of Natural Sciences China
3 The determinant in the traditional Japanese mathematics  Mitsuo Morimoto Yokkaichi University Japan
4 Algebraic equations and diagrams in Cartesian geometry  Sebastien Maronne Directrice de recherches émérite, CNRS (Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique ) France Sangwook Ree Republic of Korea
5 Where the Galois group came from  Anjing Qu Northwest University China
6 Felix Klein’s Galois theory  Jeremy Gray Open University UK
7 Algebraic equations in analysis circa 1900: comparative remarks  Tom Archibald Simon Fraser University Canada Anjing Qu China
8 From numerical analysis to logical methods in the beginning of the XXth century  Hourya Bénis Sinaceur Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Institut d'ʹHistoire et Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST) France
9 Emmy Noether and Emil Artin: linking abstract algebra to number theory  Colin McLarty Case Western Reserve University USA
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